Воспитательная работа в вузе: проведение тематических праздников

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Чибисова О. В. Воспитательная работа в вузе: проведение тематических праздников // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2014. – Т. 25. – С. 126–130. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2014/55269.htm.
Аннотация. В данной статье проблема организации воспитательной работы в вузе рассматривается через призму проведения тематических праздников в рамках преподавания дисциплины «Практика устной и письменной речи». Предлагаемая методическая разработка предназначена для студентов 1-2 курсов, обучающихся по программе подготовки бакалавров по направлению Лингвистика. В ней собран богатый страноведческий материал со ссылками на соответствующие интернет-ресурсы, находящиеся в открытом доступе.
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ЧибисоваОльга Владимировна кандидат культурологии, доцент кафедры «Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация» КомсомольскогонаАмуре государственного технического университета, г. КомсомольскнаАмуреolgachibisova@yandex.ru

Воспитательная работа в вузе: проведение тематических праздников

Аннотация: В данной статье проблема организации воспитательной работы в вузе рассматривается через призмупроведения тематических праздников в рамках преподавания дисциплины «Практика устной и письменной речи». Предлагаемая методическая разработка предназначена для студентов 12 курсов, обучающихся по программе подготовки бакалавров по направлению Лингвистика. В ней собран богатый страноведческий материал соссылками на соответствующиеинтернетресурсы, находящиеся в открытом доступе.Ключевые слова:воспитательная работа, язык, культура, тематический праздник, День благодарения.

Внеаудиторная воспитательная работав качестве одной из основных форм организации свободного времени студентов является неразрывной частью учебновоспитательного процесса в вузе, В то же время, выходя за пределы предусмотренных образовательных программ, она представляет собой систему просветительновоспитательных мероприятий, которые имеют разную целевую и содержательную направленность, и, следовательно, вариативность методик их проведения.К основным принципам организации воспитательной работы по иностранному языку в вузе относятся: 1. Принцип активности, предполагающий речевую активность студентов в ходе внеаудиторного мероприятия, что означает напряженность их психических процессовв части формирования мыслей средствами изучаемого языка.2. Принцип коммуникативной направленности, реализуемый в преобладании творческих заданий над репродуктивнотренировочнымиупражнениями.3. Принцип профессиональной направленности, связи обучения с будущей профессиональной деятельностью бакалавров лингвистики и в целом с жизнью.Эффективность воспитательной работы по предмету зависит такжеот соблюдения условия добровольностиучастияв проводимых мероприятиях;большейсамостоятельностии инициативностистудентов; занимательностии новизныих содержания.Следует заметить, что тематические вечера как массоваяформаорганизации внеаудиторной работы, хотя и не имеют четкой предопределенной структуры, должны быть тщательно спланированы.В данной публикации предлагается к рассмотрению сценарий тематического праздникадля учащихся младших курсов языкового вуза, посвященныйДню благодарения. Данноемероприятиеставитцельюспособствовать формированию межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции.Означенная цель достигается посредством решения следующих задач:1. Углубление знаний опредставленияхи установках, образцахповедения представителей иноязычного социума.2. Воспитание уважения своеобразия иноязычной культуры и ее ценностных ориентаций.3. Дальнейшее развитие навыков практического построения грамотного общения с представителями иноязычных культур.Методические рекомендации:2

1. Вы можете скачать предлагаемые в сценарии видеоматериалы с YouTube. Для этого введитеуказанный в списке литературы адрес в поисковик и откройте видеофайл. Добавьте в его адрес две буквы ssи нажмите ввод. Например: адрес http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=YsdzjdT_LkY Вы изменяете на адрес http://www.ssyoutube.com/ watch?v=YsdzjdT_LkY, в открывшемся окне выбираете формат видео MP4360p и нажимаете кнопку СКАЧАТЬ.2. Вы также можете найти видео всех песен на YouTube. Их можно использовать и как аккомпанемент песен, и как прекрасныйвидеоряддля фона, и как средство обучения иностранному языку[1].

Host 1:Good afternoon, dear friends! Host 2:We are glad to see you at our Thanksgiving party! H 1:This isa uniquely American, nonreligious holiday. Andas language learners we should know the cultureof the target language country. H2:Now look at the screen, youwilllearnmuch interesting about the history of Thanksgiving Day. Please, be very attentive. The information will be useful for you in the contest following[2].H 1:Now we shall see,if you can answer the questions of the quiz properly.

