Keyword: «educational standard»

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The author reveals the main standard requirements imposed to graduates sociologists (to experts and bachelors) by means of the comparative analysis of documents (educational standards).
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The article considers the concept of “quality management”, “simulation”, “model”; the main aspects of modeling. Attempts to formulate the basic requirements to build the proposed model of quality management of educational organizations, as well as the evaluation criteria.
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In modern conditions it is important not only to observe the structure of the curriculum and all educational program, but above all, to pay special attention to its contents, proper names of units, disciplines (modules), educational, work and pre-diploma practices, research papers, parts of the state final certification, electives. The purpose of the present article is consideration of the basic requirements for substantive registration of names components of the curriculum of educational programs of higher education for the levels of bachelor, specialist and master degrees.
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The article summarizes the practical experience of forming the research competencies of university students in the context of socialization. The classification of research competences developed by the author by types of activity can be of special practical importance for university lecturers.
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The article analyzes the projects of the State educational standards of pre-school education and primary general education with a view to implementing the requirements of general pedagogical principles of an integral pedagogical process. Analyzing the projects of the State educational Standards, we can talk about a sufficiently high degree of reflection in them of the requirements of general pedagogical principles of an integral pedagogical process, but at the same time there are remarks and recommendations that we consider expedient to take into account when making corrections to projects.