Групповые формы работы по теме «Mass Media» на занятиях по английскому языку в вузе
Библиографическое описание статьи для цитирования:
Б., Баранова
Групповые формы работы по теме «Mass Media» на занятиях по английскому языку в вузе // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». –
2014. – Т. 20. – С.
3201–3205. – URL:
Аннотация. Значительные изменения, происходящие в жизни общества, требуют повышения эффективности учебной деятельности по иностранному языку. В результате этого возникает настоятельная потребность в реализации современных методов и форм обучения, одной из которых является групповая форма работы, повышающая интерес к языку, способствующая возникновению новых потребностей и стимулирующая самостоятельную работу студентов.
Текст статьи
Авраменко Елена Борисовна,старший преподаватель кафедры германской филологии гуманитарного института филиала Северного Арктического федерального университета имениМ.В.Ломоносова,г. Северодвинск Архангельской областиe.avramenko@narfu.ruБаранова Наталья Александровна,кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры германской филологии гуманитарного института филиала Северного Арктического федерального университета имениМ.В.Ломоносова,г. Северодвинск Архангельской областиromachka21@yandex.ru
Групповые формы работы по теме «Mass Media»
на занятиях по английскому языку в вузе
Аннотация. Значительныеизменения, происходящие в жизни общества, требуют повышения эффективности учебной деятельности по иностранному языку.В результате этого возникает настоятельная потребность в реализации современных методов и форм обучения, одной из которых является групповая форма работы, повышающая интерес к языку, способствующая возникновению новых потребностей и стимулирующая самостоятельную работустудентов.
Ключевые слова: обучение английскому языку, групповые формы работы,средства массовой информации.
В современном мире произошли качественные изменения во всех сферах жизни, в том числе и в обучении иностранному языку. Английский язык сегодня приобрёл статус языка глобального общения, что, несомненно,повлияло и на методикуегопреподавания, одним из основных принципов которой стал принцип коллективноговзаимодействия, осуществляемый в процессе совместной деятельности студентовгруппыпо реализацииопределенной интенции.Краеугольнымкамнем данного принципа является групповая работа, для которой характерны следующие черты: «отношение каждого обучающегося к своему делу как к общему;умение совместно действовать для достижения цели;взаимная поддержка и требовательность;умение критически относиться к себе;оценивать свой личный успех или неудачу с позиции общей работы, а также проявлять заинтересованность в ее результатах»[1, 12].Групповая работапредставляет собой методикусовместного обученияи обеспечивает возможность социального взаимодействия. Этот вид работыможет быть использован на любом этапе занятия для применения полученных знаний и проверки пониманияматериаластудентами.Несмотря на то, что групповая форма работы широко освещена в теоретических исследованиях отечественных и зарубежных авторов, она не находитдостойного применения на практике. Многие преподаватели отказываются от нее по ряду причин: отсутствие возможности постоянно контролировать деятельность обучающихся, что ведет к увеличению количества ошибок в их речи; невозможность оказать качественную помощь при большом количестве групп в аудитории; нежелание некоторых обучающихся работать в группе с теми или иными студентами[2, 173174]. Однако целесообразность использованияданной формы работы обусловлена тем, что только в процессе групповой деятельности осуществляется развитие и совершенствование навыков общенияпосредством экспериментирования с разнообразнымимоделями отношений среди равноправныхпартнеров,т.е. достижение главной цели обучения иностранному языку –формирование коммуникативной компетенции. На основании анализа методической литературы можно сделать вывод о недостаточно эффективном использованиитакихвидовгрупповой работы как интервью, дискуссия, драматизация, симпозиум, ролевая игра, составление рассказов, банк информации, мозговой штурм (брейнсторминг), брейнринг. Исходя из вышесказанного, предлагаем следующие задания для групповой работы по теме «Mass Media», которые были апробированы на занятиях по «Практике устной и письменной речи первого иностранного языка» (направление подготовки: 050100.62 –Педагогическое образование, профиль подготовки: Иностранный язык (английский), квалификация: бакалавр) вгуманитарном институтефилиала Северного Арктического федерального университета имени М.В.Ломоносова в г.Северодвинске Архангельской области.Тема «MassMedia»заслуживает внимания, так каксредства массовой информации являются неотъемлемой частью жизни любого общества в целом и отдельного индивидуума в частности.Данная тема дает возможность развивать навыкикоммуникативной деятельности; позволяет реализовать полныйкомплекс специальных (речевых) умений, характеризующих уровень практического владения иностранным языкомкак средством общения, в том числе в интеркультурных ситуациях, черезсистему знаний национальнокультурных особенностей и реалий родной страны и страны изучаемого языка.Перейдем к рассмотрению заданий, указанных выше.Interview(интервью) представляет собой беседу по заранее намеченному плану с лицом или группой лиц ответы которых на все вопросы служат исходным материалом для обобщения, предполагает использованиечастотных клишеи оптимальное сочетание структурной повторяемости. Task1. Analyze the data obtained during the survey concerning the influence of mass media on the youth.Mass Media plays an important role in the life of individuals and society. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet are the main sources of information that influence the inner world of a person. A century ago, people gained the information via their personal communication, social and professional activities. Nowadays the situation is quite different. There is no need to leave the house to get the latest news and communicate with other people.According to the research the following conclusion was drawn:1. The main source of information for young people is without doubt the Internet; the role of television is also increasing.2. Students’ growing interest in information relates to politics, finance and economy.3. Senior students often analyze information from mass media.4. Advertisements have a great influence on the students.Interview the students of your group on the following questions and make your own conclusion concerning theinfluence of mass media on the youth.1. What sources of information do you usually prefer?A. TVB. InternetC. RadioD. Newspapers and magazines2. What mass media information is the most interesting for you?A. rest, leisure, entertainment, sportB. youth issuesC. politics, economics, financeD. crime, accidentsE. style, fashion3. How often do you analyze the information received through the media?A. alwaysB. oftenC. not oftenD. never4. How often do you use advertisements from mass media?A. alwaysB. oftenC. is not oftenD. neverTask 2.
