Keyword: «commercial bank»

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The author describe the main factors, influencing customers’ choice of commercial bank; rate the factors by importance and single out the degree of significance of the selected factors.
The article reveals how commercial banks deal with problem loans, assessment of this work and its management.
This article deals with the key changes in the development of the banking system in general and commercial banks, in particular. The state of commercial banks of today is considered and some trends of their development are stated.
The article analyzes the credit activities of microfinance organizations in modern conditions of economic development. The author considers the features of lending to microfinance institutions, and offers a comparative analysis of credit activity of banks and microfinance organizations.
Investment activity of commercial banks includes activities to attract capital by using various market instruments real assets and stock values, with the objective of capital appreciation. The article describes the investment objectives of the banks to improve their profitability, financial stability and enhance the effectiveness of the whole. The basic tools that enable banks to achieve the relevant objectives: profit, risk diversification, the maintenance of liquidity. For detail assessment of investment activities of banks analyzed the composition and structure of banks ' investments in debt and equity instruments of the stock market. Also presents a brief analysis of the investment preferences of commercial banks, in respect of those instruments, which are typical for the current economic situation in the country.