Keyword: «professional activities»

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Features, evolution and modern trends of Language for Specific Purposes teaching students on non-language faculties of Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University are discussed to form a graduate ready for professional foreign language communication.
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The paper summarizes the experience of organizing and conducting teaching practice in higher education on the basis of competence approach. The authors describe features of pedagogical practices at the chair of Pedagogy at Perejaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named after Gregory Skovoroda, dis-close their main task.
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The paper describes competence-based model of formation of educational outcomes during the development of Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education in preparing midcareer professionals. The proposed model has been successfully tested in Vyatka College of Culture in 2011-2015 at the full course of study of Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education for the major “Art and culture”.
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The article describes the problems of integrating education and upbringing of children with disabilities, their social adaptation. It is an issue of finding the strategy for training future speech pathologists for the work with disabilities having children. Humanization is one of the means of a working specialist. The author describes structure and strategy of the educational space, highlights the main components of values and traditions of the cultural environment, where children with disabilities are included.
Official written speech of officers of the Penal system of Russia has a number of features. The peculiarities are determined by the content of the official activities of representatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The article deals with the history of Russian official business speech. The authors give a description of modern expressions and clichés of business communication within the department.