1. The name of the Pilgrims’ village is… .A) Cheshire

B) Plymouth

C) Surrey

D) Torbay2. How was the good ship called?A) «Mayflower»

B) «Dayflower»C) «Marchflower»D) «Sunflower»3. The name of the Governor is… .A) Stanford

B) Gredford

C) Danword

D) Bradford4. Which of these animals isn’t hunted at by Pilgrims?A) Turkey

B) Goose

C) Hare

D) Boar5. How much time did they spend on celebrating the Thanksgiving day?A) A week

B) Two days

C) Three daysD) Five days6. Which ocean did the Pilgrim band cross?A) Atlantic

B) Pacific

C) Indian

D) Arctic7. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated since… .A) 1620

B) 1621

C) 1821

D) 1681

H 1:Thanksgiving is celebrated in autumn, on the fourth Thursday ofNovember. In a traditional sense (which, in general, is inherent to the agricultural civilizations, starting from the ancient times) such autumnal holiday was the time to thank the gods for rich harvest and plentitude of fruit.H 2:And now we offer you to listen to the poem dedicated to autumn and Thanksgiving Day, written byKate Seymour Maclean.

The autumnhills are golden at the top,And rounded as a poet's silver rhyme;The mellow days are ruby ripe, that dropOne after one into the lap of time.The long day of the year is almost done,And nature in the sunset musing stands,Grayrobed, and violethooded like a nun,Looking abroad o'er yellow harvest lands.Empty and folded are her busy hands;Her corn and wine and oil are safely stored,As in the twilight of the year she stands,3

And with her gladness seems to thank the Lord.Thus let us rest awhile from toil and care,In the sweet sabbath of this autumn calm,And lift our hearts to heaven in grateful prayer,And sing with nature our thanksgiving psalm.

H 1:Watch a skit and tell us, what it is about[3].

Clown 1:(strides on stage, with energy & purpose–turns to face the audience) Happy Turkey Day, everyone! Do you know what tomorrow is? That’s right! It’s Turkey Day! (Clown 2 walks on stage during this, striking a bemused look)Clown 1:Yes, the fourth Thursday in November is Turkey Day in the United States of America, and we celebrate Turkey Day by… eating turkey! And stuffing! And my Mom always makes pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce, too!(Clown 2 walks over to Clown 1, and engages him in conversation)Clown 2:Excuse me…Clown 1:(noticing Clown 2 for the first time) Maybe… do you have a written excuse from your Mom?Clown 2:Pardon me?Clown 1:(to the audience) First he wants an excuse, and now he wants a pardon! No pleasing some people! (turns back to Clown 2) What do you want?Clown 2:I was just wondering… why do you think we celebrate ‘Turkey Day’?Clown 1:‘Cuz it tastes good!Clown 2:But why set aside a special day? Turkey tastes good every day, right?Clown 1:Well, yeah, I guess it does…Clown 2:There’s more to the fourth Thursday in November than eating Turkey, you know.Clown 1:(shocked) There IS?Clown 2:Of course! My pastor says it’s a special day when we remember to thank God for everything. The first American president, George Washington,said (pulls out note card–exaggerate looking for the card, holding it upside down at first, etc.–remember that you’re clowning) Thanksgiving should "be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God."Clown 1:George Washingboard said that?Clown 2:Washington said that.Clown 1:He forgot to mention Turkey!Clown 2:He didn’t forget–he remembered God, who we Give Thanks to—ThanksGiveing–get it?Clown 1:(as the light slowly dawns) Ohm… then where did weget the big turkey from?Clown 2:(inching towards the edge of the stage, so as to get a head start) It depends–where were you born?Clown 1:In the hospital… (the insult dawns on him) HEY! Are you calling me a big turkey! (skit ends in chase off stage)

H 1:So, what were the boys talking about? That’s right; Thanksgiving Day has another name in America –the Turkey Day.H 2:Why, turkey’s quite lucky. I doubt there is another bird on the Earth, which has a national holiday named after it. Here, I even know a beautiful song –Turkey in the Straw. By the way, we learned it with the students. Listen to it, please[4].

