Keyword: «preschool education»

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The article presents an analysis of the possibilities of applying art therapy to ensure continuity between preschool and primary education. It can be the use of art technologies for conducting classes, art therapeutic programs aimed at solving social and emotional problems of children, the creation of permanent art therapy rooms in kindergarten and primary school. Using the healing potential of art, the proximity to the game, the variety of art-masters offered - all this makes art therapy a universal method in working with children of different ages.
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The article highlights the problem of preparing children for schooling, provides a brief overview of some of the features of preparation for school in pre-school organizations in Singapore, Germany, Norway, Turkey, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, and outlines priority areas for cooperation between educators and families.
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The article analyzes the projects of the State educational standards of pre-school education and primary general education with a view to implementing the requirements of general pedagogical principles of an integral pedagogical process. Analyzing the projects of the State educational Standards, we can talk about a sufficiently high degree of reflection in them of the requirements of general pedagogical principles of an integral pedagogical process, but at the same time there are remarks and recommendations that we consider expedient to take into account when making corrections to projects.
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authors analyze ideas of different researchers of an essence of sovladayushchy behavior, features of his development at children's age. The emphasis is placed on action of mikrostressor as constantly arising specific situations provoking the certain intense and negative experiences demanding updating of mechanisms of mastering. It is offered to allocate mikrostressor in preschool educational institution and to study with the senior preschool children the effective strategy of mastering them within specially organized work of the psychologist.
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The article classifies approaches to assessing the quality of preschool educational services, which makes it possible to identify the main ways to assess the quality of education as a product of the teacher’s labor, and hence the effectiveness of preschool education management. The presented classification with the subsequent description of the models (approaches) is the author's original work.