Keyword: «junior schoolchild»

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Fiction is one of the most important means of harmonious development of personality. It is extremely extends human experience. The article considers the importance of this process, as the understanding of literary texts, teaching children, place this problem in the system of special psychology and pedagogy.
This article discusses the problem of school disadaptation in the aspect of speech and psychomotor development of younger schoolchildren. Different approaches to the definition of the concept of school disadaptation Inclusive approaches to teaching and educating children with special educational needs.
In the article the article deals with the problem of hyperactivity of junior schoolchildren. The concepts of hyperactivity and signs that are diagnostic symptoms of hyperactive students are analyzed. Methods for overcoming hyperactivity in younger school age are described.
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The article deals with the problem of weak performance of junior schoolchildren. The concepts of a weak student are analyzed. Describes the types of underachievement, depending on the number of subjects and the sustainability of the backlog. The reasons for the poor performance of junior schoolchildren are presented.
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In this article, the concepts and essence of integration are presented. The levels, as well as the ways of integration, are considered. The purpose of this study is to show the significance of the integration of school subjects in a modern school. Key words: integration, integrated lessons, pedagogical phenomenon.