Keyword: «service»

The article considers the essence and importance of service in trade, presents the organizational and economic characteristics of the activities of «Eldorado», analyzes the indicators that affect the quality of services provided by the store.
The article discusses the concept of service culture and advertising, their role and influence on the enterprise positioning in the market, as well as evaluates the service culture and advertising by example, and offers recommendations for their improvement in order to improve the enterprise positioning in the market.
The article deals with the issue of managing the process of customer service in a trade organization, and ways to improve it.
The lyrics of A.S. Pushkin are saturated with the pathos of citizenship. Service to the Fatherland is the meaning of the poet's life. The study of the work of A.S. Pushkin is important in teaching students in Kyrgyz schools. He devoted his entire life to issues of citizenship and humanity. Questions of humanism in the history of world literature occupies a central place. Humanism remains the eternal questions of modern civilization. Citizenship plays an important role in the formation of students, especially students in Kyrgyz schools. A.S. Pushkin considered it his duty to exalt the ideals of citizenship, to show its advantages and charms, real beauty. Thanks to the best traits, true morality, a person acquires a real human appearance.
Effective activity of schoolchildren in the classroom is impossible without the use of modern teaching methods by the teacher, which are able to interest and motivate students, develop their ability to work independently, develop their personal qualities. All this can be achieved by introducing interactivity to the lesson. In-teractive technologies also help to facilitate the presentation of material during online or offline training.