Keyword: «speech therapy»

The article is devoted to the correction of specific violations of written speech in children of primary school age. The authors describe effective ways of correctional speech therapy for children with speech disorders.
The article is devoted to the review of actual problems of modern speech therapy. The author comes to the conclusion that the topic of modern scientific works in the field of speech therapy is devoted to the use of various methods and technologies; interaction of a speech therapist with other participants in the pedagogical process; advanced training of teachers-speech therapists; inclusive education; work with bilinguals.
This article reveals the features of the development of preschool children with motor alalia. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that the number of children with motor alalia is currently increasing. Teachers, speech therapists and defectologists are looking for effective methods and means to stimulate speech activity in preschoolers.The researchers come to the conclusion that logarithmic technologies contain great opportunities for stimulating the speech activity of preschoolers with motor alalia and contribute to the development of all higher mental functions and the socialization of children. The article contains a list of references, authors studying logarithmic technologies and working with motor alalias.
Recently, the number of children with general speech underdevelopment who need a special organization of correctional speech therapy work, in which the child's speech will develop in the process of various activities, has increased significantly. Since there is a close relationship between the level of development of speech and motor activity, there is a need to expand the arsenal of speech development tools. Visual activities using graphic means in the complex of correctional and speech therapy work lead to positive changes in all components of the speech system of preschool children with general speech underdevelopment.