Keyword: «lexicon»

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In the paper lexical features of marginal declassed elements subcultures society elements are considered in two leading English-speaking countries – Great Britain and the USA, and also English-speaking marginal society, the subculture corresponding to it and a psychological component of this aspect. Sociolinguistic features of formation and functioning the sociolect lexicons of marginal subcultures in an areal sociolect differentiation. On the basis of the conducted research it is offered to allocate the sociolinguistic potential of verbal lingocreative activity of a lexicon of marginal subcultures users in aspects of areal geolect-historical and psychological differentiation.
Particular interest in this topic was aroused at the beginning of the XX century due to the emergence of symbolists who expressed their thoughts and feelings with the help of color writing. The question of the role of the use of vocabulary with the meaning of color in works of art remains relevant today. The article deals with the peculiarities of the functioning of color-meaning vocabulary in the Russian literature, in particular, briefly presents the analysis of the use of adjectives with the designation of color in the works of A. Chekhov.
This work is devoted to political activity of Alexei Navalny. In the course of the study, we identified its main methods of speech influence on the audience. The politician uses colloquial, colloquial words, slang, emotionally expressive vocabulary. With the help of spoken language, the impression of live oral communication is created and the main strategy is implemented – the strategy of proximity to the addressee. Thus, his manner of speech impresses the young audience.
The article discusses some mechanisms of generating phraseological units from the currents of view of cognitive processes. At the same time, the features of the meaning of phraseological units as a linguistic unit are taken into account, in the structure of the meaning of which the presence of connotation is a relevant sign. Of particular importance for updating the meaning of the phraseological unit is the national-cultural component of the semantics of phraseological units. That is why the important aspects in this article were the question of the influence of the national-cultural connotation on the generation of the phraseological unit.
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The article deals with the problem of language ego, which is being actively developed in modern language education. This problem is a topical issue in connection with the fact that at present time of active intercultural communication and interaction between people there arises a problem of teaching a foreign language with a view to perform work and study activities within a designated period, and reaching concise and gaugeable level of well-formedness of skills, including extensive intercultural skills. It is necessary to build up such a methodological system which will allow both sides of the process of education to construct a language ego of the students at the level of linguocultural competence and make a reality of the linguocultural approach in education which is of primary importance at the present time. The theory of language ego makes it possible to build up such a system of methods. The goal of the article lies in the theoretical generalization of scientific works devoted to the subject of language ego and in the development of aspects of its study, the provision of a rationale for the potentiality and necessity of working out elements of a system of methods of developing a linguocultural aspect of language ego on the basis of allusive names. The leading methods of the study are the theory of language ego, thesaurus and conceptual view of the world and the communicative activity-oriented approach, widely used in contemporary Russian and foreign language education. The author of the article makes generalizations about the three-stage structure of a language personality, about the possibility of study of language ego aspects and peculiarities of the developing of a linguocultural aspect of a language personality. As a result of the study the author poses a question of the possibility of the elaboration of the system of methods of teaching linguocultural competence of language ego. On the basis of analytical generalization of the selected corpus of allusive names from the classical and modern English literature the author comes to the conclusion that it is possible to regard allusive names as presuppositions, that is the units of teaching and learning a foreign language at different levels of language ego. Academic value of the article lies in the fact that it contributes to the development of the language ego theory, practical relevance of the research consists in the possibility of using its results in the process of teaching English to senior high school students and at the faculties of foreign languages. The academic novelty of the paper lies in the fact that the author presents theoretical grounding of accentuating a linguocultural aspect of language ego and the possibility of building up a system of methods of its formation drawing on the corpus of allusive names selected from classical and modern English literature.