1. Conduct a survey «Role of Television as a Mass Medium»to find out how many hours people in your neighbourhood watch television. Do you read your newspaper every morning? What if you did not get time in themorning? You can always read it later. But, what if you miss an episode of your favourite television serial? You will have to be satisfied with someone telling you the story unless you had arranged a recording of the program. Due to the large output and lack of permanence, television programs are not easy to be recorded by viewers. It may be practically impossible to record every program, which appears on your television. Therefore, television is generally identified as a transitory medium.2. Have you ever visited a television station? You will be amazed at the amount of machinery and expertise needed to run a television station. Have you or your friends ever tried to bring out a hand written magazine? You can write articles and stories and draw your own pictures. All you need will be paper, pen, drawing instruments and time. However, a television program can never be made this Transitory: Existing or lasting only a short time easily. It requires lots of money, machinery and experienced people. Broadcast media in general and television in particular involves complex technology and organization. You will need a lot of moneyto start a television station.3. What makes television images more memorable?4. Mention three characteristics of television and name two of its characteristics, which make it an ideal medium for the telecast of sports events.Discussion(дискуссия)–вид диалогической речи,спор на заданную тему. Характеризуется большим количеством участников, выражающих различные мнения и суждения по одному и тому же вопросу. Включает в себя элементы монолога. Диалогические элементы придают эмоциональную окраску, а монологические служат для выражения логического содержания.
Task1. You and your friend are discussing the best source of getting information (newspapers,TV,radio,the Internet)about the world. There are several options but you may choose only one of them:A. What do you think is the best way of getting information about the world?B. It is a very difficult question. Perhaps, the best way to learn about the world is reading newspapers. They are packed with the latest news, information and facts and help us to be aware of everything. Besides, they usually provide us with extra details, commentaries and background information. What is more, newspapers cater for a variety of political views, interests and levels of education so you can choose a newspaper according to your interests.A. Actually, I don’t like reading very much. It takes so much time. And newspapers ... They make my hands dirty and the print is so small! My eyes usually get so tired.B. But you can’t but agree that newspapers provide us with reliable information. And if you are tired, you can put it down and turn to it later.A. You are right. Still, I prefer the radio. It’s good to listen to the radio in a car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house. You can tune into all kinds of stations: pop or classical music, news, sport or foreign radio stations so you can keep uptodate with the news. Besides, radio has fresher news than newspapers. They are informed every halfhour.B. I don’t agree with you. Radio news items are very short and you have to believe the presenter’s opinion because you don’t have enough information. Besides, the news items on the radio are also recorded beforehand so they are not always fresh. What is more, sometimes it’s difficult to find a necessary radio station.A. What about TV then? It is a wonderful source of information. When you need immediate information about the latest world events, you switch the TV on. Besides, I like TV news because I can see everything with my own eyes. Television is a reflection of the modern world and it allows me to follow the events in faraway countries without visiting them.B. I can’t but agree with you. There are hundreds of various programmes on TV that keep you informed about the rest of the world. But for the television, I would not be able to watch extraordinary animals and to learn about their life and habits. However, television has certain disadvantages.A. What disadvantages?B. For example, they usually show the same news on all channels. And if I want to get some news, I have to wait until the news program is on. In addition, you can’t get information about everything on TV.A. Well, the samecan be said about newspapers and the radio. I think there is no source of information without any drawbacks.B. We live in a multimedia society. Let’s take advantage of it and learn everything from our computers.A. But how can we get information from computers?B. Haven’t you heard about the Internet? It has become another important source of information, which allows you to learn about almost everything. It’s much easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library and find the necessary book or a magazine. All the latest information is available to you in your home at any hour of the day and night. You don’t have to wait for news programs to be in the know of everything.A. But you have to pay for the Internet! Isn’t it very expensive?B. We also have to pay for newspapers, radio and television. With the development of new technology, the Internet is as expensive as all other sources of information.A. But we can’t see everything with our own eyes. Besides, computers affect our eyesight.B. Not exactly.The Internet allows you to watch all TV programs. Moreover, it has additional video films on different topics. As for our eyesight, I can say that modern computer screens have no radiation.A. Perhaps, you are right. Computers have changed our life for the better. So why shouldn’t we make them work to our advantage?B. I completely agree with you. It goes without saying that the Internet has become the best source of information nowadays.Task 2. Discussthe following quotations(in a group) and express your own opinion.1. «Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks».2. «The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect». (Esther Dyson)3. «Television is an amusement park. We are in the boredomkilling business. » (Paddy Chayefsky)4. «I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. However, I can’t stop eating peanuts. » (Orson Welles)5. «Radio is the theater of the mind; television is the theater of the mindless.» (Steve Allen)6. «Being a famous print journalist is like being the bestdressed woman on radio. » (Robin Williams)7. Radio is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome» (T.S.Eliot)8. «The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers.They were giants. » (Woody Allen)9. «The bosses of our mass media, press, radio, film and television, succeed in their aim of taking our minds off disaster. Thus, the distraction they offer demands the antidote of maximum concentration on disaster. » (Ernst Fischer)10. «What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish. » (WystanAuden)Dramatization(драматизация/театрализация)подразумевает обыгрывание диалога (полилога, сцены спектакля) по уже готовому образцу, сценарию, написанному литератором, преподавателем или автором учебника [3, 1113].
