Элективный курс по английскому языку «Формирование здорового образа жизни»
Библиографическое описание статьи для цитирования:
Б., Баранова
Элективный курс по английскому языку «Формирование здорового образа жизни» // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». –
2013. – № S3. – С.
6–10. – URL:
Аннотация. Статья презентует программу элективного курса по английскому языку, направленную на формирование здорового образа жизни, и содержит комплекс упражнений по теме «Drug addiction».
Ключевые слова:
культура здоровья, пропаганда здорового образа жизни, формирование негативного отношения к вредным привычкам, профилактика наркозависимости
Текст статьи
Авраменко Елена Борисовна,старший преподаватель кафедры германской филологии гуманитарного института филиала ФГАОУВПО «СеверныйАрктическийфедеральныйуниверситет им.М.В.Ломоносова»,г. Северодвинскe.avramenko@narfu.ru
Баранова Наталья Александровна,кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры германской филологии гуманитарного института филиала ФГАОУВПО «СеверныйАрктическийфедеральныйуниверситет им.М.В.Ломоносова»,г. Северодвинскromachka21@yandex.ru
Элективный курс по английскому языку«Формирование здорового образа жизни»
Аннотация.Статья презентует программу элективного курса по английскому языку, направленную на формирование здорового образа жизни, и содержит комплекс упражнений по теме «Drugaddiction». Ключевые слова:культура здоровья, пропаганда здорового образа жизни, формирование негативного отношения к вредным привычкам, профилактика наркозависимости.
Как известно, здоровье это высшая жизненная ценность индивидуума и достояние нации в целом, а умение вести здоровый образ жизни есть не что иное, как показатель высокой культуры человека. «Культура здоровья сознательная система действий и отношений, в значительной мере определяющих качество индивидуального и общественного здоровья, слагающихся из отношения к своему здоровью и здоровью других людей, а также ведения здорового образа жизни» [1, с. 206]. Воспитание культуры здоровья процесс создания педагогических условий, обеспечивающих развитие личности индивидуума как субъекта оздоровительной деятельности в соответствии с его интересами, склонностями, способностями, ценностными установками на самосохранение здоровья, а также знаниями, умениями и навыками обоснованного ведения здорового образа жизни [2, с. 5]. Воспитание культуры здоровья напрямую связано с понятием «образ жизни», который складывается из следующих компонентов: режим дня, рациональное питание, физическое, психоэмоциональное состояние и способы его регуляции, отказ от вредных привычек (курение, алкоголь, наркотики).К сожалению, задача профилактики и сохранения здоровья молодых людей считается вторичной по отношению к базовому учебновоспитательному процессу. Именнопоэтому, на наш взгляд, назрела настоятельная потребность реализации профилактических программ, направленных на борьбу с факторами риска (курением, алкоголем, наркотиками, анорексией, стрессами и т.д.), в том числе и через элективные курсы. Факт неуклонного ухудшения состояния здоровья молодежи в современном обществе имеет острую социальную значимость и обусловливает актуальность предлагаемого элективного курса.Цель курса сформировать положительное отношение к здоровому образу жизни, научить понимать ответственность за своё поведение и здоровье. Поставленная цель предполагает решение следующих задач: расширить и систематизировать знания о здоровье человека; показать взаимозависимость состояния здоровья от образа жизни; проиллюстрировать пагубное влияние вредных привычек на уровень жизни человека. Программа курса учитывает возрастные особенности обучающихся, и направлена не только на освоение теоретических знаний, но и на решение задач, связанных с сохранением и укреплением здоровья подростков.Авторскийэлективный курс разработан на основе государственного стандарта и построен с учетом межпредметных связей между такими предметами, как ОБЖ, физкультура, биология и иностранный язык (английский). Он содержит тематические разделы о проблемах курения, наркотической и алкогольной зависимости; влиянии телевизионных программ на формирование мировоззрения и поведенческих стереотипов молодого поколения; воздействии стресса и депрессии на современную жизнь и способах их преодоления; вопросы, связанные со здоровьем, рациональным питанием, полноценным сном и здоровым образом жизни. Курс рассчитан на 32 часа и включает в себя актуальные темы для изучения и обсуждения.Topic 1. Problem Number One is Smoking.Topic 2. Alcohol Abuse and Its Effect.Topic 3. Drug Addiction.Topic 4. TV in Our Life.
Topic 5. Stress, Depression and Panic Attack.
Topic 6. You Are What You Eat.Topic 7. Sleep is a Very Important Part of Our Life.
Topic8.HealthyWayofLife.Предлагаемое тематическое наполнение элективного курса носит рекомендательныйхарактер. В процессе реализации курса используются такие подходы к обучению, каксоциокультурный, личностнодеятельностный, коммуникативноориентированный и интегративный.Изучение предмета «Иностранный язык (английский)» предполагает формирование навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения, письма. Иными словами: умение правильно с точки зрения произношения, употребления лексических единиц и грамматических структур излагать в диалогическом и монологическом общении свои мысли на определенные темы с использованием необходимых стилистических и эмоциональномодальных средств английского языка; понимать устную диалогическую и монологическую речь; понимать и давать правильный письменный перевод на русский и английский язык различных текстов; правильно в графикоорфографическом, лексическом, грамматическом и стилистическом отношении выражать свои мысли в письменной форме.Обучаемый должен обладать как общекультурными компетенциями (обладать способностью логически верно строить устную и письменную речь; владеть иностранным языком на уровне, позволяющем получать и оценивать информацию из иноязычных источников; обладать способностью использовать навыки публичной речи, ведения дискуссии и полемики), так и специальными компетенциями (использовать языковые средства для достижения коммуникативных целей в конкретной ситуации общения на изучаемом иностранном языке; выстраивать стратегию устного и письменного общения в соответствии с социокультурными особенностями изучаемого языка; владеть базовыми категориями общения).Таким образом, освоение данного элективного курса по английскому языку способствует не только достижению основных целей обучения иностранному языку, но и в значительной мере носит воспитательный характер и влияет на формирование здорового образа жизни молодежи.Так, для изучения темы «DrugAddiction» можно предложить следующие задания и материалы из учебнометодического пособия «HealthandWealth» авторов статьи [3, с. 3755].
