Ключевое слово: «primary school»

Дмитриева В. А., Забалкина А. А. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO THE NATIVE LANGUAGE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. COMPARISON OF RUSSIAN AND BRITISH CURRICULA // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2019. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2019/0.htm
The article compares the requirements for mastering the primary school program in the native language imposed by the national curricula of the Russian Federation and England. Starting with the general overview of the goals set in the area of native languages and subjects presented in school programs the article furthers the comparison of differences and similarities of the subject matter.
Рысбаева Л. Б., Рябова Е. В. РАЗВИТИЕ ПРОЕКТНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ УЧАЩИХСЯ НАЧАЛЬНОЙ ШКОЛЫ // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2021. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2021/0.htm
This article presents methods of developing the skills and research skills of younger pupils using the design method. Types of projects that are given to primary school students are also given stages of their implementation. The principles that teachers adhere to in the organization of project activities were shown.