There's a country dance at the only hole in town,And everybody comes from all around,4

They want to hear a gobble and that scratching on the ground,They come from far and wideto hear that turkey sound.Turkey in the straw–haw, haw, haw,Turkey in the hay –hay, hay, hay,

And the old folks dance with their motherinlaw As they dance to a tunewe call turkey and the straw.

They dance to the leftand they dance to the right,

They dance to the tune all thorough the night,

And a shriek and a gaspit gave them such a fright,

A turkey dancing with them–what a wonderful sight!

H 1:Well, I think you are not quite right about the “lucky” thing. As the Turkey is the symbol of the Thanksgiving Day, poultry keepers fatten these birds for this holiday. Almost every American eats a turkey on Thanksgiving. Someone takes care of it in advance and orders a slaughter warm turkey from a farm. Those who follow healthy lifestyle order ecofriendly turkeys from the farms, which don’t use hormonal fodder. The greedy ones only buy turkey fillet (breast), the lazy ones order readymade turkey in the restaurant. The hunt lovers get a turkey on their own, even though it is a poaching. Each in his own way, so to say.H 2:What does the turkey itself think about this day? Let’s listen to the song that the student of … learned for us [5].

It’s Thanksgiving Dayand we’re gathered round,Little children make a joyful sound,And there’s no school and we get to playAnd we’re all thankful for this dayExcept for the turkey.There’s a wreath of leaves on the front door,And we all say what we’rethankful for,There’s such good food and there’s such great fun,And there’s such big smile on everyoneExcept for the turkey.We all join hands and sing this songWith happy hearts and a love that’s strong,We bow our heads then we have our feastIt’s a lovely day to say the leastExcept for the turkey.So if you’re a turkey and you’re still alive,you might kinda wanna hideOr soon you’ll probly be dead meatOn this festive day you’re what we eat,So fly away to a distant landWhere people think turkeys are grand,Spread your wings and sore up highAnd be thankful that birds can flyExcept for the turkey.

H 1:The students of … can easily join the Turkey Rights Protection Party. Just see, what a scene they have prepared for us[6]!

Stage Right: The humble home of Grandpa and Grandma. Stage Left: The animal pen. 5

Narrator: Thanksgiving. A time of joy and celebration. Of food, relaxation, and family. A day beloved by everyone. Everyone that is except… Tom Turkey!

(A Turkey named Tom walks on stage left, flapping his wings.) Tom: Gobble, gobble! (On stage right, Grandma and Grandpa enter. Tom listens to them as they speak.)

Grandma: I mashed the potatoes, I crammed the cranberries, I yammed the yams, and now it’s time for you to do what you always do on Thanksgiving Day. Grandpa: Watch football? Grandma: No! It’s time to prepare the turkey. Tom: Prepare? That doesn’t sound so bad. Grandma: Prepare? That’s such hard work! I have to pluck the feathers. Tom: Ow! Grandpa: And pull out the innards.

Tom: Eek! Grandpa: And toss him in the oven. Tom: Oh my! Grandma: But don’t forget. First you must chop off his head. Tom: (Grabs his neck, fearful.) And all this time I thought I was going to be the guest of honor. (PIG enters.) I’ve got to get out of here! These people are going to eat me! Pig: Oink, oink. Welcome to my world, buddy. Grandpa: Well, I guess I better get busy. (A happy couple, Mom and Dad, enter.)Momand Dad: Hi Grandpa! Mom: Happy Thanksgiving. Dad D: Is there anything we can do to help? Grandpa: I’m glad you asked that. Go out back and chop off the turkey’s head. Dad: Oh. I was hoping you would have me set the table. Grandpa: Too bad. Get chopping! Mom: Be brave dear. Dad: But honey, you know the sight of blood makes me queasy. Mom: I’m needed in the kitchen. Dad: Well, sometimes a man has to do what a man has todo- (A son and a daughter enter.)Dad: Make his kids do the work. Son: Hey Dad, is dinner ready yet? Dad: Son, this is a very special Thanksgiving because I’m giving you a very special responsibility. I need you to chop off the turkey’s head. Son: Gross! Dad: And while you’re at it, pluck the feathers, take out the innards, and give it to Grandma to put in the oven. Son: But –but –but… Dad: Have fun, son. (The son turns to Terri, who has been engrossed in a book.)Son: Terri! Hey bookworm! Did you hear what Dad just said to me? Terri: No, I was too busy reading my history book. Son: You mean you didn’t hear a single word Dad said? Terri: No. What did he say? Son: He wants you to kill the turkey. (He pushes her toward the animal pen, then exits. Note: All of the other human characters have cleared the stage too.)Terri: Well, I guess if we want a turkey dinner, someone has to do it. Terri: (Approaching Tom) Sorry, Mr. Turkey. The time has come. 6

