Ключевое слово: «didactic»
Mbelle S. B. Teaching method and my experience with mechanical engineering students in the university of doula-cameroon // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2016. – Т. 43. – С. 235–238. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2016/76463.htm
ART 76463
Просмотров: 1668
This reasech is about my teaching method and experience I had obtained while teaching the students of Mechanical engineering in the University of Douala.
The research methodology is based on the application of practical pedagogical principles and results obtained from students in function to their intergration to social, professional life and their contribution to economy and the development of the nation where ever they are found.I is also experimental based on the relationship buit between these students and I for the period of teaching. Teaching students for ten years in this prestegious university has given me alot of experience as results can be seen in the development of my self esteem, patience, understanding and transfering knowledge to students. All these acquired points had made me come to conclusion that to be a good teacher is not only to know your subject matter well, but also to understand the necessary tecniques and to have the skills its takes so as to transfer knowledge to the understanding of students. However some people are born with teaching skills and some other people can acquire these skills from learning and practicing what they have learned.