1.Learn the new words, give their translation and transcription.Drug (syn. dope, narcotic (n., adj.)), a shot of drug, drug addict (syn. drug user), to take a shot, drug addiction, to be addictive to (syn. to be hooked), drug baron, to become addictive to the needle, drug trafficking, to be (get oneself) on the needle, drug seller (syn. dope peddler), a heavy smoker, drug abuse, to smoke like a chimney, opium, withdrawal symptom (syn. hangover), hashish, overdose, marijuana (syn. pot), a high cocaine mafia, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), smuggling, morphine, to ban, heroin, to lay a ban on, ecstasy, to legalize, poppy, peer groups, cannabis, just for kicks, coca leaf, out of (curiosity), painkiller, to give up (syn. to kick), tranquillizer, rehabilitation, narcotic effect, alcoholic, habitforming, drinker, to smoke, booze, to sniff, to be on the booze, to drink to booze, to inject boozy (syn. drunk), to inhale, nonaddictive drug, nonprescription drug, over the counter drug.2.Read through the following and say whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with it.1. Drugs are a deadly danger for people.2. The danger of drugs is much exaggerated.3. Drugs if controlled can do much good to people.4. People need to experience forgetfulness and hallucinations.5. Drugs are taken just because it is fashionable to do so.6. Drugshelp to solve personal problems.7. Drug addiction can be easily overcome.8. Drugs will be used more and more with the time.9. Drugs have mysterious force in them.10. Every person should try drugs at least once in a lifetime.11. Drugs can open the way for people to secret knowledge.12. Drugs are often the best way to help people.13. Drugs can make life pleasant.14. Drugs should be completely banned.15. Drugs should be legalized.3.Sequence correctly the parts of the text, elicit the message and tell the story.THE LEGEND OF THE POPPY FLOWERAPoppy kissed Hazak goodbye and went to the palace garden. There she sat on the ground, wetted it with her tears and turned into the red flower.In the morning Hazak picked up the red flower, hid it on his breast and went to war.Once there was a terrible fight. Hazak fought bravely among the other warriors and was severely wounded. The pain was agonizing and he suffered much. Then he remembered about the red flower on his breast. He took the flower and put it on his wound. What‱s a miracle! He felt no pain, there was no wound on his body, but he felt fresh and fine. Suddenly he saw Poppy standing in front of him, kissing him and telling him kind words. Hazak felt full of energy again and rushed forward to fight. The victory was theirs.BWhen time came she fell in love with a brave warrior Hazak by name. He also loved her very much and they were going to get married.Now, the kingdom of Poppy‱s father was waging a war against an evil king, their neighbor. Many warriors went to war and died there. The time came when Hazak also was to go to war. Poppy became very sad because she knew what would happen. She didn‱t want to stay in the palace, while her beloved would fight against the enemies. She wanted to be with him and other warriors. But she also knew that she was unable to go to war with the men. So, she went to Hazak and said to him, «I want to give you an amulet that will help you and other warriors. In the morning you will come to the garden and there you‱ll find a red flower. Pick it up and hide it on your breast. If you or other warriors have wound, you will put the red flower on the wound and will heal. There will be no pain, you will feel healthy again and will see me before your eyes».CMany, many years ago in the Mountains of the Earth there lived a beautiful princess. Her name was Poppy. She lived happily in the palace and everybody loved her because she was so kind and had such a loving heart. Poppy knew a lot. She knew how to help people when they wereill, how to heal the wound of a warrior, how to call the rain, and to stop the storm. She could also tell the fortune of people. She could certainly tell her own fortune and that is why she was sometimes so sad.DHazakand other warriors liked the flower. If they were in pain the flower was able to heal them. If they missed their beloved the flower was able to bring them close. If they felt cowardly, the flower was able to make them brave. Many didn‱t even want to return home, because the red flower was able to make them feel good. Some forgot their beloved and had the red flower instead. It became a curse as it ruined the life of many. People called the flower Poppy.EOther worriers also wanted to have this flower. In the evening Hazak took the red flower and touched the earth with drops of red blood on it. By the morning the red flowers were all around. All the warriors had them and if they were wounded, they out them on their wounds, felt no pain, saw their beloved and fought even more bravely.4.Write a legend about cocaleaf.1. What tribe had this legend? 2. When was it? 3. What happened in the tribe? 4. Who knew the secret of the cocaleaf? 5. Who tried it first? 6. What was the effect? 7. What happened later? 8. Continue the phrase: Ever since then ….5. Complete the story.DRUGS IN HISTORYAncient people … drugs for many reasons. The Greek … Homer told of opium as a drug to kill … . It also helped to … the sorrow. People thought that coca leaves were a … from the Sun God. It eased the … of hunger and fatigue. Ancient people … alcohol, tobacco and marijuana as … In fact, they used … strange things to treat … E.g. manure from horses and dogs was used as a … for … throats. The pleasure effects of … was also … Herodotus, the Greek historian, wrote 2,500 years ago that marijuana could bring … . A Sumerian tablet described opium as the «joy…».In ancient Greece and Rome, alcohol was used at all social eventsbirth festivals, … and funerals. Indians in North America ... tobacco at their ceremonies. Many drugs were believed to have magic … . Thirtyfive years ago a book of the Hindus called a … mushroom a «godplant» and used it in … . North America Indians called this … «the flesh of God».6. Read the text and choose the correct answers from the text to the questions given below.LONG HISTORYPain can be very tormenting. A toothache, a headache, a stomachache, a broken leg can give much suffering. It is no wonder that people seek relief from pain. Some plants provide nutrition, some provide forgetfulness, some provide pleasure, and some can cause death. The plants with drugs do not provide any nutrition. They have narcotic effects. The substance can be drunk, rubbed on the skin, or chewed and it will provide relief or forgetfulness. By the time of written history, many drugs were in wide use. The Sumerians, Assyrians and Egyptians all mention opium in their writings. The legend of the coca leaf was told by many generations. As early as 5000 years ago cannabis plant from which marijuana is obtained was used in China. Cocachewing was widespread among the Incas. 1. Do people use drugs to relieve pain?2. Can drugs be taken as food?3. Did drugs appear in the time of written history?4. Was opium first used in Egypt and Assyria?5. Were drugs revered by people?6. Was marijuana first used in China?7. Did the Incas know how to make drugs of cocaleaves?7. There are some reasons for taking drugs. How to deal with the problem?Feeling of pain.Life conditions.Sense of curiosity.Carefree behavior.Prescriptions.Addiction.Withdrawal syndrome.Emotional reasons.Lack of interests.Monotony of life.City conditions.8. Read the text «DRUGS IN THE 19th AND 20th CENTURIES» and mark the sentences after the text as «true» or «false».Until the early 19th century only natural drugs were used. Doctors still knew very little about how the drugs worked and how they helped to ease pain or cure illness. It was generally considered a cureall. Doctors mixed many drugs together to make the drugs work better. In 1805 a German chemist used morphine, which was the drug made of the opium poppy. New powerful drugs were soon in use such as heroin and cocaine. They had a much stronger effect on human body and mind. It was soon noticed that people became addictive to drugs. Morphine had to be replaced as a painkiller because it was highly addictive. The doctors used heroin instead which they thought was harmless. But it was soon discovered that heroin was many times more habitforming than morphine.In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries synthetic drugs were developed. In 1938, Albert Hoffman discovered the synthetic drug LSD. It was able to change the people‱s mood. Doctors hoped it would help treat mental illnesses.It turned out that drugs could also destroy people‱s minds. Natural drugs as leaves and roots or highly complex synthetic drugs are used for the same reasons: to relieve suffering, to change one‱s mood from sadness to happiness, to have a mystical experience. Modern technology has increased the effectiveness of the drugs. It has also increased their potential for harm.1. Drugs were not used as plants in the nineteenth century.2. Doctors in the nineteenth century did not know the effects of the drugs.3. Drugs were used to cure all diseases.4. The way to make the drugs more powerful was to mix them together.5. Doctors thought that people were more addictive to heroin than to morphine. 6. Synthetic drug LSD was able to treat mental illnesses.7. Natural and synthetic drugs have the same effect.8. Modern technology of drug production has done harm to people‱s health.9.Read the texts. Choose the best headline for each of the texts. Some headlines given here may be unnecessary. Summarize the texts.AIt has not taken many years for drug abuse to spread from inner cities to suburbs and rural areas. Drug use is increasing dramatically in all age, social and economic groups. Hardly a town in America is free from illegal drugs. Roughly twothirds of all American young people 64 percent try an illicit (illegal) drug before they finish high school. Drug use epidemic was in 1990s. Drug abuse is involved in automobile accidents, suicides, plane crashes, mental illness, work and family problems and crime.BDrugs are as much a part of the American culture as video games, shopping malls and baseball games. Advertising has lead many people to believe that social events are not fun without the use of beer, wine, cigarettes or hard liquor which are also drugs. Peer pressure is often the way many people are introduced to drugs. People who use drugs need money to buy them, and some users get the money by selling drugs to others. It is estimated that one young drug user may introduce drugs to an average of 40 otherpeople.CThere are an estimated 5000,000 heroin addicts in the U.S. today. Many of these come from middle and upperclass families. A heroin addiction can cost from $30 to $150 a day. Suburban kids behave in the same way addicts from the slums always haveby stealing and selling drugs to other people. One 18yearold addict burglarized 376 homes in his area before he was caught.D The costs of heroin addiction to the general public are staggering. It costs the city of New York at least $15000 every year for each heroin addict in the city. Keeping a person in jail (where addicts spend about 20% of their time) is costly. It is estimated that 50 per cent of shoplifting crimes in major U.S. cities can be attributed to addicts. This amounts to between $300 and $450 million annually in New York City alone. The federal government spends threequarter of a billion dollars a year in drug law enforcement, treatment of addicts, and research into drugs and drug use. Added to this are losses to drugrelated crime, and the costs of educating people about drugs.