Task1. Make up dialogues on proposed subjects, using the given words and expressionsand dramatize them. Plot 1Actors –the representative of the magazine and the reader.At the meeting, the reader presents claims and requirements to the quality and content of the journal; he is promised to make the next issues more interesting.Words and expressions:to demand, substantial magazine, scientific article, reliability, entertaining, to subscribe to a magazine, review, response, approval.Plot 2Your dream is to enter the faculty of journalism at the University. However, your cousin, a successful television editor, says that prestigious University is a waste of money and efforts. For a journalist, the main thing is good luck. And he asks you to try your hand at his Studio. What’s your decision? Words and expressions:daily, fresh news, timely, situation, to learn something new, spare time, profit, harm, bad influence, elite, to have been through the mill.Plot 3You meet a friend who is outraged by the gossip published in the newspaper about his favourite singer. But you know that what is written is a real fact. You’re trying to prove that the media does not always lie.Words and expressions:copyright, opinion, advice, to criticize, to mislead, to embellish, bitter truth.Task 2. Learn and dramatize the dialogues.A. Hi, Bob! Have you seen the «News» on TV?B. Hi there, Andrew...No, I haven’t. Was there something interesting?A. I was quite taken with the opinionpoll findings –the poll identified the main contenders for «the supreme office».B. Ah, what would we do without television! First, it determines the shape of public opinion, and then it keeps us informed about it!A. That’s a rather biased view. Not for nothing are the mass media dubbed «the fourth estate». To inform people, to communicate true information about everything that’s happening, and –hence –in some form or another to «educate» the viewer, is indeed the specific function of television.B. Talking about TV, my favourite channel is the one called «Culture». I like programs about the theatre, and about people in «the arts».A. There you are, you see –that’s influencing the viewer, and moulding his views and the way he looks at the world.B. I don’t enjoy newspapers. I remember Marina Tsvetayeva’s definition: –«Those who read the press swallowemptiness...!»A. That’s exaggerating –poetic «overstatement». Perhaps, though, Tsvetayeva’s words referred just to the thirties...B. Maybe, but nowadays there are so many papers published that are simply poorquality, dull and trivial.A. I hope you’renot referring to publicity literature?B. No, much of it is, indeed, what is needed, although it includes advertising publications that do not meet any particular need on their readers’ part.A. Mind you, young people use those «publicity papers» to find themselves work. Moreover, in the spring those papers published a lot of useful information for schoolleavers.B. Agreed. But I prefer what you might call the «classical» version of a newspaper. For example, Izvestiya and St. Petersburg Vedomosti. I also find much of interest in papers like Property and Construction. You find a lot in it about what’s being built in St. Petersburg, what plans exist to redevelop the city; the cost of new flats, etc.A. That’s most interesting. But I also read the papers for their sports coverage –they’ve got the latest information about the «sport» side of life in Russia.B. I like perusing publications dedicated to music, and the ratings of various music groups. Of course, you can get a lot of information on that on television.Task 3. Reproduce the text in a dialogue so that a question is asked about each sentence said by the disputants. Recite the dialogue.Stephen: The Internet is not what’s important. I think if you can find anything, anything at all, that you want to, Ithink it’s a really useful resource. You need to know where to look for things, and you need to know how to get there. It’s not easy, but once you’ve acclimatized to it, it’s like using a telephone or something like that. It’s something that’s very simple, although I’ve been told by my dad that the phone bill was pretty huge last month, and that I should definitely cut down the amount of time I spend on the Internet.Presenter: Oops.Becky: I didn’t know that. I must be a real individual because I am so technically inept that I still have to call Stephen out to help me to log on. It’s really pathetic, and I’m the only person I know in this ITilliterate situation my age. But certainly I get by without the Internet, and I don’t think I’m really missing out on anything without surfing the web much. But then I’m not surfing the web so I don’t know, perhaps my life would be enriched by the diversity of things available to me there. I used it for revision, for my GCSEs, and that was useful, to be able to get online answers. I found that incredibly helpful. But I don’t like the fact that there are so few ways to regulate the truth of the information. And that also, you come up with a subject, you might have to trail through hundreds of sites until you find an actually relevant site. Somehow I’d just prefer to go to a library and get a book that I know, it’s been published, it’s got there’s some kind of verification that what it’s telling me is true.Stephen: I think the research is the same, even in the library youstill have to look for what you want, you still don’t know if the information is relevant or not. I think the Internet is just like a vast library, and if you know how to get the information you want, it can be useful. But I get your point about how there’s so much that you don’t really know what to do.Presenter: And of course, there’s the chat room situation, where you don’t know who you’re talking to. There’s the danger of people going on and saying they’re people who they’re not. Georgina, have you gotexperience of a chat room?Georgina: Yes, I have, and you have to be careful, it’s true to say. But I wouldn’t get unduly worried about it. Obviously there have been some awful occurrences where people have actually met up with someone they’ve been speaking to in a chat room, and they’ve been violent. But generally speaking, people do lie, I’ve lied, I’ve said I’m older than I am, that I look different to how I am. Sometimes that’s half the fun, and if you don’t take it any further than that it’s quite fun. It is escapism, being someone else, and learning about –I’ll speak to people from the Far East and stuff –it’s learning about different cultures in a way. If you take it a bit further, like anything, then that’s when it gets worrying.Presenter: In fact,they might not have been from the Far East at all.Georgina: Good point. Yeah, exactly. You do have to question everything. But as long as you keep that in your mind with the Internet, then you should be fine you know.
Symposium(симпозиум)–нетрадиционная форма занятия,представляющая собой совещаниеили конференциюпо какомулибо актуальному вопросу.Task1.Give a talk on the mass media. Express your own opinion and answer the other students’ questions. Remember to discuss:–whether nowadays it’s easier to get information about the world, why;–why it is important to keep uptodate with the news;–what the most popular way of learning about the world is, why;–which way of getting information you prefer, why.Roleplay(ролевая игра)–форма организации коллективной учебной деятельности на уроке, имеющая своей целью формирование и развитие речевых навыков и умений в условияхмаксимально близких к условиям реального общения. Предусматривает распределение учащихся по ролям и разыгрывание ситуаций общения в соответствии с темой ролевой игры и ролями обучаемых.Task1. Role play«Teenagers and Mass Media». Choose a role from the given list: psychologist, sociologist, tutor, student, journalist, the moderator of the University site, the administrator of the University site, the TV reporter, University journal editor.Use different phrases to express agreement and disagreement:Well, you have a point here, but I’m not sure…; perhaps, but I don’t think that …; yes, I agree entirely here…; I couldn’t agreemore …; that’s exactly what I think; yes, that’s true; that’s my way of looking at it too; you may be right, but I think it goes further than that; I see what you mean, but …; what you say is perfectly true; as I know is that …; I’m not so sure; that may be so … but …; I wouldn’t say that exactly; it might be right, but …; that’s totally unfounded; you seem to think that things are different for me.Topics for discussion:1. The mass media has a huge influence on people of all ages but teenagers are exposed to mass media less than any other adults are.2. In lack of interesting places for socializing and leisure activities, teenagers turn to social networks. 