Tom: I –I –I feel faint! (The turkey starts to sway back and forth. He falls to the ground.)Terri: Oh no! I think he’s having a heart attack! Grandma: (Entering.) Who’s having a heart attack? Terri: (Checking the turkey’s pulse.) He doesn’t have a pulse. Grandpa: (Entering.) I don’t have a pulse? Terri: Not you, Grandpa. The turkey! (Dadand Momenter.)Dad: Terri, what are you doing? Terri: CPR. I learned it in health class. Mom: She’s such a good student. Son: (Entering.) What the heck is going on? Terri: I think it’s working. Live, Mr. Turkey! Live!!! Tom: (Coming back to life.) Gobble gobble! Mom: You did it honey! Dad: You saved his life. Terri: Yep. Now I guess I better cut off his head. Grandma: Now wait, child. It just doesn’t seem right. Terri: You know, according to my history book, presidents such as Harry Truman and John Kennedy have spared the lives of their turkeys. And since 1989, the white house has been granting a presidential pardon to each live turkey that is presented to the president. Maybe this year we could do the same kind of thing. Grandma: I think that’s a lovely idea. After all, one of the many things we should be thankful for is simply how many families have been able to have wonderful Thanksgiving dinners all because of this noble bird. Besides we have many other delicious foods we can eat. Yams, cranberries, freshly made bread, and mashed potatoes. Grandpa: That’s right, Grandma. Now, who’s up for some pork chops? Pig: (Feeling faint.) I gotta get out of here!

H 1:I am sure we should support the students of … . Let’s learn a song together[7]!

Five little turkeys by the barn door,One waddled off, then there were four. Four little turkeys under a tree,One waddled off, then there were three. Three little turkeys with nothing to do,One waddled off, then there were two. Two little turkeys in the noonday sun,One waddled off, then there was one. One little turkey better run away!Soon will come Thanksgiving Day!

H 2:It’s not so bad for a turkey to live in America. … has prepared an interesting report about the new Turkey Day celebration traditions in America.

In the Farm Sanctuary reservation people made a decision to spend the holiday without sacrifices –it’s much more enjoyable to do some charity on a day like this! The reservation gave people, who love nature, the opportunity to “adopt” a turkey, which means, the custodian becomes the sponsor for bird’s maintenance on the farm. They can visit the bird as often, as they want, bring her treats and so on. New York is a noisy congested megalopolis, and it is difficult for its citizens to contact with nature. The “adoption” of a bird solves this 7

problem, gives a reason to go to the countryside at weekend, and becomes a little adventure. Such custody gives lots of joy to kids. Besides, they learn to be conscientious, to understand, what the food in their plates is. The farm workers made a holiday table for living and healthy turkeys. Any products, that lead birds towards obesity, are forbidden. On the contrary, the food for turkeys corresponds with their natural preferences. Perhaps, people will also celebrate this day by eating healthy food!

H 1:There is an interesting tradition: each year the president of USA chooses a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. President and his spouse or children are shown two beautiful birds, fed specially for this day. This happens on a special ceremony, and both birds are alive. The president decides, which one will be sacrificed, and which one will be pardoned and returned to the farm, where it will live as long as it takes and die a natural death. This state ceremony was established by Harry Truman over 50 years ago. H 2:Yes, I saw this year ceremony in the news. We can watch the video all together now[8].H 1:As you have seen,Barack Obama pardoned two turkeys in an annual White House ritual, saying he wanted to offer the birds a second chance before the US holiday of Thanksgiving.«Congratulations. You're going to have a great life» he said.H 2:That’s right, president Obama pardoned both turkeys. Now they will live a happy life on a farm, which used to beGeorge Washington’s property. The lucky pardoned fellows were chosen by a global voting on a special Facebook page. There “the turkey of the year” was chosen. The winners were two goodlooking gobblers, Cobbler and Gobbler, which were fed on one of the Wyoming farms. Cobbler and Gobbler are quite fat birds.It is normal for American turkeys –they weigh about 1819 kilos.H 1:But we can organize such casting as well, and we don’t have to invite living turkeys here. I suggest drawing a “Turkey of our dream” on the smart board. Are there any volunteers?A drawing competition

H 1:Without a doubt, that’s an ideal. One can write a poem for it, or sing a song, or even dance. H 2:Why not? Here is a poem.