EIt is impossible to count how many people smoke marijuana, but it is the most widely used illegal drug in the U.S. today. 15 million Americans are considered regular users. Among 14 and 15 year olds, about one infive smokes pot (marijuana), and the age at which kids start smoking is becoming younger and younger. Marijuana is easy to get in schools or on the street. The police today generally arrest sellers rather than users. An estimated $600 million is spent each year by law enforcement agencies to enforce marijuana laws.FSmuggling drugs in the U.S. is extremely profitable. The largest illegal business in America is marijuana smuggling. Estimated gross sales are between $4 and $5 billion a year. Smugglers make huge profits. Chances of being caught are small. Police cannot keep up with the huge numbers of smugglers and their methods of smuggling. For some people the chance of becoming a millionaire from drug smuggling is worth the risk of being arrested.GAlcohol is the drug most heavily used by young people. One study shows twice as many drinkers as users of all other drugs 79% in college and 58% in high school. One out of ten youthful drinkers will become alcoholic some within six months to a year after they start drinking. Almost one out of five youths who drink are already problem drinkers. About 70% of all adults drink. There are approximately 20,000 alcoholic deaths a year in the U.S. many in automobile accidents.HTobacco is another harmful drug. In spite of all the warnings about the dangerous affects of cigarettes. 4,500 young people between the ages of 12 and 17 become new smokers every day that is over a million and a half a year. 20% of all teenagers and 35% of all adults in the U.S. smoke. The cost to the nation of the effects of smoking has been put at more than $14 billion: $11 billion for hospital treatment of tobaccorelated illnesses; $3 billion lost in wages as a result of smokingcaused diseases.IPhysicians write almost 300 million prescriptions for moodaltering drugs. These include amphetamines, tranquillizers and sedatives. The majority are taken by women. These drugs are often abused in the U.S. today. They are very common in overdose cases. About 20 million American women have an alcoholor drug dependency.Headlines:1. Marijuana is as popular as ever. 2. Drugs and sexual revolution. 3.Campaigning for drugs. 4. Tobaccorelated diseases. 5. Buying and selling. 6.Sniffing killer. 7. Drugs boost crime. 8. Drugs favorite. 9. Heroin addicts. Alcoholic addiction. 11. A breach in the budget. 12. Police are helpless. 13.Drugs and money. 14. Smuggling drugs. 15. Marijuana is getting younger. 16. Drugs on the rise. 17. Drugs attack people.10. Read the text and do the exercises given below.THE MIRACLE DRUGS ABROADSome time ago the American boss of a friend of mine told the friend, «I admire you people who live abroad.You don‱t take pills. In America we‱re always taking a pill for something or other».My friend agreed. «We can‱t get any».Well, it was a good story, but not necessarily true. The majority of Americans coming to Europe are weighed down with every imaginable medication prescribed by family doctors. Each one is a miracle drug in its own right, and I haven‱t met an American tourist yet who isn‱t willing to share his medicines with less fortunate people who live abroad.Just recently I had the occasion to seehow many Americans will come to the aid of their fellow men. It started off when I complained at a dinner party of having a sore throat.«I have just the thing for you», the hostess said. «It‱s Slipawhizdrene. You take one every two hours».One of the guests said: «Slipawhizdrene is outdated. My doctor gave me Heventizcal. It doesn‱t make you as sleepy, and you only have to take two every four hours».«I left the United States two weeks after you did», another woman said, «and Heventizeal has been superseded by Deviltizeal. I have a bottle at the hotel, and if you stop by I‱ll give you some».The only Frenchman at the table said, «Why don‱t you gargle with aspirin?»The people at the dinner couldn‱t have been more shocked if he had said a fourletter word. The Frenchman‱s American wife was so embarrassed she almost broke into tears.He looked around helplessly. «But did I say wrong?»The husband of the hostess tried to smooth things over. «You see, Rene, in America we have gone beyond aspirin. You French believe in food; we believe in miracle drugs».«They‱re all barbarians», muttered one of the Americans.After dinner I stopped by the hotel and picked up an envelope of Deviltizeal. I took two before I went to bed. At four in the morning I no longer hadmy sore throat, but I was violently sick to my stomach. I remained in this state until morning. I had a luncheon date with a Hollywood producer, but I couldn‱t eat anything.«I‱ve got just the thing for an upset stomach. It is called Egazzakine. Here, take one now, and one at four o‱clock».I took the proffered pill, and in a halfhour my stomach settled. Only now, my eyes started to run, and I began sneezing.Making my way blindly to the office, I ran into another American friend in front of the Lancaster Hotel. He recognized the symptoms immediately. «You‱ve probably got an allergy. Come upstairs and I‱ll give you something for it».We went up to his room, and he took out a leather case filled with various bottles.«Let‱s see», he said, reading from a slip of paper. «The yellowandblack ones are for jaundice, the greenandblue ones are for pneumonia, the whiteandred ones are for rheumatism, the pinkandbeige ones are for heart trouble oh, yes, the brownandpurple are for allergies. Here, take twonow, and two at four o‱clock».«But I‱ve got to take Egazzakine at that time!»«Don‱t do it», he warned. «That‱s what you‱re probably allergic to».I took the brownandpurple capsules and went to the office. In about an hour, my tear ducts had dried up and I stopped sneezing.I felt perfectly well, except I couldn‱t move my left arm. I reported this to my friend at the Lancaster, who said, «The doctor warned me it happens sometimes. He gave me something else in case it did. I‱ll send it over with the bellboy».The bellboy brought over some orangeandcerise tablets. I took two, and it wasn‱t long before I could lift my arm again. That evening during dinner I discovered I had my sore throat back. But I didn‱t mention it to a soul.11. Read the text, make up questions and answer them. Discuss the text in pairs.DRUG ADDICTION PROBLEM FOR YOUNG PEOPLEDrug Addiction is commonly defined as the habitual and uncontrollable use of a drug. It is often used interchangeably with other terms such as drug abuse and drug dependence. Abuse in its strictest sense refers to the taking of drugs without medical need, in an amount large enough to threaten the quality of life or health and safety of the user or others. Dependence is a compelling need to continue takinga mindaltering drug to induce pleasure or to relieve anxiety and tension as well as avoid discomfort. Addiction is the disruptive behavior or activity associated with obtaining and using a drug that a person is dependent on.Many drugs, including sleeping pills and some stimulants are addicting. Drugs are an integral part of everyday life for many people. The legality and social acceptance of the use of a particular drug often depends on what it is used for, its effects and its users. The use of marijuanafor pleasure is not socially accepted by most people but its use by a person with an advanced cancer to relieve nausea can change even the most solid stance of resistance. In fact, the use of marijuana for medical purposes has been legalized by some government.Mindaltering drugs are not all illegal and here lies the danger. Some drugs affect brain function each