Keyword: «perception»

The article examines the relationship and mutual influence of the processes of perception and reliability of witness testimony in a criminal case. The main properties of perception are considered, which can significantly distort the information known by the witness, leaving it in the category of truthful, but excluding it from the category of reliable.
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The article reveals the psychological aspects of the development of perception in preschool children. The concept of “Perception” is considered from the perspective of psychological science. The role of plot drawing is emphasized, because In the process of visual activity, children strive to convey their visions, sensations of the surrounding world and emotional feelings in drawings.
The semantics of the adjective neulovimyj includes the direct (‘uncatchable’) and figurative (‘imperceptible’) meanings of this lexeme, it is based on the derivational and morphological structure of the adjective. These two meanings reflect two different types of localization of the object according to the observer, it depends on the coincidence or discrepancy of the observer with the uncatchable or imperceptible object in space-time coordinates.
The panoramic objects and dynamic transformations of the Far North landscape realities are analyzed in the article; moreover, the natural and weather features of the earth, water, sky, perceptual descriptions of the tundra and a man in it are also observed. The lexical and semantic analysis of the features of visual-sensual images in the lyrics of A. Bazhanov allows us to make a conclusion on the author’s diversity about representation of the surrounding reality and about the dominants of the mapping of the northern nature world.
The article presents the results of theoretical research aimed at studying the achievements of leading Soviet and Russian psychologists and psychophysiologists in the field of substantiating the causes of erroneous actions of a human operator during professional training.