Evgeniya Valiyllina

City: Kemerovo
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16 PAPAI index
6 Publications in the journal


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The relevance of studying conflict behavior, ways of responding to conflicts and the ability to resolve conflict situations is due to the importance of the communication skills formation and personal self-regulation development. The study was conducted in order to examine the influence of an increased level of rigidity on the choice of behavior styles in conflict. The pronounced rigidity of the person influences the choice of passive strategies for resolving conflict situations. A person with increased indicators of mental rigidity is least likely to use the rivalry style among the active methods of responding to a conflict.
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Depression is a common affective disorder, and disturbances in the emotional sphere in this pathology are obvious. Emotionality acts as a psychological property of a person; recent studies have made it possible to determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of this virtue. In order to study the relationship between the characteristics of emotionality and the manifestations of depression at a young age, a study was conducted. In the course of the work, it was revealed that the somatic manifestations of depression are more pronounced with increased emotional excitability and significant negative influence of emotions; the cognitive-affective characteristics of depression can be determined by the general level of emotional excitability of the individual.
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Mental volitional processes are closely related to the value, semantic, emotional spheres, as well as with the motivational and needing components of the individual. In order to study the volitional potential and needs for self-development at a young age, a study was conducted with the use of psychological diagnostic techniques. The volitional potential of young men is more pronounced than indicators of willpower among girls, and it encourages young people to intensify their activities in achieving their goals. Meeting the needs for self-development is ensured by a number of psychological qualities, the most significant of which is the volitional potential of the individual.
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The article presents the results of a study devoted to the need for success and emotionalism of a person. Emotional response plays a significant role in the motivational sphere and the sphere of personal needs (incentive, reflective, evaluative). An increase of emotionalism will result in the increase of the indicators of the need for success; when positive emotions arise from the success achievement, the desire to get similar results again and the emotional effect from them increases, thereby increasing the motivation for achievement.
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The article presents the research results of perceived control locus influence on the level of procrastination at a young age. The negative correlation between the level of internality and procrastination is revealed. That correlation indicates that external individuals are more likely than internal ones to postpone their affairs "for later".