time they are used regardless of the amount used. Others would have this affect only if taken in large amounts or used continuously.Doctors may be able to detect problems created by the use of mindaltering drugs which are not readily recognizable by friends, family or even by the person himself / herself. These problems are often manifested by changes in mood or behavior. Persons that have to take certain drugs especially for long periods of time should ask their doctor about the potential consequences of prolonged use of specific drugs.Certain drugs are classified as illegal because they have been proved to be dangerous to the individual and thesociety. Classification is based on evidence of the adverse effects of the drug on reliable historical, epidemiological and scientific facts. There are proponents to the idea that illegal drugs should be made commercially available and socially acceptableto remove the mystery and the attraction these drugs present to people especially the young. However, it is fairly difficult to quantify the physical, psychological and social harm the free access to these drugs would produce.Early detection of experiments with drugs could protect from strong drugs dependency.12. Read the text and answer the questions after it, choosing the best variant.CHANGES IN BRAIN SUGGEST ADDICTION IS TREATABLEWhile the United States focuses on New York Yankee baseball star Darryl Strawberry‱s relapse into cocaine use, scientists are trying to understand the nature of addiction itself and to create treatments that work. They have made progress, but much remains to be done.According to neuroanatomist Stephen Dewey at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, studies in animals have shown «there are profound biochemical changes that occur in the brains of addicts, and they appear to get worse with time».Dewey said the continuing studies of drug addiction at his laboratory show that loss of specific receptor molecules occurs on nerve cells, or neurons. Receptor molecules are signalreceiving devices needed for brain cells to communicate with each other.The Brookhaven team has also seen a decrease in energy metabolismin addicts‱ brains and changes in molecules called neurotransmitters. They are critically involved in the brain‱s normal activities.«People talk about addiction being a moral weakness», Dewey said, but research shows that the biochemical changes seen in addiction resemble what is seen in wellknown brain disorders such as Parkinson‱s disease, «People feel these are real diseases, and if you look in the addicted brain, you see the same; the kinds of real physical changes we can measure and quantify», he said.According to psychologist Howard Shaffer at Harvard Medical School, people can successfully end their addictions, although it is never easy.«People like to combine stimulators and central nervous system depressants, the sedating drugs. These keep themfrom being over stimulated, or over sedated», Shaffer said. «They get into an alternate state of consciousness that feels just right».Because of such complexity, no single treatment or approach to ending addiction works for everyone, Shaffer said. Addiction «varies from person to person, depending on what‱s going on in their lives. If they are troubled by something, they may want a more sedating experience, and tend to favor the depressants, trying to calm down and control themselves.It is difficult to get out of addiction because addicts «have to discover how to manage their daytoday life in a new state of consciousness, which they are not used to. And if it‱s all uncomfortable, the solution is too readily available in our culture, which is to take more drugs», he explained. «So relapse is all too common; that‱s the bottom line».One of the paths being vigorously explored is the development of antiaddiction drugs, such as one being studied by the Brookhaven team. Dewey said a compound called sabril, an epilepsy drug, has been found to help end addiction. Clinical trials have not yet begun, so sabril is not yet available.Dewey‱s research is focused on the brain‱s neurochemistry, especially on the socalled gabanergic system. In this system, a brain compound called gaba controls the action of the signaling molecule dopamine, that plays a key role in the brain's pleasure pathway.1. The latest studies implemented by US scientists show that...a) people who try to get rid of drug addiction often fail to do it.b) the treatment used by Darryl Strawberry didn‱t help him.c) the biochemical nature, of addiction is still unknown.d) the brain of an addict is physically different from the brain of a person who doesn‱t use drugs.2. What is the role of neurotransmitters in the work of the brain?a) They are absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.b) They are harmful for the normal functioning of the brain.c) They are not necessary for the brain of a person who doesn‱t use drugs.d) They cause the decrease in energy metabolism in the brain of an addict.3. Stephen Dewey claims that...a) the symptoms of drug addiction are the same as of Parkinson‱s disease.b) drug addiction is rather moral than physical disease.c) the neurons of the brain of an addict suffer from the lack of signalreceiving molecules.d) the scientist now are able to count the number of neurons in the brain.4. What is Howard Shaffer‱s opinion of the possibility of ending drug addiction?a) Each person can do it without any outside help, though it is not easy.b) It is easier for people who use sedating drugs than for those who use stimulators.c) It is possible to find a universal treatment for all drug addicts.d) It is not possible to find a universal treatment for alldrug addicts.5. People who try to give up addiction...a) find their life without drugs uncomfortable.b) start taking even more drugs if they fail.c) find it very hard to get used to the new life.d) discover that drugs are not the solution to their problems.6. What did the research of Brookhaven team result in?a) The development of an antiaddiction drug that has already helped many people.b) The development of a new treatment for epilepsy.c) Understanding the nature of the brain‱s pleasure pathway.d) Finding a new compound called gaba, that is present only in the brain of an addict.13. How can the drug abuse be regulated? Suggest your practical moves.
Ссылкинаисточники1.Тюмасева З.И., Богданов Е.Н., Щербак Н.П. Словарьсправочник современного общего образования: акмеологические, валеологические и экологические тайны. СПб.: Питер, 2004.464 с.2.Азитова Г.Ш. Воспитание культуры здоровья у школьников в условиях сельской школы: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук. Казань: Татарскийгос. гуманитарнопедагогический унт, 2006. 23с.3.Авраменко Е.Б., Баранова Н.А.HealthandWealth. Архангельск: Издательский центр СГМУ,2011. 210 c.
Avramenko Elena,senior lecturerof German Philology chair in the Humanitarian Institute, branch of the Northern Arctic Federal University after M.V. Lomonosov in the town of Severodvinsk, Archangelsk Regione.avramenko@narfu.ruBaranova Natalya,Candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor of German Philology chair in the Humanitarian Institute, branch of the Northern Arctic Federal University after M.V.Lomonosov in the town of Severodvinsk, Archangelsk Regionromachka21@yandex.ruElective course in the English language «Formation of healthy way of life»Abstract.Thearticle presents the program of the course on the English language, aimed at the formation of the healthy way of life, and contains a complex of exercises on the topic of «Drug addiction».Keywords: health culture, the propaganda of the healthy way of life, formation of a negative attitude to the bad habits, prevention of drug abuse.
