Keyword: «interference»

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The author discusses the problem of comparative study of the Russian and national languages at school and gives the structural and typological analyses of the problem.
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The perception of the native language flows in direct connection with the cognition of objective reality. Mastering nonnative language takes place through the medium of the mother tongue, based on it. Therefore, the psychology of second language acquisition is closely connected with the development of bilingualism in students. In determining the psychological background of second language acquisition must be based on the nature of the interaction between the native and the second language in educational process, relations the contacting languages of the two systems.
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The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of avoiding grammar interference in the process of foreign language teaching in the conditions of polylinguistic environment. Underlined is the necessity of taking into consideration common and distinctive features in the systems of different languages in the process of pol-ylinguistic interaction.
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The ratio of contacting languages in the learning process in the context of bilingualism is determined not only by the nature of bilingualism, and place of each of the contacting languages in the social, public and educational system of the region, for the purpose of learning each language in a particular national school.
The article reveals a number of problems dealing with teaching a second foreign language, namely disregard of psycholinguistic features of learning a second foreign language, lack of proper methodological support and above all a suitable textbook, low mega-language competence of the teacher, which does not allow him to pursue a monolingual relationship between extra linguistic content and formal structures of the studied language, to predict the probability of the native language interference, to find definitive ways to overcome it and to ensure a positive transfer of existing knowledge and skills.