Keyword: «adolescence»

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The article deals with the problem of determination of the teenager's personal sovereignty by the specifics of different types of parental relationship. The author analyzes the main characteristics of the types of parental attitudes and the perception of the image of the teenager by the parents for each of the types, in accordance with which the possible lines of development of personal sovereignty are determined.
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The article presents a theoretical analysis of approaches to understanding the vital strategies of the individual in foreign and domestic psychology. The typology of life strategies of various authors is considered, the development of life strategies in adolescence is described.
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The article describes the features and the formation of the self-construction of adolescent children. It defines the components of which consists the self-construction and their impact on the lives of adolescents. Based on the results of the experimental study, the leading component of identity of adolescent children – “Reflexive Self” was identified.
the article shows the study of the relationship between the parameters of parental attitudes and characteristics of achievement motivation in adolescents. The analysis of the relationship between the expression of indicators of achievement motivation in adolescents and the so-called "harmonious" and "inharmonious" types of education.
in the article the author considers the problem of interpersonal conflicts in the adolescent environment. In the course of the experiment, conflict sides of adolescent behavior, tendency to conflict situations were identified. Practical recommendations for the organization of preventive work of adolescents are given. The study will be useful for parents, teachers and psychologists.