Keyword: «speech therapy»

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This article tells of correctional-developing work on health protection of students with disabilities specialists of the Center «the GIFT», created on the basis of the boarding school № 8, Pushkin district. A comprehen-sive model of the Centre «the GIFT» is a network of integrative ties, including diagnostic, preventive and remedial developmental, health aspects, provides positive dynamics of speech, intellectual and psycholog-ical development of the child.
The article deals with modern ideas on the problem of the study of phonemic perception in primary school children with mental retardation. The author reveals the basic theoretical theses and principles underlying the diagnosis, aimed at identifying the state of phonemic perception in primary school children with mental retardation.
In the article in the theoretical and practical aspects there are considered modern approaches to the research of dysgraphia problems with younger schoolchildren with the delay of mental development and normal development. Revealed main theoretical theses and principles put in basis of logopedic diagnostics system aimed at identifying features of written speech of primary school children.
In the article theoretical and methodological bases of speech therapy to preschool children in the education system, namely, the concept and types of speech therapy, goals, objectives and principles of speech therapy and the speech therapist in preschool educational institution. Each section was reviewed in detail and studied on the basis of kindergarten №22 in city of Kirov.
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The article presents the results of the experiment. It characterizes the ability of preschool children with speech pathology to produce narrative and descriptive stories. The author reveals specific types of errors that children make. It is noted that such errors indicate the inferiority of the structural-semantic component of utterances. The skills of preschool children to build logical and informative stories are estimated.