Keyword: «poetry»

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Тhe article deals with the research of the English poetic system in comparison with the Russian translation.
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The paper studies the ways of expressing adverbial meanings in M. Lermontov's poetry. Use of various parts of speech helped the poet convey the beauty of the outworld and a man's mental world.
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The multi-genre works of Paul Heyse have not been sufficiently studied yet. This article is the first attempt to consider not only short stories, but also the poetry of the author in the context of Biedermeier literature. Based on the analysis of several novels and poems of the writer, the article illustrates the peculiarities of such a significant dominant of the Biedermeier style as “home” embodiment in Heyse's works.
The article traces the history of the formation of the genreof poems in prose. The correlation of poet-ry and prose, epic and lyrics within its borders is determined. The auther considers the features of «Poems in Prose» by I.S. Turgenev as a synthesis of poetic and prosaic.
The article discusses the images of mountains and the associated color symbolism in poems of I.A. Bunin. The author of the research article explores the meaning of color of the mountains on the basis of the material of all Bunin's poetry expressing interest in everything connected with the mountains. In Bunin's works, one finds modern and old names of mountain ranges. The researcher finds that the poet uses the images of mountains to reveal the dual nature of symbols. Using the example of legends and mythological plots from the ancient religious traditions of the world, the poet speaks of eternal problems and his own experiences which are relevant for every person at all times.