Natalya Maksimova

City: Smolensk
54 Publications in RSCI
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12 PAPAI index
7 Publications in the journal


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The relevance of the article is due to the need to analyze the problem of the formation of the XXI century key competencies in future teachers, as well as the general trends that have developed in the education system in recent years. In Russia, the accelerated implementation of digital technologies in all areas of activity is regulated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 204 of May 7, 2018 "About national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024". The problem of the research is determined by the contradictions: between the capabilities of modern digital technologies and the training model and technical capabilities implemented by educational organizations; between the need to provide resources for solving socio-economic problems in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution and the insufficient level of information literacy of future teachers. The purpose of the study is to describe and justify the information platforms that a modern teacher who has the necessary level of competence in the field of digital technologies in education needs to know. To do this, a comparative analysis of the platforms proposed for study is carried out, and their potentials for use in the professional sphere are identified. The structure of the key competences of the XXI century is presented, and they are considered in the context of studying the discipline "Digital Technologies in Education". In order for future teachers to develop the necessary competences, the article offers and describes a number of resources that can be used in their work. The results of the study include recommendations for studying the resources and platforms used in the educational process. Following methods were used: theoretical – analysis of methodological literature and normative documents, forecasting results; practical - pedagogical observation, testing, modeling of the online learning process – they help to bring up the main problems and find the most effective ways to solve them when organizing student training. The materials of the article can be used in the preparation of practical classes in this discipline in universities, as well as for the organization of upgrade training courses for teachers.
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One of the leading problems at the present stage of educational system development in Russia is the problem of organizing interaction of economy and society with an educational system, as well as imparting to this system new qualities (such as adaptability and flexibility). In the government program of the Russian Federation "Development of education" for 2013 – 2020, they assign a task of formation the flexible system of continuous education, accountable to society, which will develop the human potential of a child and satisfy the current and perspective requirements of social and economic development of the state. That accounts for urgency of the undertaken research and its purpose: 1) to reveal problems which appear during development the adaptive network educational environment, providing the solution of the set tasks; 2) to analyze the existing domestic and foreign experience of adaptive network educational environment development. The article is prepared with the use of the following methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of domestic and foreign literature on a research problem, pedagogical observation, modeling method at the description of approaches to development and components of the adaptive information and educational environment. The main results of the research are the analytical report about the condition of modern science concerning topical issues and problems of development information and educational environment of educational institution, specification of the concepts "subject" and "object" at network interaction within the adaptive information and educational environment. The theoretical importance of article consists in the analysis of the leading approaches to a problem of the adaptive information and educational environment formation. The author highlights the approaches to the organization of adaptive information and education environment with elements of network interaction (system, complex, individual, personality- oriented, positive, and humanistic approaches). Basic provisions and conclusions may be used in the course of research and educational personnel training and at advanced training courses for lecturers of higher education institutions, and young teachers.
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In modern conditions of development of education when we walk away from the traditional way of teaching and increasingly in practice ordinary schools are non-traditional ideas, approaches, technologies, methods and ways of learning. Besides the issues of modeling of information educational environment of educational institution. This article discusses the concept of "information and educational space", "information educational environment". Deals with the issues of their interaction.
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Didactic game is a multifaceted complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is the playing method of teaching and learning children, independent gaming activity, mean of all-round education of a child's personality. In educational institutions, the educational games are held usually in order to repeat, pin and check under-standing of the studied material. The use of didactic games received its greatest impetus in connection with the application of computers in educational process. Computer educational games become means of formation of students' computer literacy, learning programming languages, formation of work with computers. The paper deals with classification of didactic games, analysis of existing didactic computer games.
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In modern conditions, there are new directions of use of information and telecommunication technologies in the educational system, among which are Currently, the system of education formed the main areas of application information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process, among them are the use of automated-systems and learning management systems; use of information technologies as a didactic tool; increasing the creating component of educational and research activities. The paper discusses the concept of “inclusive education”, suggests the method, involving “special” children in educational process of a regular school using Web 2.0 services.