Elena V. Dekina

City: Tula, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Work: Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Post: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
94 Publications in RSCI
3 H-index
21 PAPAI index
10 Publications in the journal


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The relevance of the problem under study is related to the examination of the characteristics of the giftedness signs development in students of psychological and pedagogical classes. Psychological and pedagogical classes form high school students’ ideas about pedagogical and psychological professions, help in self-discovery, development of professional interests, and allow them to try themselves in the profession. Purpose of the study: to identify specific features of the educational process organization in psychological and pedagogical classes that contribute to the development of giftedness in high school students. Objectives of the study: to study the specific features of the giftedness signs development in students of psychological and pedagogical classes, to identify the content and forms of the giftedness signs development in high school students, to work out a program for the development of giftedness in students of psychological and pedagogical classes. The works of scientists in the field of giftedness, pedagogical and developmental psychology and educational psychology served as the theoretical and methodological basis of this work. Research methods: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; analysis, generalization and systematization of information from scientific sources); empirical (testing, questioning, pedagogical experiment); methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The study was conducted on the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 5” in the city of Donskoy, Tula Region. 20 students of the 10th and 11th grade of psychological and pedagogical classes took part in the pilot study. The diagnostic program included 5 methods. The experience of testing the “Fundamentals of Psychology” program is described. The novelty of the publication is associated with the use of web technologies in the program for the development of giftedness signs in students of psychological and pedagogical classes, which take into account the interests of the modern generation, trends towards computerization, and the expansion of artificial intelligence use in the educational environment of the school. The creative potential of future teachers is increased through the use of tasks to generate an image based on a text query using a neural network, media lessons, web quests, web excursions, Internet competitions, etc. The study showes that the development of giftedness signs in students of psychological and pedagogical classes through web technologies will be more successful if the individual and psychological characteristics of students in the psychological and pedagogical class are taken into account; deepen knowledge about psychological and pedagogical professions; use web technologies when working with students. These conditions were tested during the implementation of a psychological and pedagogical program, as a result of which positive changes in the studied indicators were recorded. The program for developing signs of giftedness among students in psychological and pedagogical classes has aroused interest and can be used by psychologists and teachers.
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Fostering social responsibility in adolescence is paramount in education. The traditions of raising children in rural districts are often based on the value priorities of folk customs: mutual assistance, the formation of a respectful attitude towards elders, inclusion in labor activity. Search activity is one of the forms of fostering patriotism, citizenship and responsibility. The definition of the content and forms of social responsibility development in rural adolescents is rather relevant. The purpose of the work: to study the characteristic aspects of the social responsibility development in rural adolescents, to work out and test a program for the development of social responsibility among rural adolescents – members of the search team. The works of scientists in the field of social responsibility and technologies for its development in adolescents served as the theoretical and methodological basis of the study. Research methods: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; analysis, generalization and systematization of information from scientific sources); empirical (testing, questioning, pedagogical experiment); methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The study was conducted on the basis of the "Education Center No. 28" in the village of Plekhanovo, Tula region. The study involved 24 adolescents who were members of the search team. The diagnostic program included the following methods: “Conscientiousness Scale” (V.V. Melnikov, L.T. Yampolsky), Locus of Control Diagnosis Method (E.F. Zeer, G.A. Karpov), “Adolescent Self-Esteem Study” (G.N. Kazantseva), “Express Diagnosis of Responsibility” (EDR), questionnaire survey of adolescents – members of the search team. The development of social responsibility among rural adolescents – members of the search team will be more effective in case of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of rural adolescents, enriching the experience of developing the value of social responsibility, translating patriotic values and citizenship. The results of the study can be used in work with different categories of adolescents on the basis of educational institutions, children's and youth organizations, institutions of additional education; in training of teachers, organizers of work with youth, social educators, counselors, etc.
