Keyword: «speech disorders»

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The paper deals with questions of formation of correction as a science, its current problems, main objectives, organization of speech therapy process. The authors reveal the methodological foundations of correction, the value of correction for individual development of children with speech disorders, influence of speech pathology on mental development of a child, his activities and behavior.
The article deals with modern ideas on the problem of the study of phonemic perception in primary school children with mental retardation. The author reveals the basic theoretical theses and principles underlying the diagnosis, aimed at identifying the state of phonemic perception in primary school children with mental retardation.
The article sums up the study of the formation of nouns with diminutive value at preschool children with the general underdevelopment of speech. On the basis of the study concluded that the inclusion in the work structure to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children of preschool age special work on the formation of diminutive suffixes of nouns in children.
The article presents the results of the analysis of scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers on the problem of studying the grammatical structure of speech of the senior preschool children with General speech underdevelopment. Recommendations aimed at expanding the knowledge of parents and children, and organization of special educational activities of preschool children with General speech underdevelopment.
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The article is devoted today to the issue of lexical disorders in children with General underdevelopment of speech. The article reveals the mechanisms and symptoms of the lexical violations and the problem remains relevant today. Spending a lot of time playing computer games and watching TV, children do not communicate with their parents. And because communication with adults is the Foundation for mastering the norms of the native language.