Keyword: «biosphere»

Thanks to modern scientific developments and technologies, scientists can determine the state of the biosphere, the complex laws of its functioning and development. The problem of the impact of human activities on the environment is of concern not only to the scientific community, but also to the General population, politicians, and governments of various countries. This article presents the facts of the increased influence of humanity on the biosphere and their possible consequences, which can lead to irreversible negative consequences.
In the famous work of The D. meadows group “Limits of growth” [6], food production was considered a fairly uncritical restriction of economic growth. It was assumed that it was possible to increase the acreage by 24%, widespread use of fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation agriculture, etc. Indeed, in the 70 s, such a strategy was called the "green revolution" and largely removed-at first – the tension in food supply. But no one expected that the overall economic and social development will lead, among other things, to a doubling of the World's population over the past 50 years, and mainly at the expense of the 3 countries of the world, whose ability to ensure the strategy of the "green revolution" was very limited. The dire consequences of such restrictions on food production in Central Africa and the horn of Africa are well known.The purpose of this work is to assess the soil potential of Russia as one of the limiting factors for the country's economic growth.
The article considers the causes and consequences of anthropogenic influence on the biosphere, through the laws of thermodynamics.
Over time, human activities have brought many species to the brink of extinction. In order to preserve natural diversity, the legal framework for animal and plant protection should be systematized, as well as measures to improve the effectiveness of legal regulations in this area.