Keyword: «dysarthria»

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One of the main issues of - the role of the motor analyzer in the development of speech of the child. The paper presents a theoretical rationale, relevance, objectives and principles of the impact of speech therapy. Describes correctional-developing technology of motor praxis in children with dysarthria.
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This paper presents the results of neuropsychological studies to identify prerequisites dysgraphia in stu-dents of the first class of a comprehensive school. The study was conducted using the method of neuro-psychological examination of younger schoolboys L.S. Tsvetkova, graphic techniques A.N. Kornev. Qualita-tive and quantitative analysis of the data show the presence of children with dysarthria predisposition to dysgraphia mixed character.
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The article presents the results of non-speech and speech breathing examination of older preschool children with mental retardation. It is established that children cannot distribute exhaled air economically and evenly. When air is used, children break words, interrupt phrases inappropriately. Preschool children do not have a normal type of physiological respiration. The article gives methodological recommendations for the development of children's breathing in the process of speech therapy classes.
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Speech breathing is significantly different from physiological breathing, due to the special requirements for the respiratory act during speech. Preschoolers with dysarthria first of all have to develop lung volume, and in senior preschool age to develop the type of chest breathing. It will be the basis for the development of proper phonation breathing.
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The article discusses the formation of prerequisites for phonemic perception in speech ontogenesis, and clarifies the concepts of “phonemic hearing” and “phonemic perception”. The authors examine the relationship between the unformed prerequisites of phonemic perception and the mechanisms of erased dysarthria. They describe a method for diagnosing the development level of prerequisites for phonemic perception in 4–5 years old children with erased dysarthria, and interpret the results of practical research. The speech therapy work on the formation of phonemic perception prerequisites in 4–5 years old children with erased dysarthria, based on the results of practical research, is also presented here.