3. Social networks are less available and expensive than other ways for searching companionships.4. The internet is absolutely the loser when we talk about the influence of media on teenagers. 5. The other media like TV and newspapers are less but also present in teenagers’ proportion of daily activities. During this period of growing up, teenagers try to talk, dress and behave like popular TV and music stars. If you want to keep in step with modern technology, you are to resist the need to join Facebook, Twitter or MySpace... 6. Teenagers ignore their studying and sport activities in exchange for sitting in front of their computers. Their body does not develop and grow properly and they often have health problems. 7. Teenagers’ views on things, attitudes and opinions haven’t changed for the last century. They copy styles of famous people and sometimes forget who they really are. They try to look like celebrities but they do not know how to get good marks. 8. The internet imposes a model of style, behavior, attitudes and fashion and that makes children look alike and act similarly. When you walk down the street, you can see many teens wearing the same clothes. 9. As we can see, the influence of media on teenagers is very small and it probably goes in the right direction. 10. It is too late to stop the negative influence of the mass media on teenagers. 11. Instead of the Internet, sport and science must become our priorities and they must be promoted more than nowadays so that teenagers can become more interested in them. Task 2. Role play«The case is heard: Real Life vs Internet»Some studentsplaya part of the Internet orReal Life. They try to defend their right to exist. The others are against them. Student A –speaking for a judge.Student B –speaking for the prosecution.Student C –speaking for the defence.Student D –representingthe Internet.Student E –representing Real Life.The rest of the group are acting as members of the jury and will bring a verdict of «guilty» or «not guilty».The judge conducts the trial, puts questions, and examines the documents and evidence.Counsel for the prosecution addresses the jury and presents his case after which he calls witnesses who swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Counsel for the defence proceeds in the same way. The judge may interfere at any point and ask questions.When the two sides have presented their cases, the judge gives his summing up. The jury retires to consider its verdict: Guilty or Not Guilty. If the defendant is found guilty,the judge passes sentence on him.Makingstories–творческое задание, предполагающее составление рассказа (истории) на определенную тему с использованием определенного лексикограмматического материала.Task1.Read the sentences. In a groupmake up a story,they are usedin,and tell it to your group mates.1. Wrap all your glasses in a newspaper. 2. This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. 3. She bent forward to pick up the newspaper. 4. She accused the newspaper of trying to blacken his name. 5. They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper and settle out of court. 6. Chuck me the newspaper, would you? 7.The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity. 8. The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report. 9. I cut this article out of the newspaper. 10. The newspaper article caused the actor considerable distress. 11. The newspaper is distributed free. 12. He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down. 13. The newspaper reports are a mixture of gossip, lies and halftruths. 14. Issues like this are the newspaper’s meat and potatoes. 15. She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.InformationBank(банк информации). Общая особенность этой группы приемов заключается в том, что каждый обучающийсясначала владеет небольшим фрагментом информации, затем в результате речевого взаимодействия с другими студентами получает информацию из коллективного банка иприобретает всю сумму знаний. Task1.Find information about Russian periodicals, share your information with your group mates, discuss it and makea report about them.Brainstorming(мозговой штурм) является специальным методом организации совместной групповой творческой работы студентов, рассчитанным на повышение их умственной активности и решение сложных интеллектуальных задач путем активизации, стимулирования группового поиска идей, решения проблем. Входебрейнстормингапредполагаетсяколлективноерешениеопределеннойпроблемы[4, 4748]. Task1.Discuss some problemquestions, concerning the reasons to turn the television off.1. Guilt. Television programs often create a glamorous image of a life that is far outside the financial capabilities of most people watching. When viewers watch such programs then reflect on their lives, it creates a set of negative feelings. The most prevalent feeling is guilt –we can’t give the family this stuff. Thus, the sense of selfworth goes down. 2. Less time for other opportunities. If the television is on for four hours a day, that’s four hours where one could be doing something more constructive with time, like starting a successful blog or starting a business or working on a novel or getting household chores doneand so forth.3. Stress. When a person spends a lot of time watching television, he or she puts off other things that should be done, like paying bills, playing with the kids, and so on. After a while, these things build up and we begin to feel stress in our lives that wouldn’t be there if we didn’t spend so much time watching television. Over time, elevated stress leads to health issues.4. Poorer dining habits. Instead of spending time preparing a healthy, inexpensive meal from scratch, we would hurry upand eat a more expensive prepackaged meal (or takeout) so that we could catch certain television programs. These costs added up, not only on our wallets, but also around our waists.5. Poor health / obesity. Television is usually a sedentary activity. Over time, it begins to show. Television is the big reason for the «obesity epidemic, » because people simply don’t get the natural exercise from doing nonsedentary activities that they once got. The health costs from this can be tremendous.6. Less communication. When the television is on for hours each day, it’s much more difficult to have real conversations with the people in your life. Over time, less communication means weaker relationships with the people you love, and this means that quite often you have to «supplement» the relationship with additional spending.Brainring(брейн ринг) –специальный метод организации интеллектуальной игры на скорость, соревнованиедвух команд игроков, гдета, котораяответилапервой правильно, лишает соперника возможности отвечать на заданныйвопрос.
Task1.Discuss some contrasting ideas about television.Onehalf of the group makes a list of all the good points about TV. The other half makes a list of only the bad points. Compareyourideas.Групповая работа –прекрасная возможность творчески применять полученные знания на практике, мотивировать учебный процесс, способствовать углублению и расширению познавательной деятельности обучаемых, совершенствовать навыки продуктивного взаимодействия. «Работа в условиях кооперации имеет такие важные преимущества, как повышение уровня осмысления материала; рост числа нестандартных решений; перенос знаний и умений, приобретенных в группах, в индивидуальную работу; позитивное отношение к изучаемому материалу; готовность неотвлекаться от решаемой задачи»[5; 22], что ведет к личностному росту студента, атакже помогает осознать ценность других людей и потребность в них.Данный вид работы позволяет придать старым надежным методам и формам преподавания английского языка совершенно иной вид, наиболее полно решить целый комплекс методических, дидактических, педагогических и психологических задач, делает процесс обучения более насыщенным, интересным и ярким.
Ссылки на источники1.Куклина С.С. Коллективная учебная деятельность в группе на этапе формирования навыков иноязычного общения // Иностранные языки в школе. –1998. –№ 5. –С. 1117.2.Brown H.D. Teaching by Principles: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. –N.Y.: Prentice Hall Regents, 1994. 3.Быконя О.П. Театрализация на занятиях по иностранному языку в неязыковых вузах. –Мн.: МГЛУ, 2006.–74 с.4.Щукин А.Н. Лигводидактический энциклопедический словарь: более 2000 единиц / А.Н.Щукин. –М.: Астрель: АСТ: Хранитель, 2008. –746 с.5.Уваров А.Ю. Кооперация в обучении: групповая работа: учебнометодическое пособие / А.Ю.Уваров. –М.: Мирос, 2001. –224 с.
