Keyword: «mental retardation»

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Fiction is one of the most important means of harmonious development of personality. It is extremely extends human experience. The article considers the importance of this process, as the understanding of literary texts, teaching children, place this problem in the system of special psychology and pedagogy.
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The article considers the relevance of named methods and techniques, discussed the results of the study of aggressive behavior of children with mental retardation preschool age.
The article presents a model of psychological-pedagogical correction of anxiety of younger students with mental retardation, describe its structural elements, are drawn conclusions on the results of the study of anxiety of younger students with mental retardation.
The article deals with modern ideas on the problem of the study of phonemic perception in primary school children with mental retardation. The author reveals the basic theoretical theses and principles underlying the diagnosis, aimed at identifying the state of phonemic perception in primary school children with mental retardation.
It is the primary factor in the successful existence of man in society, it is difficult to overestimate the role that it plays in our lives. This is the most important mental function of the person - is a universal means of communication, thinking and action.