Keyword: «preschool education»

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The article outlines the importance and peculiarities of spiritual-moral education of children in preschool period of childhood. The authors provide scientific and methodological bases of folk tales in the process of exposure of preschool children to the spiritual and ethno-cultural heritage.
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Approaches and experience of elder preschool children knowledge and ideas’ formation concerning space objects, natural phenomena and human life connected with them are viewed in the article.
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The paper deals with the problem of continuity education ensuring by the example of designed program “Succession” at gymnasium №2 by A.P. Chehov in Taganrog. This program allows us to create the unique educational area on the stages of preschool – primary education. Psychological and pedagogical support for realization of the program “Succession” is carried out to the following directions: psychological and pedagogical monitoring, developed, enlightenment and consultative work. In this paper we examine the activity on the base of the first direction – psychological and pedagogical monitoring.
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The problem of realization of pedagogical technologies in modern preschool education is considered in the article. The special attention is paid to the terminological analysis of a definition "technology", to its differ-ence from the concept "technique", "method".
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The article reveals the problem of integration in education in the context of the federal state educational standards of preschool education. The emphasis is on integration as a priority requirement for the organiza-tion of educational and educational process in the DOO.