Keyword: «online services»

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In article possible realization of FGOS SPO of the third generation to means of use of computer programs is described. The author allocates existing online services and computer programs for teaching of disciplines of specialties of Viatka college of culture. The question of realization independently works as front view of educational activity put in a new educational standard is considered
The article considers the possibility of using modern information technologies in the practice of a teacher of biology and chemistry in the preparation of interactive tasks. A brief description of Web services on the Internet, which provide various forms of access to educational material, allows the teacher to present it in a non-standard form, creates conditions for multi-level assessment of subject knowledge and skills, provides feedback between the teacher and the student.
The article presents the review of internet services and digital learning tools in secondary school students’ foreign languages distance training in the process of developing reading and writing skills to be used in critical thinking technology.
The article describes the possibilities of using the Teacher Desmos interactive digital environment. Some elements of this environment are described that allow using it in teaching math. The results of a survey of students of pedagogical specialties on the use of Teacher Desmos activities in teaching various school disciplines are presented.
The article is devoted to the possibilities of using ornaments as the basis for interdisciplinary educational STEAM projects. Some elements of ornaments and their semantic characteristics are described. The article contains ways to use ornaments in projects, describes programs and tools for their implementation