Ключевое слово: «route network»

Корзинникова Ю. С., Филиппов Д. В. PROBLEMS OF BUS PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION IN THE CITY OF YAKUTSK AND THE WAYS OF THEIR SOLUTION // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2023. – . – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/0.htm
Bus passenger transportation is one of the most important branches of the city's life support, on which both the life of the population and the work of the entire economic complex depend. The implementation of bus passenger transportation in the city of Yakutsk does not meet the growing needs of the population for movement, which negatively affects the work of enterprises and organizations, causes significant problems in the organization of traffic and in socio-economic development. The main problems of bus passenger traffic are an imperfect route network, the unsatisfactory state of the bus fleet, and a decrease in the quality of transport services. The relevance of the study of the problems of bus passenger transportation in the city of Yakutsk is due to the need to find their solution. A study of bus passenger transportation was carried out based on the use of general scientific research methods such as analysis, synthesis, grouping, comparison. Based on the results of the analysis, ways to solve the problems of urban passenger route transport are proposed.