Avramenko Elena Borisovnasenior lecturerof German Philology chair in the Institute of Humanities, branch of the Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in the town of Severodvinsk, Archangelsk Regione.avramenko@narfu.ru
Baranova Natalya AleksandrovnaCandidate of pedagogical science, associate professor of German Philology chair in the Institute of Humanities, branch of the Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V.Lomonosov in the town of Severodvinsk, Archangelsk Regionromachka21@yandex.ruGroup forms of work on the topic «Mass Media» at the University English language lessonsSummary. Significant changes in the society require increasing of efficiency offoreign language educational activity. As a result, there is an urgent need in realization ofmodern methods and forms of education, one of which is a group form of work, increasingthe interest to the language, contributing to the emergence of new kinds of motivationand stimulating students’ selfinstruction.
Keywords:English language training, a group form of work, mass media.
Групповые формы работы по теме «Mass Media»
на занятиях по английскому языку в вузе
Аннотация. Значительныеизменения, происходящие в жизни общества, требуют повышения эффективности учебной деятельности по иностранному языку.В результате этого возникает настоятельная потребность в реализации современных методов и форм обучения, одной из которых является групповая форма работы, повышающая интерес к языку, способствующая возникновению новых потребностей и стимулирующая самостоятельную работустудентов.
Ключевые слова: обучение английскому языку, групповые формы работы,средства массовой информации.
В современном мире произошли качественные изменения во всех сферах жизни, в том числе и в обучении иностранному языку. Английский язык сегодня приобрёл статус языка глобального общения, что, несомненно,повлияло и на методикуегопреподавания, одним из основных принципов которой стал принцип коллективноговзаимодействия, осуществляемый в процессе совместной деятельности студентовгруппыпо реализацииопределенной интенции.Краеугольнымкамнем данного принципа является групповая работа, для которой характерны следующие черты: «отношение каждого обучающегося к своему делу как к общему;умение совместно действовать для достижения цели;взаимная поддержка и требовательность;умение критически относиться к себе;оценивать свой личный успех или неудачу с позиции общей работы, а также проявлять заинтересованность в ее результатах»[1, 12].Групповая работапредставляет собой методикусовместного обученияи обеспечивает возможность социального взаимодействия. Этот вид работыможет быть использован на любом этапе занятия для применения полученных знаний и проверки пониманияматериаластудентами.Несмотря на то, что групповая форма работы широко освещена в теоретических исследованиях отечественных и зарубежных авторов, она не находитдостойного применения на практике. Многие преподаватели отказываются от нее по ряду причин: отсутствие возможности постоянно контролировать деятельность обучающихся, что ведет к увеличению количества ошибок в их речи; невозможность оказать качественную помощь при большом количестве групп в аудитории; нежелание некоторых обучающихся работать в группе с теми или иными студентами[2, 173174]. Однако целесообразность использованияданной формы работы обусловлена тем, что только в процессе групповой деятельности осуществляется развитие и совершенствование навыков общенияпосредством экспериментирования с разнообразнымимоделями отношений среди равноправныхпартнеров,т.е. достижение главной цели обучения иностранному языку –формирование коммуникативной компетенции. На основании анализа методической литературы можно сделать вывод о недостаточно эффективном использованиитакихвидовгрупповой работы как интервью, дискуссия, драматизация, симпозиум, ролевая игра, составление рассказов, банк информации, мозговой штурм (брейнсторминг), брейнринг. Исходя из вышесказанного, предлагаем следующие задания для групповой работы по теме «Mass Media», которые были апробированы на занятиях по «Практике устной и письменной речи первого иностранного языка» (направление подготовки: 050100.62 –Педагогическое образование, профиль подготовки: Иностранный язык (английский), квалификация: бакалавр) вгуманитарном институтефилиала Северного Арктического федерального университета имени М.В.Ломоносова в г.Северодвинске Архангельской области.Тема «MassMedia»заслуживает внимания, так каксредства массовой информации являются неотъемлемой частью жизни любого общества в целом и отдельного индивидуума в частности.Данная тема дает возможность развивать навыкикоммуникативной деятельности; позволяет реализовать полныйкомплекс специальных (речевых) умений, характеризующих уровень практического владения иностранным языкомкак средством общения, в том числе в интеркультурных ситуациях, черезсистему знаний национальнокультурных особенностей и реалий родной страны и страны изучаемого языка.Перейдем к рассмотрению заданий, указанных выше.Interview(интервью) представляет собой беседу по заранее намеченному плану с лицом или группой лиц ответы которых на все вопросы служат исходным материалом для обобщения, предполагает использованиечастотных клишеи оптимальное сочетание структурной повторяемости. Task1. Analyze the data obtained during the survey concerning the influence of mass media on the youth.Mass Media plays an important role in the life of individuals and society. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet are the main sources of information that influence the inner world of a person. A century ago, people gained the information via their personal communication, social and professional activities. Nowadays the situation is quite different. There is no need to leave the house to get the latest news and communicate with other people.According to the research the following conclusion was drawn:1. The main source of information for young people is without doubt the Internet; the role of television is also increasing.2. Students’ growing interest in information relates to politics, finance and economy.3. Senior students often analyze information from mass media.4. Advertisements have a great influence on the students.Interview the students of your group on the following questions and make your own conclusion concerning theinfluence of mass media on the youth.1. What sources of information do you usually prefer?A. TVB. InternetC. RadioD. Newspapers and magazines2. What mass media information is the most interesting for you?A. rest, leisure, entertainment, sportB. youth issuesC. politics, economics, financeD. crime, accidentsE. style, fashion3. How often do you analyze the information received through the media?A. alwaysB. oftenC. not oftenD. never4. How often do you use advertisements from mass media?A. alwaysB. oftenC. is not oftenD. neverTask 2.
1. Conduct a survey «Role of Television as a Mass Medium»to find out how many hours people in your neighbourhood watch television. Do you read your newspaper every morning? What if you did not get time in themorning? You can always read it later. But, what if you miss an episode of your favourite television serial? You will have to be satisfied with someone telling you the story unless you had arranged a recording of the program. Due to the large output and lack of permanence, television programs are not easy to be recorded by viewers. It may be practically impossible to record every program, which appears on your television. Therefore, television is generally identified as a transitory medium.2. Have you ever visited a television station? You will be amazed at the amount of machinery and expertise needed to run a television station. Have you or your friends ever tried to bring out a hand written magazine? You can write articles and stories and draw your own pictures. All you need will be paper, pen, drawing instruments and time. However, a television program can never be made this Transitory: Existing or lasting only a short time easily. It requires lots of money, machinery and experienced people. Broadcast media in general and television in particular involves complex technology and organization. You will need a lot of moneyto start a television station.3. What makes television images more memorable?4. Mention three characteristics of television and name two of its characteristics, which make it an ideal medium for the telecast of sports events.Discussion(дискуссия)–вид диалогической речи,спор на заданную тему. Характеризуется большим количеством участников, выражающих различные мнения и суждения по одному и тому же вопросу. Включает в себя элементы монолога. Диалогические элементы придают эмоциональную окраску, а монологические служат для выражения логического содержания.
