Olga Gordienko

City: Krasnodar
0 Publications in RSCI
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8 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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The authors analyze the historical and cultural content of the concept "war" in the annex to the Caucasian war of the nineteenth century with antinomies in it (war –world; enemy – ally, active destruction – passive con-templation; slavery and tyranny –freedom of the individual and so on.). There is a comparison of individual copyright concepts related to the level of occurrence of the author in a situation of war, the conclusion of the reflection in the concept of "war" the complete rejection of the Caucasian War, the Russian people, forced to participate.
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The paper deals with the educational activities of a university from the point of view of classroom training. The authors describe didactic games, activating the learning process during the teaching of Science and Humanities. The results of the students’ survey on the preference for certain forms of gaming training sessions. Based on the results presented in the table and the histogram, the authors make the conclusion about the preference for active learning and individual didactic games.