№9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014

Elena Grebenuk. The Use of the Play Potential of Language in the Process of Foreign Language Education // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3364/
Is justified the topicality of the use of playful character texts in the process of learning a foreign language for students mastering a detailed linguistic and specific cultural norms of the language; the competencies needed to provide adequate information to decode are pointed out.
Uliya Ivanova. Innovative Technologies of Teaching a Foreign Language the Students in Pedagogical Higher School // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3365/
The article deals with the use of innovative teaching technologies in foreign language classes as a factor in the development of creative activity of the future teachers and the use of a foreign language for professional purposes.
Valeriya Nesterenko. On the Issue of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes Programmes // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3367/
The gained currency of FLSP programmes is proved. The preconditions for FLSP programmes are examined. The aims, concepts and specific language teaching methods are defined more exactly. The examples of suggested textbooks and their criterias are made.
Olga Novakova, Anastasiya Vasilenko. Existentially-Oriented Education (based on learning a foreign language) // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3368/
This article from an existential point of view focuses on such issues of education as knowledge transfer, the process of cognition; is analyzed the model of the process of learning a foreign language, providing the formation of meaning of the foreign language study.
Tatyana Pokysaeva, Natalya Rogovskaya. Working out Information Resources for Teachers of the Foreign Languages as a Means of Mastering Methods of the Project Activity in Teaching Schoolchildren Foreign Communicative Interaction // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3369/
In the article are substantiated the topicality and the necessity of working out information resources within the framework of those distance courses of increasing qualification were created for the foreign language teachers in an area of mastering methods of the project activity during the process of teaching schoolchildren skills of foreign communicative interaction. It is described the experience of conducting the scientific-creative contest of projects in the foreign language which are presented at the end of the courses.
Natalya Sysoeva. Modern Educational Technologies in Generating of Foreign Language Communicative Competence of Pedagogical High School Students // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3370/
The modern educational technologies in generating of foreign language communicative competence of pedagogical high school students are proved in the article. Applying of information and communication technologies in teaching of foreign language in high school is seen. The modern educational technologies for generating of foreign language communicative competence of pedagogical high school students on the basis of practical experience in Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University during Foreign Language lessons are described.
Elena Loktushina. Content and Process Aspects of Preparing Articles for Database ‟Scopus” // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3371/
The article presents analysis of requirements of Taylor & Francis Group to the content and the way of presenting articles for publishing in magazines of the group. Special attention is given to making abstracts and to the format of text-building. One of the articles published in the magazine of the group is presented to illustrate the requirements of the publishing group.
Ludmila Matvienko. Using Language for Specific Purposes – Peculiarities, Problems and Prospects // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3372/
Features, evolution and modern trends of Language for Specific Purposes teaching students on non-language faculties of Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University are discussed to form a graduate ready for professional foreign language communication.
Yulia Misheneva. Gaming Technology as a Learning Tool for Professional Foreign Language Communication of Students of Non-Linguistic Universities // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3373/
The author believes that one of the ways of intensification of educational activity of students of non-linguistic higher educational institutions, to increase their motivation to learn a foreign language and acquire the skills of professionally oriented foreign language communication are gaming technology. The article defines the functions, rules, stages of organization and implementation of game technologies.
Tatyana Saytimova, Natalia Khorosheva. Teaching Students of Nonlinguistic Specialities of Pedagogical Universities Communicative Interac-tion on the Basis of Project Activity // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №9 (Collected works, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University), 2014. - URL: http://www.doaj.net/3374/
This article discusses skills formation of nonlinguistic specialities of pedagogical universities in the learning a foreign language, which is especially important now with the introduction of the new federal teaching standards of higher education and the standard of the school teacher. Project activity has opportunities for learning communicative interaction and for the development of students' pedagogical skills, which will grow into the necessary professional competence of the teacher.