Keyword: «self-actualization»

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The article is devoted to the actual problems of professional self-determination, which is considered as the conscious choice of the living position and the specific professional activity. There is a description of the importance of the organized process of pedagogical maintenance of professional self-determination, located in the higher education institution. The possibilities of professional self-determination management are also described in the article.
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The article deals with self-actualization as a condition of the individual students' psychological health. The results of study of the level of self-actualization second-year students of pedagogical high school. Authors in the psychological and pedagogical training of students offer implementation developed an elective course, designed to help students in mastering the means of self-understanding, self-acceptance and self-development in the context of humanistic interaction with the people around him.
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The paper reveals the essence and theoretical and methodical bases of a phenomenon “professional and personal becoming and development of a teacher” as continuous process of progressive qualitative chang-es of the person under influence of social impacts, own activity, self-improvement and self-realization.
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The article examines the relationship of the phenomena of self-actualization and self-realization in a single process of personal improvement. The results of experimental studies of the peculiarities of self-realization of first-year students with different levels of socio-psychological adaptation to the conditions of higher school.
The article is analyzing features of young teachers’ self-actualization, who influenced by consumerism. The term ‘Consumerist syndrome’ is clarifying in this work. It also includes the description of author’s special method for its revealing and results of empiric experiment of that revealing.