Ключевое слово: «project planning»

Кулаков А. В. Automated construction of roadmaps for TRIZ-projects // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2023. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/0.htm
Building roadmaps for TRIZ-project that specify the sequence of application of TRIZ tools, can be compared in terms of importance to ARIZ for solving inventive problems. While there are known methodologies that attempt to describe various universal roadmaps for several types of TRIZ-projects. On the one hand they are too complicated because try to describe possible project options in as much detail as possible. On the other hand, they cannot take into account all peculiarities of a particular TRIZ-project, suggesting the use of analysis types that are insufficiently effective for that project or, conversely, not suggesting the use of TRIZ tools important for that project. Based on the experience of performing TRIZ-projects, the experience of mass implementation of TRIZ and management of TRIZ-project portfolios at industrial enterprises, the author proposes a new iterative method of building TRIZ-project roadmaps based on the analysis of completeness of the initial and refined problem situation formulation. The algorithms developed by the author formalize (digitize) the level of completeness of the current description of the problem in question and suggest the following types of analysis and application of TRIZ tools, which allow making a more complete description of the initial problem and finding a solution to the formulated contradictions of requirements to the system in question. The approach proposed by the author allows increasing the efficiency of TRIZ-projects plan-ning in terms of mass implementation of TRIZ at industrial enterprises with low experience of TRIZ-project managers, and opens up the possibility of automating the process of TRIZ project planning, which would result in reducing the time spent on project planning. This paper discloses the essence of the roadmap algorithm developed by the author for TRIZ projects, demonstrates by examples the work of the roadmap designer algorithm based on the developed algorithm, and gives the results of verification of the prototype and the algorithm performance in project activities.
Кулаков А. В. Researching and Forecast of Development the Methods of Planning a TRIZ-Project // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2024. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2024/0.htm
TRIZ is applied to complex, non-conventional problems. To successfully solve such problems and implement the solutions, one should know how to use the individual TRIZ tools and how to combine them in a sequence suitable for the specific problem. The project-based approach has become popular for a reason. It involves planning the sequence of activities within a project and their distribution among the project team members. Experienced TRIZ project managers have no issues with precise project planning. During the mass implementation of the TRIZ approach, however, the author was confronted with the following contradiction: if an inexperienced TRIZ project manager is trained, the efficiency (accuracy) of project planning increases, but the training is long and costly. The more large-scale the TRIZ project is, the more acute this contradiction becomes. The author published the results of the researching methods of planning a TRIZ-project. Was introduced new classification of the methods planning a TRIZ-project, which used like a base for analysis advantages and disadvantages these one. The author proposed and implemented the method developing TRIZ-tools with the help of TRIZ. This method allowed detecting the key contradictions in the methods planning a TRIZ-project like a system and analysis of trends developing. As result, the author proposed the forecast development the methods planning a TRIZ-project.