Рекомендовано к публикации: Горевым П. М., кандидатом педагогических наук, главным редактором журнала «Концепт»
Баранова Наталья Александровна,кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры германской филологии гуманитарного института филиала ФГАОУВПО «СеверныйАрктическийфедеральныйуниверситет им.М.В.Ломоносова»,г. Северодвинскromachka21@yandex.ru
Элективный курс по английскому языку«Формирование здорового образа жизни»
Аннотация.Статья презентует программу элективного курса по английскому языку, направленную на формирование здорового образа жизни, и содержит комплекс упражнений по теме «Drugaddiction». Ключевые слова:культура здоровья, пропаганда здорового образа жизни, формирование негативного отношения к вредным привычкам, профилактика наркозависимости.
Как известно, здоровье это высшая жизненная ценность индивидуума и достояние нации в целом, а умение вести здоровый образ жизни есть не что иное, как показатель высокой культуры человека. «Культура здоровья сознательная система действий и отношений, в значительной мере определяющих качество индивидуального и общественного здоровья, слагающихся из отношения к своему здоровью и здоровью других людей, а также ведения здорового образа жизни» [1, с. 206]. Воспитание культуры здоровья процесс создания педагогических условий, обеспечивающих развитие личности индивидуума как субъекта оздоровительной деятельности в соответствии с его интересами, склонностями, способностями, ценностными установками на самосохранение здоровья, а также знаниями, умениями и навыками обоснованного ведения здорового образа жизни [2, с. 5]. Воспитание культуры здоровья напрямую связано с понятием «образ жизни», который складывается из следующих компонентов: режим дня, рациональное питание, физическое, психоэмоциональное состояние и способы его регуляции, отказ от вредных привычек (курение, алкоголь, наркотики).К сожалению, задача профилактики и сохранения здоровья молодых людей считается вторичной по отношению к базовому учебновоспитательному процессу. Именнопоэтому, на наш взгляд, назрела настоятельная потребность реализации профилактических программ, направленных на борьбу с факторами риска (курением, алкоголем, наркотиками, анорексией, стрессами и т.д.), в том числе и через элективные курсы. Факт неуклонного ухудшения состояния здоровья молодежи в современном обществе имеет острую социальную значимость и обусловливает актуальность предлагаемого элективного курса.Цель курса сформировать положительное отношение к здоровому образу жизни, научить понимать ответственность за своё поведение и здоровье. Поставленная цель предполагает решение следующих задач: расширить и систематизировать знания о здоровье человека; показать взаимозависимость состояния здоровья от образа жизни; проиллюстрировать пагубное влияние вредных привычек на уровень жизни человека. Программа курса учитывает возрастные особенности обучающихся, и направлена не только на освоение теоретических знаний, но и на решение задач, связанных с сохранением и укреплением здоровья подростков.Авторскийэлективный курс разработан на основе государственного стандарта и построен с учетом межпредметных связей между такими предметами, как ОБЖ, физкультура, биология и иностранный язык (английский). Он содержит тематические разделы о проблемах курения, наркотической и алкогольной зависимости; влиянии телевизионных программ на формирование мировоззрения и поведенческих стереотипов молодого поколения; воздействии стресса и депрессии на современную жизнь и способах их преодоления; вопросы, связанные со здоровьем, рациональным питанием, полноценным сном и здоровым образом жизни. Курс рассчитан на 32 часа и включает в себя актуальные темы для изучения и обсуждения.Topic 1. Problem Number One is Smoking.Topic 2. Alcohol Abuse and Its Effect.Topic 3. Drug Addiction.Topic 4. TV in Our Life.
Topic 5. Stress, Depression and Panic Attack.
Topic 6. You Are What You Eat.Topic 7. Sleep is a Very Important Part of Our Life.
Topic8.HealthyWayofLife.Предлагаемое тематическое наполнение элективного курса носит рекомендательныйхарактер. В процессе реализации курса используются такие подходы к обучению, каксоциокультурный, личностнодеятельностный, коммуникативноориентированный и интегративный.Изучение предмета «Иностранный язык (английский)» предполагает формирование навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения, письма. Иными словами: умение правильно с точки зрения произношения, употребления лексических единиц и грамматических структур излагать в диалогическом и монологическом общении свои мысли на определенные темы с использованием необходимых стилистических и эмоциональномодальных средств английского языка; понимать устную диалогическую и монологическую речь; понимать и давать правильный письменный перевод на русский и английский язык различных текстов; правильно в графикоорфографическом, лексическом, грамматическом и стилистическом отношении выражать свои мысли в письменной форме.Обучаемый должен обладать как общекультурными компетенциями (обладать способностью логически верно строить устную и письменную речь; владеть иностранным языком на уровне, позволяющем получать и оценивать информацию из иноязычных источников; обладать способностью использовать навыки публичной речи, ведения дискуссии и полемики), так и специальными компетенциями (использовать языковые средства для достижения коммуникативных целей в конкретной ситуации общения на изучаемом иностранном языке; выстраивать стратегию устного и письменного общения в соответствии с социокультурными особенностями изучаемого языка; владеть базовыми категориями общения).Таким образом, освоение данного элективного курса по английскому языку способствует не только достижению основных целей обучения иностранному языку, но и в значительной мере носит воспитательный характер и влияет на формирование здорового образа жизни молодежи.Так, для изучения темы «DrugAddiction» можно предложить следующие задания и материалы из учебнометодического пособия «HealthandWealth» авторов статьи [3, с. 3755].