Albuquerque is a turkeyandhe's feathered and he's fineAnd he wobbles and he gobblesand he's absolutelymine.He's the best pet that you can get.Better than a dog or cat.He's my Albuquerque turkeyandI'm awfully proud of that.He once told me very franklyhe preferred to be my pet,Notthe main course at my dinner,and I told him not to fret.And my Albuquerque turkeyis so happy in his bed,'Cause for our Thanksgiving dinner...We had egg foo yong instead.

H 1:The song is performed by … [9].

I am a turkey bird, I live a turkey lifeI’ve got my 13 turkey kidsandlittle turkey wife.I peck a lot of cornandwalk around thepen,Have a drink of water;thenI have some corn again.

My feathers are sticking out;I’m pecking on the ground

Come on, check me outI’m striking all around.

Daggling little hanging thing, glowing up my face,

Looking good, only thing to say is …My big brother Jake,he always was thesmarty,8

He heard that at November endswe’re going to a party.Going to a partyI’ll be the guest till barnWhere they’ll present to mearapupof the mom.

Have a little dream, all the good chanter

You know I like cranberries, lighteningcandles.

Pass me the rutabaga,any corn left?

Getting kind of sleepy, eh?

Eating too much… Oh I’m stuck.

H 2:Here is a dance. Meet ….H 1:MrObama said that thanks to the American people, the only Cobbler that will be on the plates of a Thanksgiving dinner is a pie.H 2:Yes, the president refused from turkey this year. By the way, what traditional national food do Americans cook for Thanksgiving?H 1:Let’s ask the audience. Does anyone have any ideas?H 2:Well, everyone knows that traditional Thanksgiving dishes are turkey, yams with scrambled flower sauce, cranberry sauce, bread rolls, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, corn, oranges, nuts and grapes.

H1:In the very middle of the table lies a sheet of crumpled foil decorated with greens. It symbolizes the Atlantic Ocean. There also is a paper ship in the middle. It means “Mayflower”, the pilgrims’ ship. On the “ocean shore” lies a stone with the date “1620” written on it. It symbolizes the Plymouth Rock, where the first European immigrants landed many years ago.H 2:Thanksgiving is also associated with charity: Americans try to give food and joy to those, who are not solucky in their lives. Even in the metro stations there are special tables, where all volunteers can leave their donations, including food. On the holiday eve the charity organizations give the collected presents to impecunious and organize dinners for thehomeless.H 1:We are going to prepare a dinner too, only virtual.Look at the recipe and put the sentences in the correct order.

Candy Corn Turkeys Recipe 1. Use a piping bag to create two eyes, a beak and feet. 2. Place candy corns into the frosting to make the feathers. 3. Pipe a line around the edge of one half of the cookie. 4. Take chocolate frosting and place it into the piping back. 5. Take a round cookie such as a homemade sugar cookie.

H 2:Thanksgiving Day is a family holiday. Relatives and friends come from every corner of the country to sit behind the table filled with traditional food. The airports of America are overcrowded; the roads are full of cars. It seems, the whole country is moving in order to get to the hearth and home, where the generations meet, the offences are forgotten and the best events of the year come to mind.

H 1:Besides, they can play fun Thanksgiving games no matter what their age is, whether they are young or old. I think we shall play nowtoo.The game is called “Pass the Corn”.(Divide the children into two teams and have them form two lines. You will need two cobs of dried Indian corn. At the signal to “go”, the corncob is to be passed from child to child. The catch is that they can use any part of their bodies, except their hands. If the corn touches the ground at any time, it must go back to the beginning of the line again. Whichever team manages to get the corn to the end of the line first wins the game.)H 2:If you are tired we can play Thanksgiving Word SearchGame. 9

H 1:What are the other special traditions of celebrating this holiday in America?

