Keyword: «conflict»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the reasons of interpersonal and innerpersonal conflicts appearing in pedagogical sphere, to the investigation of management methods in a modern pedagogical collective. The research was held in the pedagogical collective of a secondary school. The data of 50 teachers questionnaire were used in the article, the aim of which was to discover psychological comfort level, prevailing behavior style in a conflict situation and the conflict level of the collective.
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The author highlights the substantive aspect of the special course on the formation of readiness of the future teachers to resolve and prevent conflicts in educational work with students; defines the method of forming organizational and communication skills, ability to control their emotions and tolerant attitude towards students and colleagues, skills to analyze its operations and activities students to solve a variety of pedagogical and conflict situations, quickly make the best decisions in emerging situations, etc.
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Paper is devoted to mediation is the way to resolve conflicts, the challenges of implementing mediation in Russia, highlights the advantages of this method of dispute resolution.
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The article presents the correction of aggressiveness younger undergrowth Cove in situations of interper-sonal conflict (from among the pupils of the 6th grade). Is shown that the correction aggression in younger adolescents determines a country's strategy of behavior in conflict situations, the level of aggressiveness.
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The article presents the analysis of the formation of constructive ways of how to resolve conflicts among younger adolescents, depending on who is a widespread behavior in conflict situations, aggressive reac-tion-tion and personal factors.