1.Learn the new words, give their translation and transcription.Drug (syn. dope, narcotic (n., adj.)), a shot of drug, drug addict (syn. drug user), to take a shot, drug addiction, to be addictive to (syn. to be hooked), drug baron, to become addictive to the needle, drug trafficking, to be (get oneself) on the needle, drug seller (syn. dope peddler), a heavy smoker, drug abuse, to smoke like a chimney, opium, withdrawal symptom (syn. hangover), hashish, overdose, marijuana (syn. pot), a high cocaine mafia, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), smuggling, morphine, to ban, heroin, to lay a ban on, ecstasy, to legalize, poppy, peer groups, cannabis, just for kicks, coca leaf, out of (curiosity), painkiller, to give up (syn. to kick), tranquillizer, rehabilitation, narcotic effect, alcoholic, habitforming, drinker, to smoke, booze, to sniff, to be on the booze, to drink to booze, to inject boozy (syn. drunk), to inhale, nonaddictive drug, nonprescription drug, over the counter drug.2.Read through the following and say whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with it.1. Drugs are a deadly danger for people.2. The danger of drugs is much exaggerated.3. Drugs if controlled can do much good to people.4. People need to experience forgetfulness and hallucinations.5. Drugs are taken just because it is fashionable to do so.6. Drugshelp to solve personal problems.7. Drug addiction can be easily overcome.8. Drugs will be used more and more with the time.9. Drugs have mysterious force in them.10. Every person should try drugs at least once in a lifetime.11. Drugs can open the way for people to secret knowledge.12. Drugs are often the best way to help people.13. Drugs can make life pleasant.14. Drugs should be completely banned.15. Drugs should be legalized.3.Sequence correctly the parts of the text, elicit the message and tell the story.THE LEGEND OF THE POPPY FLOWERAPoppy kissed Hazak goodbye and went to the palace garden. There she sat on the ground, wetted it with her tears and turned into the red flower.In the morning Hazak picked up the red flower, hid it on his breast and went to war.Once there was a terrible fight. Hazak fought bravely among the other warriors and was severely wounded. The pain was agonizing and he suffered much. Then he remembered about the red flower on his breast. He took the flower and put it on his wound. What‱s a miracle! He felt no pain, there was no wound on his body, but he felt fresh and fine. Suddenly he saw Poppy standing in front of him, kissing him and telling him kind words. Hazak felt full of energy again and rushed forward to fight. The victory was theirs.BWhen time came she fell in love with a brave warrior Hazak by name. He also loved her very much and they were going to get married.Now, the kingdom of Poppy‱s father was waging a war against an evil king, their neighbor. Many warriors went to war and died there. The time came when Hazak also was to go to war. Poppy became very sad because she knew what would happen. She didn‱t want to stay in the palace, while her beloved would fight against the enemies. She wanted to be with him and other warriors. But she also knew that she was unable to go to war with the men. So, she went to Hazak and said to him, «I want to give you an amulet that will help you and other warriors. In the morning you will come to the garden and there you‱ll find a red flower. Pick it up and hide it on your breast. If you or other warriors have wound, you will put the red flower on the wound and will heal. There will be no pain, you will feel healthy again and will see me before your eyes».CMany, many years ago in the Mountains of the Earth there lived a beautiful princess. Her name was Poppy. She lived happily in the palace and everybody loved her because she was so kind and had such a loving heart. Poppy knew a lot. She knew how to help people when they wereill, how to heal the wound of a warrior, how to call the rain, and to stop the storm. She could also tell the fortune of people. She could certainly tell her own fortune and that is why she was sometimes so sad.DHazakand other warriors liked the flower. If they were in pain the flower was able to heal them. If they missed their beloved the flower was able to bring them close. If they felt cowardly, the flower was able to make them brave. Many didn‱t even want to return home, because the red flower was able to make them feel good. Some forgot their beloved and had the red flower instead. It became a curse as it ruined the life of many. People called the flower Poppy.EOther worriers also wanted to have this flower. In the evening Hazak took the red flower and touched the earth with drops of red blood on it. By the morning the red flowers were all around. All the warriors had them and if they were wounded, they out them on their wounds, felt no pain, saw their beloved and fought even more bravely.4.Write a legend about cocaleaf.1. What tribe had this legend? 2. When was it? 3. What happened in the tribe? 4. Who knew the secret of the cocaleaf? 5. Who tried it first? 6. What was the effect? 7. What happened later? 8. Continue the phrase: Ever since then ….5. Complete the story.DRUGS IN HISTORYAncient people … drugs for many reasons. The Greek … Homer told of opium as a drug to kill … . It also helped to … the sorrow. People thought that coca leaves were a … from the Sun God. It eased the … of hunger and fatigue. Ancient people … alcohol, tobacco and marijuana as … In fact, they used … strange things to treat … E.g. manure from horses and dogs was used as a … for … throats. The pleasure effects of … was also … Herodotus, the Greek historian, wrote 2,500 years ago that marijuana could bring … . A Sumerian tablet described opium as the «joy…».In ancient Greece and Rome, alcohol was used at all social eventsbirth festivals, … and funerals. Indians in North America ... tobacco at their ceremonies. Many drugs were believed to have magic … . Thirtyfive years ago a book of the Hindus called a … mushroom a «godplant» and used it in … . North America Indians called this … «the flesh of God».6. Read the text and choose the correct answers from the text to the questions given below.LONG HISTORYPain can be very tormenting. A toothache, a headache, a stomachache, a broken leg can give much suffering. It is no wonder that people seek relief from pain. Some plants provide nutrition, some provide forgetfulness, some provide pleasure, and some can cause death. The plants with drugs do not provide any nutrition. They have narcotic effects. The substance can be drunk, rubbed on the skin, or chewed and it will provide relief or forgetfulness. By the time of written history, many drugs were in wide use. The Sumerians, Assyrians and Egyptians all mention opium in their writings. The legend of the coca leaf was told by many generations. As early as 5000 years ago cannabis plant from which marijuana is obtained was used in China. Cocachewing was widespread among the Incas. 1. Do people use drugs to relieve pain?2. Can drugs be taken as food?3. Did drugs appear in the time of written history?4. Was opium first used in Egypt and Assyria?5. Were drugs revered by people?6. Was marijuana first used in China?7. Did the Incas know how to make drugs of cocaleaves?7. There are some reasons for taking drugs. How to deal with the problem?Feeling of pain.Life conditions.Sense of curiosity.Carefree behavior.Prescriptions.Addiction.Withdrawal syndrome.Emotional reasons.Lack of interests.Monotony of life.City conditions.8. Read the text «DRUGS IN THE 19th AND 20th CENTURIES» and mark the sentences after the text as «true» or «false».Until the early 19th century only natural drugs were used. Doctors still knew very little about how the drugs worked and how they helped to ease pain or cure illness. It was generally considered a cureall. Doctors mixed many drugs together to make the drugs work better. In 1805 a German chemist used morphine, which was the drug made of the opium poppy. New powerful drugs were soon in use such as heroin and cocaine. They had a much stronger effect on human body and mind. It was soon noticed that people became addictive to drugs. Morphine had to be replaced as a painkiller because it was highly addictive. The doctors used heroin instead which they thought was harmless. But it was soon discovered that heroin was many times more habitforming than morphine.In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries synthetic drugs were developed. In 1938, Albert Hoffman discovered the synthetic drug LSD. It was able to change the people‱s mood. Doctors hoped it would help treat mental illnesses.It turned out that drugs could also destroy people‱s minds. Natural drugs as leaves and roots or highly complex synthetic drugs are used for the same reasons: to relieve suffering, to change one‱s mood from sadness to happiness, to have a mystical experience. Modern technology has increased the effectiveness of the drugs. It has also increased their potential for harm.1. Drugs were not used as plants in the nineteenth century.2. Doctors in the nineteenth century did not know the effects of the drugs.3. Drugs were used to cure all diseases.4. The way to make the drugs more powerful was to mix them together.5. Doctors thought that people were more addictive to heroin than to morphine. 6. Synthetic drug LSD was able to treat mental illnesses.7. Natural and synthetic drugs have the same effect.8. Modern technology of drug production has done harm to people‱s health.9.Read the texts. Choose the best headline for each of the texts. Some headlines given here may be unnecessary. Summarize the texts.AIt has not taken many years for drug abuse to spread from inner cities to suburbs and rural areas. Drug use is increasing dramatically in all age, social and economic groups. Hardly a town in America is free from illegal drugs. Roughly twothirds of all American young people 64 percent try an illicit (illegal) drug before they finish high school. Drug use epidemic was in 1990s. Drug abuse is involved in automobile accidents, suicides, plane crashes, mental illness, work and family problems and crime.BDrugs are as much a part of the American culture as video games, shopping malls and baseball games. Advertising has lead many people to believe that social events are not fun without the use of beer, wine, cigarettes or hard liquor which are also drugs. Peer pressure is often the way many people are introduced to drugs. People who use drugs need money to buy them, and some users get the money by selling drugs to others. It is estimated that one young drug user may introduce drugs to an average of 40 otherpeople.CThere are an estimated 5000,000 heroin addicts in the U.S. today. Many of these come from middle and upperclass families. A heroin addiction can cost from $30 to $150 a day. Suburban kids behave in the same way addicts from the slums always haveby stealing and selling drugs to other people. One 18yearold addict burglarized 376 homes in his area before he was caught.D The costs of heroin addiction to the general public are staggering. It costs the city of New York at least $15000 every year for each heroin addict in the city. Keeping a person in jail (where addicts spend about 20% of their time) is costly. It is estimated that 50 per cent of shoplifting crimes in major U.S. cities can be attributed to addicts. This amounts to between $300 and $450 million annually in New York City alone. The federal government spends threequarter of a billion dollars a year in drug law enforcement, treatment of addicts, and research into drugs and drug use. Added to this are losses to drugrelated crime, and the costs of educating people about drugs.
