Keyword: «goods»

The article deals with the basic concepts of goods, its classification, the concept of exclusive, luxury and innovative goods, revealing their main characteristics.
This article considers the development of electronic business. Based on the analysis, it is established that e-commerce is gaining momentum, as the emergence of new opportunities, such as: optimization of operations based on the principles of self-management and self-organization, functional relationships with business partners, improving the quality of services and customer satisfaction.
This article describes network marketing as a way of promoting products or services, its history, disclosed advantages and disadvantages of network marketing, the analysis of network marketing as the sales system as a whole.
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The article deals with the role of economic component in the development of export activities as one of the priorities of the Russian Federation, where non-primary exports are one of the sources of economic growth. In this regard, the goal of the work is to determine the specifics of non-primary exports as a priority for the development of the Russian economy and one of the sources of its growth in the long term. The article presents analysis of Russian exports in comparison with foreign countries. The author formulates his position concerning the categories of "primary" and "non-primary" exports. He makes the analysis of non-primary exports specification for commodity groups. In conclusion, he proposes tools for implementing proactive export policy in regions.
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The problem of effective management of goods for resale was considered in this article. Also the effectiveness of the use of this element of working capital of one of the leading Russian trading companies was analyzed and the main problem and ways to solve it were identified. In the end, the possible economic effect of the proposed activities was put forward.