Keyword: «word formation»

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The article considers the Narym (Southern) Selkups historical anthroponimics, the ways of forming their names and borrowing names from neighboring peoples, ethnoanthroponyms. It presents the etymological analysis of the names.
Currently, there is a rapid increase in speech pathology for many reasons. Enough common speech disorder in children of preschool age on psychological and educational classification is the general underdevelopment of speech that makes our actual topic. The most important condition of social adaptation of such children in the preschool years is a sufficient level of speech development, providing further assimilation of the curriculum, the successful mastery of orthographically correct letter, which is impossible without the formation of a high-level language, including morphological generalizations. The acquisition of the morphological system of language is closely related to the ability to use word-formation mechanisms, which are based on the ability to analyze, synthesize, to differentiate the linguistic units in their meaning and sound structure. Mastering the regularities of word formation on a practical level, the ability to isolate, differentiate and synthesize morpheme, identify common values derivational morpheme is a requirement of vocabulary enrichment at the expense of derivative words, mastery of the grammatical system of language, the formation of the prerequisites orthographically correct writing.
The article sums up the study of the formation of nouns with diminutive value at preschool children with the general underdevelopment of speech. On the basis of the study concluded that the inclusion in the work structure to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children of preschool age special work on the formation of diminutive suffixes of nouns in children.
The article deals with the study of the adjective name in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. The initial stage of studying this part of speech is presented. The relevance of the article is due to the complexity of mastering the grammatical system of Russian adjectives by foreign students. The purpose of this publication is to demonstrate a possible method of presentation of educational material in the study of the adjective. The article is based on the experience of the author, as well as General guidelines.
The article considers the role of compounding as a productive way of word formation of adjectives in German. The author of the article presents the classification of adjectival composites, analyzes the semantic characteristics of complex adjectives in German, and identifies the correspondences in Russian.