Keyword: «perception»

In this article, I reviewed and analyzed one of the means of non-verbal communication, namely, a smile. I must say that a smile, as a kind of facial expressions, is quite significant. A smile is manifested and interpreted in different ways in different linguistic cultures, so the study of this means of non-verbal communication is more relevant than ever and inevitably important for building favorable intercultural relations between peoples.
The article considers the plein air as the most important means of educating the ability to empathize with nature, to see and understand the beauty of the landscape, to subtly and vividly feel its state, mood and character. Work in the open air brings up observation, forms an emotional-figurative vision, a careful attitude to nature, an understanding of its vulnerability, insecurity and beauty. The authors consider the plein air as one of the important means of moral and professional education of a teacher of fine arts.
The article is aimed at considering the influence of fiction, which is one of the most important sources of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler and has a great influence on the development and replenishment of the inner world of a preschooler with new information.
This article deals with topical issues of the Russian language as the language of education and culture. With the development of scientific and technological progress and globalization, the role of the Russian language is increasing. In the conditions of market relations, it became necessary to study Russian as a native language.
Nowadays there is an urgent problem of difficulties in learning a foreign language by junior schoolchildren. The difficulties occur due to psychological factors, such as age characteristics of junior schoolchildren, perception, motivation, behavioral peculiarities, and problems in emotional and volitional sphere, etc. All these factors have a negative impact on the foreign language learning process. Analysis and consideration of these psychological factors will help in overcoming difficulties and making an effective learning process for junior schoolchildren.