Task1. You and your friend are discussing the best source of getting information (newspapers,TV,radio,the Internet)about the world. There are several options but you may choose only one of them:A. What do you think is the best way of getting information about the world?B. It is a very difficult question. Perhaps, the best way to learn about the world is reading newspapers. They are packed with the latest news, information and facts and help us to be aware of everything. Besides, they usually provide us with extra details, commentaries and background information. What is more, newspapers cater for a variety of political views, interests and levels of education so you can choose a newspaper according to your interests.A. Actually, I don’t like reading very much. It takes so much time. And newspapers ... They make my hands dirty and the print is so small! My eyes usually get so tired.B. But you can’t but agree that newspapers provide us with reliable information. And if you are tired, you can put it down and turn to it later.A. You are right. Still, I prefer the radio. It’s good to listen to the radio in a car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house. You can tune into all kinds of stations: pop or classical music, news, sport or foreign radio stations so you can keep uptodate with the news. Besides, radio has fresher news than newspapers. They are informed every halfhour.B. I don’t agree with you. Radio news items are very short and you have to believe the presenter’s opinion because you don’t have enough information. Besides, the news items on the radio are also recorded beforehand so they are not always fresh. What is more, sometimes it’s difficult to find a necessary radio station.A. What about TV then? It is a wonderful source of information. When you need immediate information about the latest world events, you switch the TV on. Besides, I like TV news because I can see everything with my own eyes. Television is a reflection of the modern world and it allows me to follow the events in faraway countries without visiting them.B. I can’t but agree with you. There are hundreds of various programmes on TV that keep you informed about the rest of the world. But for the television, I would not be able to watch extraordinary animals and to learn about their life and habits. However, television has certain disadvantages.A. What disadvantages?B. For example, they usually show the same news on all channels. And if I want to get some news, I have to wait until the news program is on. In addition, you can’t get information about everything on TV.A. Well, the samecan be said about newspapers and the radio. I think there is no source of information without any drawbacks.B. We live in a multimedia society. Let’s take advantage of it and learn everything from our computers.A. But how can we get information from computers?B. Haven’t you heard about the Internet? It has become another important source of information, which allows you to learn about almost everything. It’s much easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library and find the necessary book or a magazine. All the latest information is available to you in your home at any hour of the day and night. You don’t have to wait for news programs to be in the know of everything.A. But you have to pay for the Internet! Isn’t it very expensive?B. We also have to pay for newspapers, radio and television. With the development of new technology, the Internet is as expensive as all other sources of information.A. But we can’t see everything with our own eyes. Besides, computers affect our eyesight.B. Not exactly.The Internet allows you to watch all TV programs. Moreover, it has additional video films on different topics. As for our eyesight, I can say that modern computer screens have no radiation.A. Perhaps, you are right. Computers have changed our life for the better. So why shouldn’t we make them work to our advantage?B. I completely agree with you. It goes without saying that the Internet has become the best source of information nowadays.Task 2. Discussthe following quotations(in a group) and express your own opinion.1. «Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks».2. «The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect». (Esther Dyson)3. «Television is an amusement park. We are in the boredomkilling business. » (Paddy Chayefsky)4. «I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. However, I can’t stop eating peanuts. » (Orson Welles)5. «Radio is the theater of the mind; television is the theater of the mindless.» (Steve Allen)6. «Being a famous print journalist is like being the bestdressed woman on radio. » (Robin Williams)7. Radio is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome» (T.S.Eliot)8. «The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers.They were giants. » (Woody Allen)9. «The bosses of our mass media, press, radio, film and television, succeed in their aim of taking our minds off disaster. Thus, the distraction they offer demands the antidote of maximum concentration on disaster. » (Ernst Fischer)10. «What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish. » (WystanAuden)Dramatization(драматизация/театрализация)подразумевает обыгрывание диалога (полилога, сцены спектакля) по уже готовому образцу, сценарию, написанному литератором, преподавателем или автором учебника [3, 1113].
Task1. Make up dialogues on proposed subjects, using the given words and expressionsand dramatize them. Plot 1Actors –the representative of the magazine and the reader.At the meeting, the reader presents claims and requirements to the quality and content of the journal; he is promised to make the next issues more interesting.Words and expressions:to demand, substantial magazine, scientific article, reliability, entertaining, to subscribe to a magazine, review, response, approval.Plot 2Your dream is to enter the faculty of journalism at the University. However, your cousin, a successful television editor, says that prestigious University is a waste of money and efforts. For a journalist, the main thing is good luck. And he asks you to try your hand at his Studio. What’s your decision? Words and expressions:daily, fresh news, timely, situation, to learn something new, spare time, profit, harm, bad influence, elite, to have been through the mill.Plot 3You meet a friend who is outraged by the gossip published in the newspaper about his favourite singer. But you know that what is written is a real fact. You’re trying to prove that the media does not always lie.Words and expressions:copyright, opinion, advice, to criticize, to mislead, to embellish, bitter truth.Task 2. Learn and dramatize the dialogues.A. Hi, Bob! Have you seen the «News» on TV?B. Hi there, Andrew...No, I haven’t. Was there something interesting?A. I was quite taken with the opinionpoll findings –the poll identified the main contenders for «the supreme office».B. Ah, what would we do without television! First, it determines the shape of public opinion, and then it keeps us informed about it!A. That’s a rather biased view. Not for nothing are the mass media dubbed «the fourth estate». To inform people, to communicate true information about everything that’s happening, and –hence –in some form or another to «educate» the viewer, is indeed the specific function of television.B. Talking about TV, my favourite channel is the one called «Culture». I like programs about the theatre, and about people in «the arts».A. There you are, you see –that’s influencing the viewer, and moulding his views and the way he looks at the world.B. I don’t enjoy newspapers. I remember Marina Tsvetayeva’s definition: –«Those who read the press swallowemptiness...!»A. That’s exaggerating –poetic «overstatement». Perhaps, though, Tsvetayeva’s words referred just to the thirties...B. Maybe, but nowadays there are so many papers published that are simply poorquality, dull and