Keyword: «language picture of the world»

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In article the incentive modality in Russian language picture of the world on a design example a predicative + an infinitive is analyzed. Research of modeling synonyms showed unevenness of a modal language picture of the world of Russian: intention and need prevalence and obligation reduction
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The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of avoiding grammar interference in the process of foreign language teaching in the conditions of polylinguistic environment. Underlined is the necessity of taking into consideration common and distinctive features in the systems of different languages in the process of pol-ylinguistic interaction.
In article an attempt of the analysis of a concept of "shower" in Z. Prilepin's novel "Monastery" is made. In work the main attention is paid actually to a shower lexeme, its functioning and interpretations in the text. As a result of the analysis the conclusion that the concept of "shower" in the novel "Monastery" will be coordinated with understanding of this concept in the Russian naive language picture of the world is drawn, gravitating at the same time to understanding of soul according to a religious picture of the world and bible tradition.
On the material of phraseological units, the features of the concepts FIRE and WATER. Based on the analysis of these units, the attitude to FIRE and WATER revealed in the minds Russians and Yakuts
The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of proper names functioning in the structure of literary text. Special attention is paid to the regional component of the writer's onomasticon.