Keyword: «consumer behavior»

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The authors speak about the important issue of recent years such as the behavior of the consumer. The authors give the review of theoretical and methodological approaches to these issues in the context of sociological theories of consumption. The authors present separate findings of internal and external factors that influence consumer behavior.
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The article contains the results of the research, devoted to consumer behavior in the Kirov region, taking into account characteristics of the economic, sociological and psychological models.
This article deals with such model of consumer behavior as irrational one and its option – addictive behavior. Addictive consumption is characterized by the desire to consume certain goods, which are believed to be the most essential in his value system. This type of consumption is common for alcoholics, drug addicts, gambling and shopping addicts. These forms of the additive consumption are the most dangerous ones for society and can lead to its degradation.
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The factors that determine the transformation of retail trade development, among which the most celebrated economic situation and changing behaviour of consumers. The most popular modern retail formats and gives their brief description, are shown examples of the development of unique formats.
This article discusses the main factors affecting the efficiency of trading activities. Particular attention is paid to the organization of trade and technological processes in the store. The principles of optimization of commodity circulation and placement of goods in the trading floor for maximum satisfaction of the needs of buyers are revealed.