trivial.A. I hope you’renot referring to publicity literature?B. No, much of it is, indeed, what is needed, although it includes advertising publications that do not meet any particular need on their readers’ part.A. Mind you, young people use those «publicity papers» to find themselves work. Moreover, in the spring those papers published a lot of useful information for schoolleavers.B. Agreed. But I prefer what you might call the «classical» version of a newspaper. For example, Izvestiya and St. Petersburg Vedomosti. I also find much of interest in papers like Property and Construction. You find a lot in it about what’s being built in St. Petersburg, what plans exist to redevelop the city; the cost of new flats, etc.A. That’s most interesting. But I also read the papers for their sports coverage –they’ve got the latest information about the «sport» side of life in Russia.B. I like perusing publications dedicated to music, and the ratings of various music groups. Of course, you can get a lot of information on that on television.Task 3. Reproduce the text in a dialogue so that a question is asked about each sentence said by the disputants. Recite the dialogue.Stephen: The Internet is not what’s important. I think if you can find anything, anything at all, that you want to, Ithink it’s a really useful resource. You need to know where to look for things, and you need to know how to get there. It’s not easy, but once you’ve acclimatized to it, it’s like using a telephone or something like that. It’s something that’s very simple, although I’ve been told by my dad that the phone bill was pretty huge last month, and that I should definitely cut down the amount of time I spend on the Internet.Presenter: Oops.Becky: I didn’t know that. I must be a real individual because I am so technically inept that I still have to call Stephen out to help me to log on. It’s really pathetic, and I’m the only person I know in this ITilliterate situation my age. But certainly I get by without the Internet, and I don’t think I’m really missing out on anything without surfing the web much. But then I’m not surfing the web so I don’t know, perhaps my life would be enriched by the diversity of things available to me there. I used it for revision, for my GCSEs, and that was useful, to be able to get online answers. I found that incredibly helpful. But I don’t like the fact that there are so few ways to regulate the truth of the information. And that also, you come up with a subject, you might have to trail through hundreds of sites until you find an actually relevant site. Somehow I’d just prefer to go to a library and get a book that I know, it’s been published, it’s got there’s some kind of verification that what it’s telling me is true.Stephen: I think the research is the same, even in the library youstill have to look for what you want, you still don’t know if the information is relevant or not. I think the Internet is just like a vast library, and if you know how to get the information you want, it can be useful. But I get your point about how there’s so much that you don’t really know what to do.Presenter: And of course, there’s the chat room situation, where you don’t know who you’re talking to. There’s the danger of people going on and saying they’re people who they’re not. Georgina, have you gotexperience of a chat room?Georgina: Yes, I have, and you have to be careful, it’s true to say. But I wouldn’t get unduly worried about it. Obviously there have been some awful occurrences where people have actually met up with someone they’ve been speaking to in a chat room, and they’ve been violent. But generally speaking, people do lie, I’ve lied, I’ve said I’m older than I am, that I look different to how I am. Sometimes that’s half the fun, and if you don’t take it any further than that it’s quite fun. It is escapism, being someone else, and learning about –I’ll speak to people from the Far East and stuff –it’s learning about different cultures in a way. If you take it a bit further, like anything, then that’s when it gets worrying.Presenter: In fact,they might not have been from the Far East at all.Georgina: Good point. Yeah, exactly. You do have to question everything. But as long as you keep that in your mind with the Internet, then you should be fine you know.
Symposium(симпозиум)–нетрадиционная форма занятия,представляющая собой совещаниеили конференциюпо какомулибо актуальному вопросу.Task1.Give a talk on the mass media. Express your own opinion and answer the other students’ questions. Remember to discuss:–whether nowadays it’s easier to get information about the world, why;–why it is important to keep uptodate with the news;–what the most popular way of learning about the world is, why;–which way of getting information you prefer, why.Roleplay(ролевая игра)–форма организации коллективной учебной деятельности на уроке, имеющая своей целью формирование и развитие речевых навыков и умений в условияхмаксимально близких к условиям реального общения. Предусматривает распределение учащихся по ролям и разыгрывание ситуаций общения в соответствии с темой ролевой игры и ролями обучаемых.Task1. Role play«Teenagers and Mass Media». Choose a role from the given list: psychologist, sociologist, tutor, student, journalist, the moderator of the University site, the administrator of the University site, the TV reporter, University journal editor.Use different phrases to express agreement and disagreement:Well, you have a point here, but I’m not sure…; perhaps, but I don’t think that …; yes, I agree entirely here…; I couldn’t agreemore …; that’s exactly what I think; yes, that’s true; that’s my way of looking at it too; you may be right, but I think it goes further than that; I see what you mean, but …; what you say is perfectly true; as I know is that …; I’m not so sure; that may be so … but …; I wouldn’t say that exactly; it might be right, but …; that’s totally unfounded; you seem to think that things are different for me.Topics for discussion:1. The mass media has a huge influence on people of all ages but teenagers are exposed to mass media less than any other adults are.2. In lack of interesting places for socializing and leisure activities, teenagers turn to social networks. 3. Social networks are less available and expensive than other ways for searching companionships.4. The internet is absolutely the loser when we talk about the influence of media on teenagers. 5. The other media like TV and newspapers are less but also present in teenagers’ proportion of daily activities. During this period of growing up, teenagers try to talk, dress and behave like popular TV and music stars. If you want to keep in step with modern technology, you are to resist the need to join Facebook, Twitter or MySpace... 6. Teenagers ignore their studying and sport activities in exchange for sitting in front of their computers. Their body does not develop and grow properly and they often have health problems. 7. Teenagers’ views on things, attitudes and opinions haven’t changed for the last century. They copy styles of famous people and sometimes forget who they really are. They try to look like celebrities but they do not know how to get good marks. 8. The internet imposes a model of style, behavior, attitudes and fashion and that makes children look alike and act similarly. When you walk down the street, you can see many teens wearing the same clothes. 9. As we can see, the influence of media on teenagers is very small and it probably goes in the right direction. 10. It is too late to stop the negative influence of the mass media on teenagers. 