Keyword: «self-consciousness»

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The article described methods of psycholinguistic expertise as a judicial expertise on example research book for teenagers. The article told the results of scientific modeling the influence semantic structure of the written language on consciousness teenagers.
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In the article the category of personality triad sign function components are software settings of personality development. Approved by the presence of a moral component to become a link in union formation of emotional and behavioral intelligence, individual adaptation to society.
The article presents a study of the level of self-confidence of younger teenagers . Disclosed concepts: self-esteem and adolescence . Results of studies on the self-esteem of younger teenagers procedures SA Budassi , TV Dembo , SJ Rubinstein , RS Nemov . These study results have confirmed that the self-esteem of younger teenagers in secondary education required for the development of specially developed psychological and educational programs.
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The article gives a brief theoretical overview of the main approaches to the study of self-consciousness in Russian psychology. This article presents a fragment of the pilot study devoted to forms of self-identity and individual style of decision-making in adolescence. The results of empirical studies of the relationship between self-identity forms and individual style of decision-making in adolescence are presented.
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The article describes the features and the formation of the self-construction of adolescent children. It defines the components of which consists the self-construction and their impact on the lives of adolescents. Based on the results of the experimental study, the leading component of identity of adolescent children – “Reflexive Self” was identified.