EIt is impossible to count how many people smoke marijuana, but it is the most widely used illegal drug in the U.S. today. 15 million Americans are considered regular users. Among 14 and 15 year olds, about one infive smokes pot (marijuana), and the age at which kids start smoking is becoming younger and younger. Marijuana is easy to get in schools or on the street. The police today generally arrest sellers rather than users. An estimated $600 million is spent each year by law enforcement agencies to enforce marijuana laws.FSmuggling drugs in the U.S. is extremely profitable. The largest illegal business in America is marijuana smuggling. Estimated gross sales are between $4 and $5 billion a year. Smugglers make huge profits. Chances of being caught are small. Police cannot keep up with the huge numbers of smugglers and their methods of smuggling. For some people the chance of becoming a millionaire from drug smuggling is worth the risk of being arrested.GAlcohol is the drug most heavily used by young people. One study shows twice as many drinkers as users of all other drugs 79% in college and 58% in high school. One out of ten youthful drinkers will become alcoholic some within six months to a year after they start drinking. Almost one out of five youths who drink are already problem drinkers. About 70% of all adults drink. There are approximately 20,000 alcoholic deaths a year in the U.S. many in automobile accidents.HTobacco is another harmful drug. In spite of all the warnings about the dangerous affects of cigarettes. 4,500 young people between the ages of 12 and 17 become new smokers every day that is over a million and a half a year. 20% of all teenagers and 35% of all adults in the U.S. smoke. The cost to the nation of the effects of smoking has been put at more than $14 billion: $11 billion for hospital treatment of tobaccorelated illnesses; $3 billion lost in wages as a result of smokingcaused diseases.IPhysicians write almost 300 million prescriptions for moodaltering drugs. These include amphetamines, tranquillizers and sedatives. The majority are taken by women. These drugs are often abused in the U.S. today. They are very common in overdose cases. About 20 million American women have an alcoholor drug dependency.Headlines:1. Marijuana is as popular as ever. 2. Drugs and sexual revolution. 3.Campaigning for drugs. 4. Tobaccorelated diseases. 5. Buying and selling. 6.Sniffing killer. 7. Drugs boost crime. 8. Drugs favorite. 9. Heroin addicts. Alcoholic addiction. 11. A breach in the budget. 12. Police are helpless. 13.Drugs and money. 14. Smuggling drugs. 15. Marijuana is getting younger. 16. Drugs on the rise. 17. Drugs attack people.10. Read the text and do the exercises given below.THE MIRACLE DRUGS ABROADSome time ago the American boss of a friend of mine told the friend, «I admire you people who live abroad.You don‱t take pills. In America we‱re always taking a pill for something or other».My friend agreed. «We can‱t get any».Well, it was a good story, but not necessarily true. The majority of Americans coming to Europe are weighed down with every imaginable medication prescribed by family doctors. Each one is a miracle drug in its own right, and I haven‱t met an American tourist yet who isn‱t willing to share his medicines with less fortunate people who live abroad.Just recently I had the occasion to seehow many Americans will come to the aid of their fellow men. It started off when I complained at a dinner party of having a sore throat.«I have just the thing for you», the hostess said. «It‱s Slipawhizdrene. You take one every two hours».One of the guests said: «Slipawhizdrene is outdated. My doctor gave me Heventizcal. It doesn‱t make you as sleepy, and you only have to take two every four hours».«I left the United States two weeks after you did», another woman said, «and Heventizeal has been superseded by Deviltizeal. I have a bottle at the hotel, and if you stop by I‱ll give you some».The only Frenchman at the table said, «Why don‱t you gargle with aspirin?»The people at the dinner couldn‱t have been more shocked if he had said a fourletter word. The Frenchman‱s American wife was so embarrassed she almost broke into tears.He looked around helplessly. «But did I say wrong?»The husband of the hostess tried to smooth things over. «You see, Rene, in America we have gone beyond aspirin. You French believe in food; we believe in miracle drugs».«They‱re all barbarians», muttered one of the Americans.After dinner I stopped by the hotel and picked up an envelope of Deviltizeal. I took two before I went to bed. At four in the morning I no longer hadmy sore throat, but I was violently sick to my stomach. I remained in this state until morning. I had a luncheon date with a Hollywood producer, but I couldn‱t eat anything.«I‱ve got just the thing for an upset stomach. It is called Egazzakine. Here, take one now, and one at four o‱clock».I took the proffered pill, and in a halfhour my stomach settled. Only now, my eyes started to run, and I began sneezing.Making my way blindly to the office, I ran into another American friend in front of the Lancaster Hotel. He recognized the symptoms immediately. «You‱ve probably got an allergy. Come upstairs and I‱ll give you something for it».We went up to his room, and he took out a leather case filled with various bottles.«Let‱s see», he said, reading from a slip of paper. «The yellowandblack ones are for jaundice, the greenandblue ones are for pneumonia, the whiteandred ones are for rheumatism, the pinkandbeige ones are for heart trouble oh, yes, the brownandpurple are for allergies. Here, take twonow, and two at four o‱clock».«But I‱ve got to take Egazzakine at that time!»«Don‱t do it», he warned. «That‱s what you‱re probably allergic to».I took the brownandpurple capsules and went to the office. In about an hour, my tear ducts had dried up and I stopped sneezing.I felt perfectly well, except I couldn‱t move my left arm. I reported this to my friend at the Lancaster, who said, «The doctor warned me it happens sometimes. He gave me something else in case it did. I‱ll send it over with the bellboy».The bellboy brought over some orangeandcerise tablets. I took two, and it wasn‱t long before I could lift my arm again. That evening during dinner I discovered I had my sore throat back. But I didn‱t mention it to a soul.11. Read the text, make up questions and answer them. Discuss the text in pairs.DRUG ADDICTION PROBLEM FOR YOUNG PEOPLEDrug Addiction is commonly defined as the habitual and uncontrollable use of a drug. It is often used interchangeably with other terms such as drug abuse and drug dependence. Abuse in its strictest sense refers to the taking of drugs without medical need, in an amount large enough to threaten the quality of life or health and safety of the user or others. Dependence is a compelling need to continue takinga mindaltering drug to induce pleasure or to relieve anxiety and tension as well as avoid discomfort. Addiction is the disruptive behavior or activity associated with obtaining and using a drug that a person is dependent on.Many drugs, including sleeping pills and some stimulants are addicting. Drugs are an integral part of everyday life for many people. The legality and social acceptance of the use of a particular drug often depends on what it is used for, its effects and its users. The use of marijuanafor pleasure is not socially accepted by most people but its use by a person with an advanced cancer to relieve nausea can change even the most solid stance of resistance. In fact, the use of marijuana for medical purposes has been legalized by some government.Mindaltering drugs are not all illegal and here lies the danger. Some drugs affect brain function each time they are used regardless of the amount used. Others