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The urgency of the problem under study is connected with the study of the specific aspects of learning independence development among primary school students. Research activity forms a special style of learning activity, contributes to the transformation of learning into self-learning, and launches self-development mechanisms. The purpose of the study: to define the problems of developing learning independence among primary school students, to identify the conditions for overcoming them and to test the psychological and pedagogical program for the development of learning independence in primary school students in the process of organizing research activities. The works of scientists in the field of educational activity, learning independence of primary school students serve as the theoretical and methodological basis of the study. Research methods: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; analysis, generalization and systematization of information from scientific sources); empirical (testing, questioning, pedagogical experiment); methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The study was conducted on the basis of the secondary school No. 2 in Serpukhov, Moscow region. The pilot study involved 22 students of the 4th grade. The diagnostic program included the following methods: a map of independence manifestations, observation through the diagnostic map "Identification of research skills", a survey "Do you know how?", a survey to identify the emotional attitude of children to research activities, a scale of educational and cognitive interest level. The study showed that a positive attitude towards research activities and educational and cognitive interest in children is clearly expressed, but work is needed to develop specific research skills, since many students have difficulties with identifying problems, formulating questions, advancing hypotheses, classification, the ability to experiment, draw conclusions and make deductions. The following conditions for the development of learning independence among primary school student in the process of organizing research activities were identified: taking into account the age and individual characteristics of a primary school student in the process of learning activity; involvement of students in a phased research activity with a gradual decrease in the role of adults in it; the use of active and interactive methods and different ways of organizing cognitive, problem-search, project activities; purposeful formation of specific research skills, in the development of which problems have been identified, as well as methods of self-control and self-assessment of primary school students at all stages of research activity. These conditions were tested during the implementation of a specially worked out psychological and pedagogical program, which resulted in a positive trend in the studied indicators, which proves the effectiveness of the work done. The results of the study can be useful in organizing research activities and developing the independence of primary school students in learning and extracurricular activities.
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Since the issues related to the study of the conflict behavior of students – future teachers and the determination of the most effective ways of managing it are reflected not only in the research works of modern scientists but also in the practical activities of administrative services of educational institutions seeking to provide a conflict-free environment for the teaching staff interaction, we consider it necessary to focus on the purposeful preparation of students to manage their own behavior in conflict confrontation. The purpose of the article – to analize the formation among students teachers the skills of managing their own behavior in a conflict confrontation with subsequent development, filling with the content of the main components. The target category is 4th-, 5th-year students who are trained in pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical areas with the assignment of bachelor's and master’s degrees. Research methods: theoretical (analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem), empirical (questionnaire, testing, ascertaining experiment). It seems relevant to develop proposals for improving students teachers training to manage their own behavior in a conflict confrontation, assuming an optimal personal conflict level, in which teachers demonstrate the ability to smooth corners, find a compromise, not to aggravate the situation, continuing to defend their own position in a conflict confrontation; the most constructive way of behavior in a conflict that meets the specifics of conflict confrontation; the ability to self-control in communication, the ability to flexibly respond to changes in the situation, the motivation to change depending on the situation, the ability to predict communication situations; a type of emotional reaction with such a way of transforming internal and external influences that allows you to freely show positive feelings, unconditional love for others, creative, constructive activity. The developed program is aimed at improving psychological literacy, conflictological competence of students teachers; students' understanding of the psychological essence of conflict confrontation, its specifics; formation of constructive behavior skills in conflict confrontation; reaction to negative emotions, improvement of self-control in communication. Within the framework of the selected components, students are provided with the socio-psychological trainings; a cycle of individual psychological counseling, if necessary, autogenic training; self-analysis of conflict confrontation.
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The relevance of the problem under study is connected with the study of the peculiarities of the development of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education. The motivational sphere of a teacher, the value and meaning of professional activity is a powerful factor that determines professional development, sets its content, direction, intensity and patterns of using personal potential. The purpose of the study: to identify the level of development of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education, to design a psychological and pedagogical program for the development of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of developing an innovative system of additional education for children, the motivational sphere of a teacher. Research methods: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; analysis, generalization and systematization of information from scientific sources); empirical (testing, questioning, pedagogical experiment); methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Center for Children's Creativity" in Tula. The study involved 20 teachers of additional education. The diagnostic program included the following methods: a scale of readiness for creative and innovative activity (S.Yu. Stepanov), diagnostics of personal self-actualization (A.V. Lazukin’s method adapted by N.F. Kalin), diagnostics of group motivation (I.D. Ladanov), assessing the readiness of a teacher to participate in innovative activities. The developed psychological and pedagogical program is aimed at improving the professional competence of additional education teachers, developing motivational readiness for innovative activities, positive thinking skills, etc. The developed program includes the following general forms of work: seminars, classes with elements of training, design, competition, creative tasks, etc. It is based on the following principles: science, system, availability, activity and consciousness. As part of the program, teachers of additional education master pedagogical techniques for developing motivation for innovation. The results of the study can be used in organizing psychological and pedagogical support for teachers of additional education.