Keyword: «connotation»

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There is the analysis of the problem connected with the words’ translation with the emotional component. This word group usually causes difficulties during the intercultural communication process.
The article is devoted to the problem of the functioning of vocabulary with stylistic connotation in the modern Russian language. The author reveals the concept of stylistic connotation and describes its types, accompanying the explanations with examples from the texts of periodicals. Also one of the active processes in the field of vocabulary – the process of stylistic neutralization is presented in the article.
The article discusses some mechanisms of generating phraseological units from the currents of view of cognitive processes. At the same time, the features of the meaning of phraseological units as a linguistic unit are taken into account, in the structure of the meaning of which the presence of connotation is a relevant sign. Of particular importance for updating the meaning of the phraseological unit is the national-cultural component of the semantics of phraseological units. That is why the important aspects in this article were the question of the influence of the national-cultural connotation on the generation of the phraseological unit.
The article is devoted to the analysis of precedent units of New Testament origin as components of the Russianlanguage media discourse. On the example of the precedent anthroponyms Judas and Thomas the Unbeliever, the features of the linguistic implementation of the precedent anthroponyms with the source sphere "Bible" in the current media space are established.