would have this affect only if taken in large amounts or used continuously.Doctors may be able to detect problems created by the use of mindaltering drugs which are not readily recognizable by friends, family or even by the person himself / herself. These problems are often manifested by changes in mood or behavior. Persons that have to take certain drugs especially for long periods of time should ask their doctor about the potential consequences of prolonged use of specific drugs.Certain drugs are classified as illegal because they have been proved to be dangerous to the individual and thesociety. Classification is based on evidence of the adverse effects of the drug on reliable historical, epidemiological and scientific facts. There are proponents to the idea that illegal drugs should be made commercially available and socially acceptableto remove the mystery and the attraction these drugs present to people especially the young. However, it is fairly difficult to quantify the physical, psychological and social harm the free access to these drugs would produce.Early detection of experiments with drugs could protect from strong drugs dependency.12. Read the text and answer the questions after it, choosing the best variant.CHANGES IN BRAIN SUGGEST ADDICTION IS TREATABLEWhile the United States focuses on New York Yankee baseball star Darryl Strawberry‱s relapse into cocaine use, scientists are trying to understand the nature of addiction itself and to create treatments that work. They have made progress, but much remains to be done.According to neuroanatomist Stephen Dewey at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, studies in animals have shown «there are profound biochemical changes that occur in the brains of addicts, and they appear to get worse with time».Dewey said the continuing studies of drug addiction at his laboratory show that loss of specific receptor molecules occurs on nerve cells, or neurons. Receptor molecules are signalreceiving devices needed for brain cells to communicate with each other.The Brookhaven team has also seen a decrease in energy metabolismin addicts‱ brains and changes in molecules called neurotransmitters. They are critically involved in the brain‱s normal activities.«People talk about addiction being a moral weakness», Dewey said, but research shows that the biochemical changes seen in addiction resemble what is seen in wellknown brain disorders such as Parkinson‱s disease, «People feel these are real diseases, and if you look in the addicted brain, you see the same; the kinds of real physical changes we can measure and quantify», he said.According to psychologist Howard Shaffer at Harvard Medical School, people can successfully end their addictions, although it is never easy.«People like to combine stimulators and central nervous system depressants, the sedating drugs. These keep themfrom being over stimulated, or over sedated», Shaffer said. «They get into an alternate state of consciousness that feels just right».Because of such complexity, no single treatment or approach to ending addiction works for everyone, Shaffer said. Addiction «varies from person to person, depending on what‱s going on in their lives. If they are troubled by something, they may want a more sedating experience, and tend to favor the depressants, trying to calm down and control themselves.It is difficult to get out of addiction because addicts «have to discover how to manage their daytoday life in a new state of consciousness, which they are not used to. And if it‱s all uncomfortable, the solution is too readily available in our culture, which is to take more drugs», he explained. «So relapse is all too common; that‱s the bottom line».One of the paths being vigorously explored is the development of antiaddiction drugs, such as one being studied by the Brookhaven team. Dewey said a compound called sabril, an epilepsy drug, has been found to help end addiction. Clinical trials have not yet begun, so sabril is not yet available.Dewey‱s research is focused on the brain‱s neurochemistry, especially on the socalled gabanergic system. In this system, a brain compound called gaba controls the action of the signaling molecule dopamine, that plays a key role in the brain's pleasure pathway.1. The latest studies implemented by US scientists show that...a) people who try to get rid of drug addiction often fail to do it.b) the treatment used by Darryl Strawberry didn‱t help him.c) the biochemical nature, of addiction is still unknown.d) the brain of an addict is physically different from the brain of a person who doesn‱t use drugs.2. What is the role of neurotransmitters in the work of the brain?a) They are absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.b) They are harmful for the normal functioning of the brain.c) They are not necessary for the brain of a person who doesn‱t use drugs.d) They cause the decrease in energy metabolism in the brain of an addict.3. Stephen Dewey claims that...a) the symptoms of drug addiction are the same as of Parkinson‱s disease.b) drug addiction is rather moral than physical disease.c) the neurons of the brain of an addict suffer from the lack of signalreceiving molecules.d) the scientist now are able to count the number of neurons in the brain.4. What is Howard Shaffer‱s opinion of the possibility of ending drug addiction?a) Each person can do it without any outside help, though it is not easy.b) It is easier for people who use sedating drugs than for those who use stimulators.c) It is possible to find a universal treatment for all drug addicts.d) It is not possible to find a universal treatment for alldrug addicts.5. People who try to give up addiction...a) find their life without drugs uncomfortable.b) start taking even more drugs if they fail.c) find it very hard to get used to the new life.d) discover that drugs are not the solution to their problems.6. What did the research of Brookhaven team result in?a) The development of an antiaddiction drug that has already helped many people.b) The development of a new treatment for epilepsy.c) Understanding the nature of the brain‱s pleasure pathway.d) Finding a new compound called gaba, that is present only in the brain of an addict.13. How can the drug abuse be regulated? Suggest your practical moves.
Ссылкинаисточники1.Тюмасева З.И., Богданов Е.Н., Щербак Н.П. Словарьсправочник современного общего образования: акмеологические, валеологические и экологические тайны. СПб.: Питер, 2004.464 с.2.Азитова Г.Ш. Воспитание культуры здоровья у школьников в условиях сельской школы: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук. Казань: Татарскийгос. гуманитарнопедагогический унт, 2006. 23с.3.Авраменко Е.Б., Баранова Н.А.HealthandWealth. Архангельск: Издательский центр СГМУ,2011. 210 c.
Avramenko Elena,senior lecturerof German Philology chair in the Humanitarian Institute, branch of the Northern Arctic Federal University after M.V. Lomonosov in the town of Severodvinsk, Archangelsk Regione.avramenko@narfu.ruBaranova Natalya,Candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor of German Philology chair in the Humanitarian Institute, branch of the Northern Arctic Federal University after M.V.Lomonosov in the town of Severodvinsk, Archangelsk Regionromachka21@yandex.ruElective course in the English language «Formation of healthy way of life»Abstract.Thearticle presents the program of the course on the English language, aimed at the formation of the healthy way of life, and contains a complex of exercises on the topic of «Drug addiction».Keywords: health culture, the propaganda of the healthy way of life, formation of a negative attitude to the bad habits, prevention of drug abuse.
Рекомендовано к публикации: Горевым П. М., кандидатом педагогических наук, главным редактором журнала «Концепт»