H 2:Costume parades are an essential part of the holiday. The first parade marched along the west edge of the Central Park in 1924. Since then, Macy’s trading house sponsors the procession each year. The cortege walks down the autumn streets, but, unlike the European carnivals, there are no medieval character dolls towering above the crowd. There are Snoopy Dog, Garfield, Piggy and other characters of American history, all giantand filled with helium. Here, you can viewthem yourself[10].H 1:The Thanksgiving is an opportunity for people to say “thank you”. They thank God for a nice day, a tasty dinner, a good mood, new dress, lovely present.

H 2:On this day people express gratitude to God for his blessings and give thanks to dear ones for their love & support.H 1:… will recite to you a “thankyou poem”.Let us give thanks to God above,thanks for expressions of His love,Seen in the book of nature, grandtaught by His love on every hand.Let us be thankful in our hearts,thankful for all the truth imparts,For the religion of our Lord,all that is taught us in His word.Let us be thankful for a land,that will for such religion stand;One that protects it by the law,one that before it stands in awe.Thankful for all things let us be,though there be woes and misery;Lessons they bring us for our good later ’twill all be understood.Thankful for peace o’er land and sea,thankful for signs of liberty,Thankful for homes, for life and health,pleasure and plenty, fame and wealth.Thankful for friends and loved ones, too,thankful for all things, good and true,Thankful for harvest in the fall,thankful to Him who gave it all. (Lizelia Augusta Jenkins Moorer)NGNIVIGSKNAHTSENEWWORLDTHZAMENDBVINAIORURIUMAGQSRWRXZKHRQEOTOSOYXXFSTGYKPHIECMXMGYRLWJDEPVTUTQNMSIAKBEQYEAWVUAJPNGFBJCQSRKUIXDHJAOBCKJGEZZSUDBFECLYMZTPEJOEVOLXPIEIPWOLOAEZZERSNRGYSOUORTIPCEESIEZNCZFDBCYWIDEFOMMPPXUQRITIGUYBJA10

H 2: There is always someone to thank and something to thank for. One should not complain, but rejoice. One should not regret about something lost, but admire something given. And one should always believe in the best. That’s what our song is about[11].H 1:We are not Americans, but we also have someone to thank. We want to thank everyone, who participated in today’s event, and everyone, who visited it. Thankyoueversomuch.

Ссылки на источники1. Семенов Д.И., Чибисова О.В. Использование аутентичных видеоматериалов при обучении английскому языку / Международный журнал экспериментального образования №4 2010. –С.49502. History of Thanksgiving Day: by Studies Weekly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsdzjdT_Lk.–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].3. Turkey Day | clown skit for 2 clowns, regarding Thanksgiving | clown –http://www.clownministry.com/index_1.php/articles/turkey_day_thanksgiving_clown_skit/.–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].4. The Wiggles –Turkey inthe Straw –http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=epbCurj5XXo.–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].5. The Turkey Song (A funny Thanksgiving Song) by Bryant Oden –http://www.songdrops.com/funnykidssongsforchildren/theturkeysongafunnythanksgivingsongbybryantoden.html.–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].6. Thanksgiving Skit –Terri and the Turkey –Thanksgiving Day Play –http://plays.about.com/od/oneactplaysandscenes/a/turkey.htm.–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].7. 5 Little Turkeys –YouTube –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= UODvu6As4Ug.–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].8. President Obama Pardons White House Turkeys –http://www. youtube.com/results?search_query=President+Abama+pardons+the+turkey&oq=President+Abama+pardons+the+turkey&gs_l=youtubereduced.–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].9. Heywood Banks –I Am A Turkey Bird (Thanksgiving Day Song) –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0uHtjlm0eI.–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].10. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade –2012

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuvKJwHPh4wю–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].11. We Gather Together –Celtic Women –YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0JVqR8KnF4ю–[Датаобращения06.10.2014].

OlgaV. ChibisovaPhD in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural CommunicationKomsomolskonAmur State Technical University, KomsomolskonAmur, olgachibisova@yandex.ru

Educational Work in University: Conducting Thematic Holidays


In this paper, the problem of the organization of educational workin universityis viewed through the prism of thematic holidays within teaching the discipline "The Speech and WritingPractice." The notification on procedure below isintended for underclassmen, majoring inthe training program of bachelors in Linguistics. It collected a wealth of regional studies material with the reference to the internet resources that are in the public domain.Keywords:educational work, language, culture, themed holiday, Thanksgiving.