About the journal

Media Information:

Name of publication: Scientific-methodological electronic journal “Koncept”

Founder: Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Additional Professional Education "Interregional Center for Innovative Technologies in Education"

EditorialPavel M. Gorev, Galina N. Nekrasova, Elena V. Suntsova.
Chief Editor: 
Pavel M. Gorev
Editorial phone number: 8 (8332) 79-00-84
Information product marking: 6+
Media Registration Certificate: Эл № 77-78575 issued 08.07.2020  by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications
ISSN: 2304-120X
Periodicity: monthly
Editorial address: 610047. Kirov, Sverdlov str. 32a, of.1003
Postal address: 610002 Kirov, PO Box 48, (ANO APE “MTsITO”)

Editorial schedule: Mon.-Fri. 8.30 - 17.0

Editorial Board Charter  Download.pdf

The journal is in the public domain

(users can read, download, copy, distribute, use in the educational process, and print full versions of all articles for free)

The periodical scientific and methodological electronic journal "Koncept" is an official publication, links to which are considered by leading organizations, in particular the Higher Attestation Commission, as a printed work.
Since June 06, 2017, the “Koncept” journal has been included in the HAC List (13.00.00 - pedagogical sciences).

We draw your attention to the fact that the journal is state-registered (certificate Эл № ФС 77-78575 dated 08.07.2020, previous certificates: Эл № ФС 77-61196 dated 30.03.2015, Эл № ФС 77-49965 dated 09.06.2012). 

The scientific and methodological journal is assigned the international code ISSN 2304-120X.

The bibliographic description of articles published in the journal automatically falls into the catalog of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI, electronic library).

Since 2012, the journal has been included in the international bibliographic and abstract database SSOAR, EBSCO.

Since 2014, the journal has been included in the open access scientific electronic library КиберЛенинка.

IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION of June 20, 2011 N 475, the works published in the materials of electronic scientific publications are considered as the published works reflecting the main scientific results of the dissertation.

You can publish an article in the scientific journal "Koncept" in the appropriate sections in the following areas of knowledge:

5.8. Pedagogy (included in the list of Higher Attestation Commission);
5.3. Psychology;

The publication of a scientific article in the journal is possible only if the article has not previously been published in a scientific journal and if it contains unique research results.

All incoming articles undergo an internal check for compliance with aims and scope of the journal and the originality of the results, they are checked for borrowing from open sources. After receiving a positive expert opinion without comment on the substance of the work, the article is published in the next issue of the journal.
How to publish a scientific article: Read More

Cost and terms of publication of an article: Read more

Chief editor: Pavel Mikhailovich.Gorev, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor.

Executive editor: Elena Vladimirovna Suntsova

Founder and publisher of the journal: Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Additional Professional Education "Interregional Center for Innovative Technologies in Education"