Keyword: «mediated pedagogical leadership»

The article deals with the results of an experiment confirming the possibility of providing the continuity of the development of foreign language communicative competence of foreign military personnel throughout the period of education in a military University (including the period of their absence, which is an integral part of the main professional educational program of higher education). Implementing in practice the scientific and theoretical model of the mediated pedagogical management of the Russian-language educational media by the microenvironment of the cadet's personality, the technology which was developed by us to provide the continuity of the development of foreign language communicative skills of foreign servicemen which has a pronounced cyclical nature of a continuous process that consists of six closed cycles corresponding to the stages of the main professional educational program of higher education. The results of the pedagogical experiment have confirmed the validity of our hypothesis that the introduction of our technology providing the continuity of the development of foreign language communicative skills of foreign military personnel in the military technical University on the basis of the indirect pedagogical management of the Russian-language educational media microenvironment of the cadet contributes to quality improvement of professional training of foreign military personnel in general and their foreign language communicative competence in particular.Ключевые слова: иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция, средовый подход, принцип непрерывности, иностранные военнослужащие, опосредованное педагогическое руководство, медиа микросреда.