Keyword: «depression»

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The article presents some of the main directions in overcoming the depressive state of children and adolescents included in the interim a group of children in period of summer holidays. Recommendations to reduce the level of depressive States, as well as correction of fear and aggression involve the use of various fascinating joint activities, as the identity of, entering into interaction with the group, immersed in her all his essence, and not a single party.
The article presents a study of the problem of emotional instability and depression in adolescents, the manifestations of which are mood swings, insomnia, loss of interest in life. The analysis of questionnaires conducted among ninth-graders is presented, as a result of which the features of the manifestation and causes of the depressive state of teenage children were revealed.
The problem of stress resistance of students of final grades puts before the authors of the article the need to search for directed and indirect technologies of work with adolescents, taking into account the peculiarities of their personality. The authors analyzed the causes of stress in adolescents, identified the types and methods of preventive work with graduates to reduce emotional destruction and increase the level of stress resistance.
The article presents a study aimed at determining the relationship between the influence of the level of alexithymia and aggression on the development of psychoemotional disorders in men and women. The study involved 50 male (25) and female (25) individuals aged 18 to 23 years. According to primary data, it was found that 60% of the total number of subjects studied (100%) have high performance in three main methods: Toronto alexithymic scale (TAS), hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS), bass – darkey aggression questionnaire. This may indicate that these participants are at risk of developing psychoemotional disorders, psychosomatic disorders.
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Depression is a common affective disorder, and disturbances in the emotional sphere in this pathology are obvious. Emotionality acts as a psychological property of a person; recent studies have made it possible to determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of this virtue. In order to study the relationship between the characteristics of emotionality and the manifestations of depression at a young age, a study was conducted. In the course of the work, it was revealed that the somatic manifestations of depression are more pronounced with increased emotional excitability and significant negative influence of emotions; the cognitive-affective characteristics of depression can be determined by the general level of emotional excitability of the individual.