Elena V. Dekina

City: Tula, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Work: Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Post: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
94 Publications in RSCI
3 H-index
21 PAPAI index
10 Publications in the journal


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At present, the issue of finding leaders and creating conditions for the development of leadership in children's organizations is of great social significance. The Russian movement of schoolchildren undertakes this task as the central one in its activity. In our work, we focus on the development of leadership qualities of rural schoolchildren, since this problem has not been the subject of systematic research. The aim of the work is to study the peculiarities of the development of leadership qualities of rural young people when they join the Russian movement of schoolchildren. Diagnostic tools used to study the formation of leadership qualities: a method of studying leadership abilities (Zharikov, Krushelnitskiy), a test questionnaire of achievement motivation by Mehrabian, the method “I am a leader” by Fedorov and Eremin, Hall's methodology «Emotional intelligence», methods for studying the communicative and organizational inclinations of senior students. It is important to correlate the activity of senior schoolchildren, their desire to develop their leadership potential with socially significant types of activities, in which they are included within the Russian movement of schoolchildren, with the priority tasks facing the specific settlement where they live. The leadership potential of high school students is considered as a set of abilities and personal qualities that manifest themselves in situations of interaction in a group and allow them to become leaders. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that it identifies conditions that contribute to the development of the leadership potential of high school students – examination of the social, age, psychological characteristics of this category of students; psychological and pedagogical support in the development of leadership qualities provided by mentors for senior students; introduction of innovative technologies for the development of leadership qualities; inclusion of students in real situations where they can take a leadership position. The practical significance lies in the development of the «School of the Leader – Mentor» program, which has been successfully tested. In the course of its implementation, the following forms and methods have shown their effectiveness: discussions, business and role-playing games, designing, trainings, leadership competitions, playing situations, meeting with reputable people – leaders in their fields, self-presentation, etc. Achieved results (indications of the implemented program effectiveness): high school students learned to apply leadership theory to practice; tried themselves as leaders of youth public associations; mastered the methods of involving other students in the activities of the Russian movement of schoolchildren.
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The article presents the results of a study of students of a pedagogical University on the issues of a healthy lifestyle. The presence of a significant proportion of students with health deviations and the General trend towards its deterioration puts the problem of forming healthy lifestyle habits of students in the forefront. Of particular relevance is the promotion of orientation to a healthy lifestyle among future teachers (teachers-psychologists, social educators). The purpose of the article is to increase the psychological and pedagogical competency of pedagogical University students in the formation of attitudes and value orientations to a healthy lifestyle. Research methods: theoretical (analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature), empirical (questionnaires). The study revealed the need for systematic and comprehensive work to prepare future teachers to preserve and strengthen the health of their students, to use health-saving educational technologies in the educational process: diagnostics and information on healthy lifestyles; designing work in the field of health improvement of children and young people, formation of orientation to a healthy lifestyle for all participants of the educational process; prevention of deviant behavior. The authors draw attention to the potential of project activities with the aim of forming positive attitudes to the preservation of various types of health, a life position aimed at a healthy lifestyle of students. One of the main objectives of the events is to develop students ' experience of a healthy lifestyle, which can be used in the future with participants in the educational process (students, parents, teachers), development and implementation of programs for the formation of a health culture. Forms of work: discussions, thematic conversations, organizational and activity games, foresight sessions in the form of games, actions that provide an interactive format, classes with elements of training, art therapy, practices that include the implementation of projects and programs, exchange of experience in the framework of health-improving events. The results of the study showed the feasibility of using innovative experience in forming healthy lifestyle habits of students - future teachers, their application in working with students of different age categories.
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The article is aimed at analyzing and improving existing career guidance practices. Today, children are changing, the world of professions, society, professionally important qualities are undergoing changes, that leads to the need to justify, fill in new technologies for professional self-determination. The purpose of the article is the analysis of modern technologies of career guidance in adolescence and young age, the evaluation of the effectiveness of training programs for students to make a conscious choice of profession in the ever-increasing complexity of expanding living conditions. The authors note the importance of building up readiness for a conscious and independent construction of a personal educational and professional route, the active inclusion of students, their parents in the process of self-determination. The basic methods of career guidance are considered: informational, activating, developing, diagnostic and consulting. The target category of the study is students in grades 7–9. Research methods: theoretical (analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature), empirical (questioning, testing, formative experiment). The development of proposals for improving the system of modern career guidance is rather relevant. As a result of rethinking new approaches to career guidance, the authors focus on the training of specialists providing psychological and pedagogical support to students in the process of formation and implementation of the educational and professional route. The results of the study can be the basis for working out new instruments and the content of professional self-determination. The study meets the important challenge of the present – the creation of a system of professional self-determination of students and professional growth of specialists. The materials of the article can be used by bachelor students in psychological and pedagogical areas of training, researchers and practitioners dealing with career guidance issues, and for the organization of psychological assistance to students.