Keyword: «developing training»

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This paper describes the possibility of constructing a system of geometric problems (namely, the equality signs triangles) based on the consideration of educational problems of open type, the supply of creative and meaningful perception of the material to promote the development of critical thinking of students
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The article is devoted to teaching students 5-7-graders solving logic problems. A brief description of the five copyright textbooks on mathematical logic for students, a more detailed analysis of methods for solving logic problems, are examples of such problems and their solutions
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The article presents the author's approach to the implementation of tiered teaching Russian language lessons in primary schools, including the methodological bases of formation of decision-making skills in ele-mentary school students.
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The authors emphasize the possibilities of the use of open problems in the teaching of mathematics, de-scribe a number of requirements for such tasks. Provides examples of the use of open and partially open tasks at different stages of math lesson to enhance the creative potential of high school students.
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The article is devoted to the questions of setting, approbation and introduction into the practice of the work of the educational institution of the course of additional mathematical education for students of the 5th and 6th grades "Developing Mathematics". The author points out the main aspects that influenced the selection of the content of the course, suggests a methodology for organizing classes in various forms based on modular structure of the course structure, as well as organizational and methodological recommendations for conducting the course in general education organizations.