Elena Kapitanec

City: Chelyabinsk
54 Publications in RSCI
7 H-index
17 PAPAI index
11 Publications in the journal


The article is devoted to psychological and pedagogical correction fears of preschool children. The study developed "tree of objectives", considers the model of psycho-pedagogical correction fears children of preschool age 5-6 years, as the basis for the design of the program psycho.
The article is devoted to the formation of the self-assessment of preschool children 5-6 years old. It is shown that self-esteem in children is formed in the preschool years. A study on the formation of self-evaluation of preschool children using the "ladder" techniques VG Schur, "Draw yourself" A.M.Prihozhan, "Cactus" MA Panfilova. The model of formation of the self-assessment of preschool children 5-6 years old.
This article deals with the phenomenon of interpersonal relations and their correction at the senior preschool children with visual impairment . The results of the diagnosis.
The article details a comprehensive program of psycho-pedagogical correction of properties of attention of senior preschool children with speech disorders; presented the goals, objectives, structure, class, goals and objectives of each of the 20 classes; called principles of the Programme.
Annotation. In the article the influence of anxiety on aggressive behavior in adolescence; shows how anxiety causes aggression in adolescents, explained the results of research carried out by the methods Spielberger - Khanin and the Dark Bass.