Keyword: «elderly people»

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The article analyzes one of the social problems of our time, which is the result of reforming the health care system and its transition to market relations. The sociological research conducted by the author made it possible, first, to evaluate the effectiveness of medical services in the market of Volgograd region from the position of the "consumer" (the patient) (in our case they were the elderly persons), and second, to consider the importance of medical centers in the process of maintaining life longevity of persons over 60 years of age.
The article discusses the implementation of the project "helping Hand", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the great Victory by the volunteer student body. The project is aimed at providing assistance, socialization and involvement in the "dialogue of generations" of single elderly and disabled people in the Smolensk region through various volunteer activities.
The article analyzes the strategy of active longevity, reveals the components of healthy and active aging, identifies the main directions of promoting active longevity.
The article is devoted to the role of gerontology in the social adaptation and self-realization of the elderly. The data of the author's study are presented, the purpose of which was to identify factors that contribute to the motivation for learning and active longevity of older people. The results of the study are of practical importance, as they allow us to determine ways and means of improving the system of non-formal education of older people.
The problems of organizing social assistance to elderly citizens are considered. The traditional and activating approaches to social services for the elderly are compared. The specifics of the needs and opportunities of different categories of senior citizens are indicated. The necessity of public-private partnership in the organization of social services for the population is substantiated.