Irina Ivanova

City: Tambov
Work: Tambov State Technical University
Post: associate professor at the chair of Russian philology
0 Publications in RSCI
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6 PAPAI index
5 Publications in the journal


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In article topical issues of studying of the Russian prepositional and case system at the elementary level in foreign audience are considered. The most typical difficulties which the teachers of Russian as foreign and foreigners learning Russian at various approaches and the principles of the presentation of a training material in modern textbooks and manuals on Russian for foreigners meet are analyzed.
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Authors argue on importance of introduction of a country study component to training materials on Russian as foreign. Practical recommendations about the mechanism of selection of the training material directed not only on development of the major lexical and grammatical skills, but also on formation of a historical and cultural background which is an obligatory component of successful cross-cultural communication are made.
The article dwells on the role of the concept of LAZINESS in Russian linguistic world-image. The research is based on the material of dictionaries as well as Russian paremies that represent the aforementioned concept. The conclusion the authors come to may be helpful for foreign students who are studying the socio-cultural context of the Russian language usage.
In article an attempt of the analysis of a concept of "shower" in Z. Prilepin's novel "Monastery" is made. In work the main attention is paid actually to a shower lexeme, its functioning and interpretations in the text. As a result of the analysis the conclusion that the concept of "shower" in the novel "Monastery" will be coordinated with understanding of this concept in the Russian naive language picture of the world is drawn, gravitating at the same time to understanding of soul according to a religious picture of the world and bible tradition.
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In the article the problems and methods of teaching Russian language and Russian colloquial language at a Chinese University with regard to ethnic and cultural peculiarities of the Chinese audience and the specifics of the Chinese system of students training.