Keyword: «foreign military personnel»

The article deals with the results of an experiment confirming the possibility of providing the continuity of the development of foreign language communicative competence of foreign military personnel throughout the period of education in a military University (including the period of their absence, which is an integral part of the main professional educational program of higher education). Implementing in practice the scientific and theoretical model of the mediated pedagogical management of the Russian-language educational media by the microenvironment of the cadet's personality, the technology which was developed by us to provide the continuity of the development of foreign language communicative skills of foreign servicemen which has a pronounced cyclical nature of a continuous process that consists of six closed cycles corresponding to the stages of the main professional educational program of higher education. The results of the pedagogical experiment have confirmed the validity of our hypothesis that the introduction of our technology providing the continuity of the development of foreign language communicative skills of foreign military personnel in the military technical University on the basis of the indirect pedagogical management of the Russian-language educational media microenvironment of the cadet contributes to quality improvement of professional training of foreign military personnel in general and their foreign language communicative competence in particular.Ключевые слова: иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция, средовый подход, принцип непрерывности, иностранные военнослужащие, опосредованное педагогическое руководство, медиа микросреда.
The article deals with the basic principles, methods and techniques of working with professionally relevant lexical material at the preparatory course; examples of practical tasks on mastering the vocabulary of the military historical text are given. The author argues that in the development of communicative competence for the development of speech professional competence of foreign military specialists in the professional field as a special pragmatic form of verbal communication, an appropriate place and role should be assigned, and initially this should be thoughtfully and psychologically reinforced in the educational process. The author reveals the importance of studying various aspects of the language: Phonetics, vocabulary, lexicogrammatical system, and also mastering the phonetic, intonational, non-verbal culture of Russian communication. The article shows the features of the methodology of teaching discipline depending on the difficulties that arise in the process of mastering it.
the article deals with the features of professional culture and ethics of a higher school teacher in a higher military educational institution at a special faculty. The author highlights both General pedagogical principles of pedagogical deontology, such as humanism, tolerance, respect for the personality of the student, and important principles of professional activity of the teacher of the special faculty: taking into account the peculiarities of culture, national traditions and customs of students, especially the national education system of the countries from which foreign soldiers arrived for training, the level of Russian as a foreign language.
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This study deals with the problems of foreign military personnel adaptation in the system of pre-University training in higher military educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Due to the increasing contingent of foreign militaries, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 204 of May 7, 2018, we need a scientifically grounded approach to the process of foreign military personnel training in higher military schools of the Russian Federation, especially at the stage of preparatory course. In the main courses, foreign militaries are trained according to the approved guidelines for Russian cadets and students, but at the preparatory course, there are methodological flaws in the part related to the guidelines, namely in the list of competences that the graduate of the preparatory course should acquire. According to the author, one of the most important competences of the military University preparatory course graduate is that of adaptation. To successfully master this competence, which is formed from the types of adaptations, it is necessary to create a system of multi-aspect adaptation training. This system should include the interaction of several units of a military University: special faculty, Russian language chair, medical service, department for work with personnel, scientific work organization department. The aim of this study is to create a model of multi-aspect adaptation system of foreign personnel training on the basis of the modeling method together with the theoretical analysis and observation. The choice of method allows us to determine relations and functions of the system components, to investigate the principles of separate units’ interaction in the organization of the foreign military personnel training on the basis of the analysis and observation. The study revealed some drawbacks of the existing system of foreign military personnel training on the preparatory stage, such as the absence of adaptability competence, one of the main competences of the preparatory course graduate, which is not identified as one of the leading along with the communicative competence of the preparatory course graduate, and it is not reflected in the regulatory documents. In this regard, there are no methodological recommendations for this competence formation, and there is no controlling mechanism for mastering this competence. As a result of the study it is found that the model of the multi-aspect adaptation system of foreign military personnel training allows us: a) to eliminate methodological gaps in the regulatory documents; b) to involve additional units of the military University - medical service, department for work with personnel, scientific work organization department, along with the Russian language chair and the special faculty, in the systematic and consistent training of foreign personnel. The author also briefly describes, based on the results of the study, what functions should be performed by these units, and also offers methodological support for the system of multi-aspect adaptation training.