Keyword: «problem-trained of systemically - active approach»

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In modern society, our state has changed the requirements for preschool children en-tering the first grade. Correspondingly-tively, the model kindergarten graduate also in-volves changing the nature and content of pedagogical interaction with the child. Ec-if the teacher tried to raise the standard member of the team with defined-lennym set of knowledge and skills, now, got needed-bridges form thinking, competent, socially-adapted personality, ability to navigate in the information-dimensional space, which has its own point of view, who knows how to defend it, productively and constructively with others. Prio-tative is the development of personal qualities of preschool children and their social adaptation. In the practice of preschool education Shui pain becomes popular method of project activities, as one of the most efficient, able to shape the identity of modern-tion preschool that meets the requirements of modern times.