11. Instead of the Internet, sport and science must become our priorities and they must be promoted more than nowadays so that teenagers can become more interested in them. Task 2. Role play«The case is heard: Real Life vs Internet»Some studentsplaya part of the Internet orReal Life. They try to defend their right to exist. The others are against them. Student A –speaking for a judge.Student B –speaking for the prosecution.Student C –speaking for the defence.Student D –representingthe Internet.Student E –representing Real Life.The rest of the group are acting as members of the jury and will bring a verdict of «guilty» or «not guilty».The judge conducts the trial, puts questions, and examines the documents and evidence.Counsel for the prosecution addresses the jury and presents his case after which he calls witnesses who swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Counsel for the defence proceeds in the same way. The judge may interfere at any point and ask questions.When the two sides have presented their cases, the judge gives his summing up. The jury retires to consider its verdict: Guilty or Not Guilty. If the defendant is found guilty,the judge passes sentence on him.Makingstories–творческое задание, предполагающее составление рассказа (истории) на определенную тему с использованием определенного лексикограмматического материала.Task1.Read the sentences. In a groupmake up a story,they are usedin,and tell it to your group mates.1. Wrap all your glasses in a newspaper. 2. This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. 3. She bent forward to pick up the newspaper. 4. She accused the newspaper of trying to blacken his name. 5. They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper and settle out of court. 6. Chuck me the newspaper, would you? 7.The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity. 8. The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report. 9. I cut this article out of the newspaper. 10. The newspaper article caused the actor considerable distress. 11. The newspaper is distributed free. 12. He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down. 13. The newspaper reports are a mixture of gossip, lies and halftruths. 14. Issues like this are the newspaper’s meat and potatoes. 15. She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.InformationBank(банк информации). Общая особенность этой группы приемов заключается в том, что каждый обучающийсясначала владеет небольшим фрагментом информации, затем в результате речевого взаимодействия с другими студентами получает информацию из коллективного банка иприобретает всю сумму знаний. Task1.Find information about Russian periodicals, share your information with your group mates, discuss it and makea report about them.Brainstorming(мозговой штурм) является специальным методом организации совместной групповой творческой работы студентов, рассчитанным на повышение их умственной активности и решение сложных интеллектуальных задач путем активизации, стимулирования группового поиска идей, решения проблем. Входебрейнстормингапредполагаетсяколлективноерешениеопределеннойпроблемы[4, 4748]. Task1.Discuss some problemquestions, concerning the reasons to turn the television off.1. Guilt. Television programs often create a glamorous image of a life that is far outside the financial capabilities of most people watching. When viewers watch such programs then reflect on their lives, it creates a set of negative feelings. The most prevalent feeling is guilt –we can’t give the family this stuff. Thus, the sense of selfworth goes down. 2. Less time for other opportunities. If the television is on for four hours a day, that’s four hours where one could be doing something more constructive with time, like starting a successful blog or starting a business or working on a novel or getting household chores doneand so forth.3. Stress. When a person spends a lot of time watching television, he or she puts off other things that should be done, like paying bills, playing with the kids, and so on. After a while, these things build up and we begin to feel stress in our lives that wouldn’t be there if we didn’t spend so much time watching television. Over time, elevated stress leads to health issues.4. Poorer dining habits. Instead of spending time preparing a healthy, inexpensive meal from scratch, we would hurry upand eat a more expensive prepackaged meal (or takeout) so that we could catch certain television programs. These costs added up, not only on our wallets, but also around our waists.5. Poor health / obesity. Television is usually a sedentary activity. Over time, it begins to show. Television is the big reason for the «obesity epidemic, » because people simply don’t get the natural exercise from doing nonsedentary activities that they once got. The health costs from this can be tremendous.6. Less communication. When the television is on for hours each day, it’s much more difficult to have real conversations with the people in your life. Over time, less communication means weaker relationships with the people you love, and this means that quite often you have to «supplement» the relationship with additional spending.Brainring(брейн ринг) –специальный метод организации интеллектуальной игры на скорость, соревнованиедвух команд игроков, гдета, котораяответилапервой правильно, лишает соперника возможности отвечать на заданныйвопрос.
Task1.Discuss some contrasting ideas about television.Onehalf of the group makes a list of all the good points about TV. The other half makes a list of only the bad points. Compareyourideas.Групповая работа –прекрасная возможность творчески применять полученные знания на практике, мотивировать учебный процесс, способствовать углублению и расширению познавательной деятельности обучаемых, совершенствовать навыки продуктивного взаимодействия. «Работа в условиях кооперации имеет такие важные преимущества, как повышение уровня осмысления материала; рост числа нестандартных решений; перенос знаний и умений, приобретенных в группах, в индивидуальную работу; позитивное отношение к изучаемому материалу; готовность неотвлекаться от решаемой задачи»[5; 22], что ведет к личностному росту студента, атакже помогает осознать ценность других людей и потребность в них.Данный вид работы позволяет придать старым надежным методам и формам преподавания английского языка совершенно иной вид, наиболее полно решить целый комплекс методических, дидактических, педагогических и психологических задач, делает процесс обучения более насыщенным, интересным и ярким.
Ссылки на источники1.Куклина С.С. Коллективная учебная деятельность в группе на этапе формирования навыков иноязычного общения // Иностранные языки в школе. –1998. –№ 5. –С. 1117.2.Brown H.D. Teaching by Principles: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. –N.Y.: Prentice Hall Regents, 1994. 3.Быконя О.П. Театрализация на занятиях по иностранному языку в неязыковых вузах. –Мн.: МГЛУ, 2006.–74 с.4.Щукин А.Н. Лигводидактический энциклопедический словарь: более 2000 единиц / А.Н.Щукин. –М.: Астрель: АСТ: Хранитель, 2008. –746 с.5.Уваров А.Ю. Кооперация в обучении: групповая работа: учебнометодическое пособие / А.Ю.Уваров. –М.: Мирос, 2001. –224 с.
Avramenko Elena Borisovnasenior lecturerof German Philology chair in the Institute of Humanities, branch of the Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in the town of Severodvinsk, Archangelsk Regione.avramenko@narfu.ru
Baranova Natalya AleksandrovnaCandidate of pedagogical science, associate professor of German Philology chair in the Institute of Humanities, branch of the Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V.Lomonosov in the town of Severodvinsk, Archangelsk Regionromachka21@yandex.ruGroup forms of work on the topic «Mass Media» at the University English language lessonsSummary. Significant changes in the society require increasing of efficiency offoreign language educational activity. As a result, there is an urgent need in realization ofmodern methods and forms of education, one of which is a group form of work, increasingthe interest to the language, contributing to the emergence of new kinds of motivationand stimulating students’ selfinstruction.
Keywords:English language training, a group form of work, mass media.